TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Maybe like the nekkid woman in the fire up there.

Like these colors - good orange-n-yellows:


Grazing in. More roughage. Seem to have lost a few pounds.

True flames/fire from front to rear with roasting weasels, and perhaps some furrowed brows over the twin headlights. Got lotsa time to contemplate this.

I prefer nekkid women tartare, but nothing wrong with a hot woman, and Allah knows many need the refining fires of hell.
Happy Thursday!!!

Slept fer shit for no good reason that I can find. Well, more like, woke up at 0330 for no discernable reason aside from still breathing, and couldn't go back to sleep. Oh well. Dishes are done, a load of laundry is in the wash, and the coffee is made. And the cat is in my lap.

I think the paints last very well. It's the clear coat, of course, which protects everything, or so I understand. I'll ask the guy more in-depth questions when it comes closer to time I'm sure he knows all about it. Something about 25 years experience makes a body . . . opinionated. Like when ManOOO000ooo digs out his DeeSeeEll alt . . . .

The coffee is a hit.



More and more, I like-n-respect Indian Larry's way-n-taste in custom bikes. Basic frame shape and geometry, including front end, and exposed workings. As he said, it's a machine, and it should display its "inner gizmo-ness."

Mebbe that's the difference betwist nekkid h000rz and h000rz in ball gowns.

I like front fenders (minimal) on that type of bike just for an extra splash o' color, but that's about it.



If you want the bottom one, great, and you're still a biker/bike guy. Well, maybe more a bike guy. As for me, gimme the top one all day long. For bar hopping, because neither one is a road master . . . .

Happy Thursday every one.

That's the rumor I hear going 'round 'bout clear coat too. I just know that if I paid for a job like some of those and it looked like trash in a couple years, well, I'd be really, really, unhappy.
Which can be the nice thing about social media. This Guy has several testicle-moanials from folks with his work which they have owned for years and still looks good.

Also, he ain't the cheapest game in town. In fact, in talking to/with him, he sounds a lot like a perfectionist. Wat likes perfectionists if not perfectionism itself. They seem to be good to hire.

And then there are ways to make perfectly good motorcycles so that you can't do much more than show them as exercises in masturbatory delusion. Oh, and ways to eliminate surplus money, whatever that is . . . . :rolleyes:


Taste is subjective though, and what one person considers to be a masterpiece another might consider to be an artistic disaster, so before we get any further with our list of…unusual…looking custom baggers, we just want to say that none of the entries on the list is poorly made, and all of them are well-engineered to the highest levels – our only problem with them is the aesthetic. Even then, you still have to applaud the designers for taking the risks in the first place, and then putting out there. Some outrageous ideas work…but the vast majority of them are just too crazy to comprehend, and we’ve had a look around online for some of the worst offenders.

Note that half of these shops are located in states with Carolina in the name, which (for no discernable reason) surprised Hell outta me.


The Carolina's huh? I wouldn't have guessed that either.

I got to hit the big box store this AM. I need one little tool, a bunch of wire rope clips, and the stuff to rig up a Mexican Moth Trap. We've got an infestation of moths this year. They're almost as evil as weasels.
Making good progress. Getting up early like this makes it possible.

It also makes wanting a mid-morning nap possible, too.

Vacation makes it doable.

And it's housecat approved!!!


It works for cats. At least for this one.

Nice visit with Mom.

Kept it brief.

That may have added niceness to it . . . .

Afternoon tea time.

Cats do have the siesta thing down pat. I once read somewhere that they sleep 20 hrs a day.

I got all my gunsmithing done so it's off to the range at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Give everything a test drive so to speak.
I put a moth trap in the drawer with the sweaters.

Just in case.

I can't think to too much else. I got the phone charger, which I was trying to forget.

Off to read for a bit and to work on that night's sleep, too.

Happy Friday!!!

We have the drippy-drops of rain out there, but it's blowing through, and I don't hit the road for another couple of hours yet. The rest of the day looks plenty splendid enough. Sure would be nice if the restaurant in Mountain Dawn-ville were open for a sit-down lunch. Seems a bit much to ask under the circumstances.

Heard from a guy last night I haven't talked to in nearly 10 years. We had a nice catch-up. Always liked him. We should ride somewhere sometime - and no, not like that - we really should.

A bit of josh to go with the morning coffee . . . .



Hey, good morning.
Was down with something for a couple of days
but I'm back at it, but with not much to say
since I've been doing a lot od sleeping and
making doctor appointments.
Good to see you!!! Bestest wishes for getting over Whateveritis.

Putting this machine in the bag to go on the other machine.

A few more raindrops, but it's headed east, and I'm headed west, at least for starters.

You kids have fun. I'ma run with scissors . . . .



At least the artist had the good graces to keep it within the same perspective as her boob size.

I am inundated with baby rabbits.
I was a good year for male rabbits...