TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Scent hounds can be bat shit crazy. A neighbor had an English Fox Hound, once Mr. G. got on a trail he might not drag his sorry ass back home for several days.
I've had a dachshund stay under the front porch for three days
frantically digging for something.

I suspect there is a big crater under there now.

;) ;)
You did something to piss her off and she decided to undermine the foundation of the house. They're sneaky that way. :)
Afternoon unwind time. I actually got quite a bit done in spite of the fact that I had no intention of doing much of anything.

I was getting annoyed at one of my new toys that wasn't functioning as I expected. I was thinking, "Oh shit, another factory warranty repair that's going to take 2 months to resolve." Then I picked up the instructions and there was the answer. Go figure. :rolleyes:
Reading the instructions is always the last resort.


I usually turn the them to try to figure out why I had an extra part or two left after assembly.
Yeah, that's how it goes.

If it's something I'm unfamiliar with I'm pretty good at reading the instructions. But if it's something I "think" I know already I forge ahead. And every once in a while I get bit in the ass for doing so.
I get bogged down in noticing how poorly the instructions are written and/or translated to follow them. Even the diagrams are abysmal. Give me an exploded drawing, and I can put anything together. You can tell that the drawings are conceived by people with no engineering background or spatial reasoning ability.

Then you got to wade through all the anti-Darwin warnings on several languages to find the thing you actually want to be "instructed" about.

I'm sure it someday soon instruction manual is we'll have Illustrated instructions on how to appropriately wash your hands for 20 seconds and seperate yourself by six feet from other persons before you begin.

"Be sure and regularly disinfect your Jarts and always maintain at least 6' of social distancing while launching or retrieving the thrown Jarts."
I worked on a project for Mitsubishi some time ago and they wanted an instruction manual written in English. So I got this tech writer to tackle the job. About halfway through it was obvious that it was written by a techie trying to think like John and Mary Luchbucket. I terminated that individual and went about finding a John or Mary to write the damn thing. I found a John, showed him how it worked and turned him loose. Damn manual came out great.
Unremarked by the actual odometer my personal odometer on this car just rolled 200,000 miles.

I just traveled over 25 miles on half a gallon of gas.

When I bought it I assumed that it would need a new head fairly soon and I'm still running the original motor and it still burning a pretty acceptable amount of oil maybe a quary every couple thousand miles.

Should be able to get at least another hundred thousand miles out of the batteries
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Good morning moon!

Finally got muggy enough to close up and turn on the AC yesterday evening.
The temperature isn't that intimidating but just being able to step
outside and almost be able to take a drink out of the air,
well, let me tell you, that is intimidating!

Too funny. I just took a picture yesterday evening in that vein. Georgia plates, camouflage wrap on a modern Challenger with probably 24 in rims and modified suspension and wheel wells to get that thing up off the ground a bit.

He was running bologna skins on the rims. I would have rather see that with steel wheels with some siz-ply truck tires on it.



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Those tires crack me up when I see them on a mini-van
with the obligatory spinning hubs and a carseat...

Good morning folks.

Looks like we might get some rain in the late afternoon or evening. Fine by me.

I have a little project going that I'll need to get under roof later should the weather liar have fucked up and told the truth. :)

I also see that I need to get busy reloading again.
We got our usual end-of-day showers last night.

They build up in the heat of the day and
then let loose as the sun goes down.

This is why the grass gets cut every three days...
We got our usual end-of-day showers last night.

They build up in the heat of the day and
then let loose as the sun goes down.

This is why the grass gets cut every three days...

I've got a valuation theory that at some point precipitation will be something that you will have to quantify when appraising property.

As freshwater become scarce, and the price of energy to pump irrigation water becomes more expensive, rainfall will be a premium.

. . .and I live in the desert. California now that they're not irrigating to increase humidity and lower temperature is going to go back to its natural state which is desert
Fresh water is seasonally available here.

I guess I could build tanks and try to store it,
but then what the hell would my well do?

Happy Memorial Day!!! That means, you, too, Jesse Hutchins.

Didn't check back in last night because we got in late. We went to see my hostess's first-born son. He's a trip. Smart kid. I dozed off on the couch and they played catch-up. We farted around entirely too long, so the last hour was ridden in the dark - not Wat's favorite. And whereas we missed lost of rain as evidenced by lots of damp pavement, we did run into s thundershower in the last 40 miles This shit ain't for pussies, and we know who hates a pussy.

Today's jaunt through MS: Vicksburg. It's perfect. I haven't been, there's a river, a battle site, there has to be a graveyard, and things to consider, and to be grateful for, and a big-ass river. I'll even have my very own Fawkin Injun with me. No, not that one, this one. We had looked into the Natchez Trace, but part is closed and it has a max cruising speed of Ancient Geezer.

The cat is doing fine at his boarding facility. He may not want to come home.


Those, too. I don't know what will be open, but my hostess is a remarkable finder of places to avoid starvation and a very competent navigator.

We missed a turn yesterday. Okay, I missed it. We sorted it out amazingly quickly.

That reminds me of a time being lost in Oakland and having Mom in the car with her map. We'd still be there if I hadn't stopped and sorted that shit.

Some people's kids . . . .


Just had the mother of all lockups on my computer.

Took me 20 minutes, or more, to finally get my NordVPN
to shut down gracefully and let me get back to computing...