TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

A good man always wants her ride to be stiff...

I only say that because you set the bar low with the "broad" comment.

That bar was more like a line lying in the bottom of a ditch somewhere. Low indeed.

I feel better about the shocks now.

Off to clean-n-dry off the bike.

Perhaps I shall return to a note say: Mister Tyler, you need to refrain from using scrotel linens to clean your Harley fucking Davidson . . . ."



Good Morning!
We've had a lovely weekend, sunny and warm.
We were behind a bit with cuttin the grass because of the rain, but that's all caught up now.

The neighbor's cat, the one that's taken up residence in the barn, snuck into the house last night. The big dog took the want to be in the house out of him. There was no violence, just a loud ruff and a foot stomp, and the house didn't look so good to the cat. Smart cat. The big dog is about as even tempered as you will ever see, so when he "speaks" it means something.
The cat is just trying to become dog-familiar...

Dogs aren't too bright, eventually it will come to the conclusion
that the cat belongs there, just as it's come to that very same conclusion.
I haven't taken my allergy meds in a couple of days.(they make me sleepy and I didn't want to be sleepy) After pitchin in to cut the grass, and being outside a good bit, I have some allergy symptoms, or I have the makins of The Rona, time will tell. I hope it ain't The Rona, that would put a big crimp in my day.

p.s. don't discount the Big Dog
I would be inclined to think the outdoor cat shouldn't need reminding.
Big Dog completely ignores the cats, in general.
I think that's one of the problems with the chickens.
They are trained to the dogs being trained not to touch them.
Coyotes look like dogs, so they don't panic until it's too late.
Speaking of chickens, a friend of my daughter has some over achieving hens of late, so I have 3 dozen fresh eggs in my fridge.

She lives practically in the woods,so I have no idea how she defends against the typical chicken coop raiders. Although, she's good with a shotgun, so that may be a factor.
It seems the only way to get it is to have too many chickens and a rooster...

The only way I can avoid replacing them is a super-secure coop.
I still want chickens. The original plan was delayed, but is still in my head. I don't know why as I struggle to keep the woodland critters out of my garden, so keeping them out of a chicken coop will probably also be a struggle. I believe my inner Ellie May will prevail.
I use a six-foot tall 10X10 repurposed dog pen with sturdy rubber coated wire mesh
extending a few feet out from the base with thick galvanized chicken wire
running across the top of the thing.
Fort Pullet-hen.
As with your neck of the woods, all forms of critters dwell here. I suppose it could be argued that if I'm inadvertently feeding the herbivores, I should offer the same courtesy to the carnivores

P.S. I want a Chicken Fort, too!
I'd like to get a few hens as well. I'd have to build a fort too though. I'm pretty much coyote proof but the skunks and raccoons can get damn near anywhere.
I shoot them.

I really need to shoot the rabbits this year,
but I was hoping to trap some to go with taters... ;)
The raccoons are why I had to roof the pen.
They got the domestic rabbits in the same pen with no roof...
Speaking of chickens, a friend of my daughter has some over achieving hens of late, so I have 3 dozen fresh eggs in my fridge.

She lives practically in the woods,so I have no idea how she defends against the typical chicken coop raiders. Although, she's good with a shotgun, so that may be a factor.

Get a coonhound, they exude a smell in their skin and urine that will keep raccoons away and they are good at chasing rabbits. Sadly they like to follow their noses so they do wander and they aren't the smartest of breeds so they will repeatedly view skunks as playtoys.