TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

We have 28 spread around the state. 5 are "Racino's" (combination race track/casino) of which 4 are white owned and operated. The rest are all Indian. The "Racino's" do fairly well, of the casino's only one is hugely profitable. 3 more are moderately profitable and the rest are hanging on by their finger nails.
They might do better here if the smoke didn't choke you to death
and they had decent food...

It's in a decent enough location,
for being mandated to be a riverboat on the river.
They poured a huge slab of floating concrete to technically
meet the definition of the term "boat/barge." It looks landlocked to me.
I've only been to one of them and that was for lunch. The burger was decent.

Years ago I used to go to Sunland Park (now a "Racino") just north of El Paso to bet on the ponies. I learned quickly that I wasn't good at picking the ponies.
There was a thread this morning about a guy who liked to pick the ponies...

:eek: :eek: :eek:

The other thing I'm seeing this morning is something I posted about yesterday,
people wrapping themselves up in the mantle of "Science" in order
to give free reign to their prejudices and bigotry...
The Religious are anti-Science, so to hell
with them and their rights; we are
hoping they congregate and die.

Praying for it even...
I can remember the last time I even contemplated a haircut.

It was about 22 years ago due to head lice...

I turned my head into a salad and
that did the trick...
There was a thread this morning about a guy who liked to pick the ponies...
:eek: :eek: :eek:

The other thing I'm seeing this morning is something I posted about yesterday,
people wrapping themselves up in the mantle of "Science" in order
to give free reign to their prejudices and bigotry...
The Religious are anti-Science, so to hell
with them and their rights; we are
hoping they congregate and die.

Praying for it even...

The trotter dates are set for this season, they are already out doing
their track practice.

As for science vs religion, people can and do twist anything. We should
toss all the zealots into a brick room for a week with one knife, their
beliefs would have nothing to do with who comes out when that door is

All loaded up and ready to roll.
Damn but I need a haircut.

I had mine done last week, the business is closed but my hairdresser is
accepting 'gifts' and giving haircuts for free. The crappy part is because
of the demand covid has caused the 'gift' is 40 dollars more than my normal fee

In my youth, when children were the illegal immigrant workforce,
I used to charge ridiculously low prices for services like lawn-cutting,
leaf raking and snow shoveling and it never failed that the adults would
reward me in amounts far in excess of what they would have paid me if asked for.

Guilt and sympathy have their uses. :D
We have 28 spread around the state. 5 are "Racino's" (combination race track/casino) of which 4 are white owned and operated. The rest are all Indian. The "Racino's" do fairly well, of the casino's only one is hugely profitable. 3 more are moderately profitable and the rest are hanging on by their finger nails.

To paraphmorph Margaret Thatcher, eventually, dumb people run out of money.
Here in Teh Deep South. And it's hot, if not quite as humid as it could be, thanks be to Allah.

So, 90 MPH and 90* F requires a bit more humidity to be a convection oven, but it was plenty warm enough.

And Wat missed all the rain.

Still not a lot of bikes out for a holiday weekend. KInda makes a body wonder.




The good thing is is that you made it.

Yet another great day at the range. Ran into some friends that I hadn't seen in a while, had a nice visit---at a distance. :)

Friend of mine who encouraged my first air-rifle purchase 30 years ago (RWS Diana "Made in West Germany" 1050fps, single pump in .177) had, in addition to a .50 belt-fed, a mint-in-the-box MAC-10 with silencer had an unsilenced bb gun that shot full auto, powered by a phro-mare inducing can of R-12. He has a lot of fun toys.

Can't find one, but these guys were discussing one https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/anyone-remember-what-that-full-auto-freon-powered-bb-gun-was-called.218051/
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Good morning folks.

It's looking to be a pleasant day so I need to figure out something fun to do after doing the shopping I put off from yesterday because I went out to the range.

Maybe I'll just loaf about.
Thanks Conager.

Well, SARS-CoV-2 is continuing to make crazy.
Too many people here went insane over churches opening using Box Store precautions
and I didn't hear a peep from the coastals about beaches opening, so this morning,
what do I see on the good morning news, empty sand, packed boardwalks and
few masks being employed. Talk about hypocrisy and pure Biden-like bigotry.

Similarly, I took little stupid to the vet for her pain and loss of most of her
ambulatory ability. You cannot go in, you have to park outside and
they come get your pet and then the vet talks to you by phone.
It's kind of nuts and probably unnecessary since this are
is still the antithesis of a SARS-CoV-2 hotspot.

But I suppose, if you are a fan of panic and government safety blankets,
then you can stand up and loudly take credit for the advocation(s) of
keeping me safe because I live in TRUMP country where we are
stupid and white (real blacks don't vote Republican, ya know,
so we clearly don't have many, if any) and need to be
warded by the state...

Little stupid got steroid shots and pills for her pain.
She still has great difficulty just walking and
smooth surfaces are just impossible, it's
hard for her to even get into her dog
bed, but she is expected to improve;
this is a problem endemic with older
dachshunds and she is very old now.
At least she's comfortable.

I hate to say it, but it is funny to watch her try to walk off-carpet,
it's like watching someone ice-skate for the first time...
Happy Sunday. May the blessings of the one true god Allah rain down upon you and may he shine his face upon you and yours . . . on this day that those infidels observe . . . . :rolleyes: And may he help the poor little old dog so she doesn't suffer.

The coffee supply in this scrotel ain't what it was in the one I stayed in yesterday, that's for sure. I may have to figure out a travel arrangement for my Beverly Hillbillies-style rig. Something will become apparent. There's no room for Granny, I know that.

I have to ask a woman her weight this morning. It's for a good reason - adjusting the rear shocks to accommodate the change in load. Maybe I'll just Google the chart and make an Educated Guess.

That may keep my jaw from getting broken . . . .


Oh yeah, serious dude...


Even if you overestimate. It prevents life-changing experiences.
If anything, tell her you're conscious about your weight gain,
and you are adjusting to keep her comfortable!


I have experience that you can lean on.
Actually, the ranges are kinda broad.

Yeah, broad . . . . :rolleyes:

So I found a couple of numbers which should accommodate the "cargo" load I anticipate. That'll avoid the constant bottoming out, which is annoying.

Worst thing that happens, it rides a little stiff, and that seems much better than the other.

