TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I'm going to nickname Big Stupid, Ol' Joe...

There was a baby rabbit eating in the new grass
and when I let here in, it was still in the same damned spot.
I just let Little Joe out and the danged thing didn't budge an inch...
It seems that both of them are smart enough to know that there's no way they're going to catch a rabbit.

Get them an Acme catalog. :D
Afternoon tea time again.

I'm done for the day. Going to take it easy tonight in that I'm going to hit the range at first light tomorrow before the nimrods show up and the Sun gets to high.

Rabbit still in the same place SC? ;)
Lamb shoulder chops were cheaper than beef chuck steaks.

I cooked about two pounds of thin-sliced chuck steak that I had in the freezer yesterday.

I made steak and eggs for a nice low-carb breakfast. Today I added an English Muffin to my low carb breakfast, because carbs are delicious.
Remote "home." Picked a nicer place than Scrotel13. Maybe it's more like Choad12.

Anyway, it was much wetter than Wat had expected. It took 150 miles to get out of the first bit and then the sun came out. That went well until the border, where the bottom dropped out 20 miles before and visibility turned to shit. That called for a dry-'em-up pitstop. Not many bikes were on the road today, damn few for a holiday weekend Friday. And there was one, a crotch rocket, which, when the guy started it and I was looking the other way, sounded like a fucking overgrown weedeater. So Wat started his - murder hornet from Hell.

Had dinner with a lovely family here. These are some of the bestest kids ever. It was a privilege to take then out and feed them. In a real sit-down-to-dine environment. First time in weeks, and nary a flu virus to be seen.

Been a long day, so it'll be a short night . . . .



Sounds as if the driving in the rain was worth it Wat.

I picked up a new red dot sight for one of my rifles and was casually looking at the box it came in and by God there was one of those CA warnings that using the product might cause cancer or reproductive problems. I don't think any human can live long enough for one of these devices to cause those problems.

Then I got to thinking, "Why is the warning only in English?" Are Spanish speakers immune to this particular problem, or does the State of CA want them to die?
Happy Saturday!!! Yeah, it's always worth it when it works out like this.

Up a bit early to get awake. showered and loaded. I hope that we can wash the bike when I get down to W's. It's a nasty h000r. May have a touch of laundry to do, too.

Got fog this morning. Hmmm, Smoky. Looks like I'll be riding into possible t-storms this afternoon. Wih a smidgen of luck, they won't amount to much.

This swill ain't too bad for scrotel coffee, and it was ready when I was.



Good coffee here too. Just need to make sure I don't over caffeinate myself. :)

You're back in the fog belt huh? Take extra care driving, there's some crazy people out there.
Thanks. I thought of what you said last year.

It's always a good time to watch for idiots. And I reckon there might be a herd of two of bikers out today, too, since it's a holiday weekend and all of that.

It's fun watching people make excuses for Joe "Dumbass Racist" Biden. If he ain't a racist, why did he make the comment? All he had to do was what he cunt do - keep his flapping trap closed. Four years of Trump have taught him nothing, but then, it's diff'runt when you're "right" and he's "wrong" . . . .

Which reminds me, I saw no ANV battle flags unfurled yesterday at any of the Usual Sites. Of course, it was raining too fucking hard at one to see a fucking thig, so there's that.



Afternoon tea time again.

I'm done for the day. Going to take it easy tonight in that I'm going to hit the range at first light tomorrow before the nimrods show up and the Sun gets to high.

Rabbit still in the same place SC? ;)

The rabbit has found a favored eating spot now. It's almost always out there
and seems to ignore any and all human activity.
Maybe it will get smarter.
I wonder...
Heavy fog is about the only thing that turns me into a white knuckle driver. Oh, and ice storms.

Natures way SC. Gathering the most amount of calories for the least expenditure of energy. Kinda explains obesity huh?
Maybe it's in English because that's who will sue them as a form of the lottery.

He's a racialist and all he did was committing the faux pas of articulating
the thoughts of his party and the soft bigotry of racialism.
They truly feel that they are the champions for women
and minorities of color and their greatest rage is
never directed at those 'straw people' who
oppress them, but rather those who go
off plantation/reservation/their place.

He's never really been able to control that impulse,
but as he said in the same interview the less he says
and the more Trump says, the better off he is, in his basement...
His supporters will go back 40 years to find something Trump said/did (and Romney,
of all people should remember this) but as far as they are concerned, what Ol' Uncle Joe
said had a lifetime and expiration date of the the ten hours it took to get an explanation out...
It does appear that some of the minorities are finally figuring out whose been keeping them on the plantation.
You mean, good for thee but not for me, the platitude we hear so frequently coming the other way? Yeah, maybe so . . . .

Just about packed. They have done away with free hotel brekkies, not that they were very good in the first place, but they'd tide a body over until midday, more or less.

Zelda will be requiring brekkies of high-test before she'll haul my ass very far. Maybe we can come up with some Talking Points about that. :rolleyes:

Time to load this machine to go onto the other machine . . . .

It is interesting that those who most reject the Democrat messaging
are the emerging black middle class and migrants from some
of the garden spots of anti-freedom in the world.

Not offering breakfast?
I think that you are really slumming when it comes to accommodations.
I keep telling folks, "If you want to see what 140 years of the government taking care of you leads to, go visit your nearest Indian Reservation.
The white people opened up one here too.
Not doing well, not the boost to the economy promised,
and go figure, up in the Capitol, they discovered that education
funding is fungible, so every education dollar the casino brings in
frees an education dollar in the budget that can be spent elsewhere.

Some gambling windfall. The House always finds a way to "Capitalize..."