TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Home/scrotel13. Got food to graze in but can't be arsed. We didn't eat until 3 and then ate everything they had. Okay, not quite. Brought home leftovers, but I'm not interested/hungry.

The cat's landlady keeps me posted on his endeavors and sends me pictures of his bossing around her three critters. Who live there already. The dog acts like he's gonna attack and gets bouncy. The cat doesn't flinch.

Glad to be back in tonight early. Last night was too damned late and the day took it out of me.

Tomorrow? Nawlins . . . .

Right into the belly of the beast huh? Damn!

My Hispanic racist dinner is just 13 min. away from being served. I'm really looking forward to this one.
Busted flat in Baton Rouge...

Good morning.
I tried to sleep in a bit but
the dachshunds were having none of it.
Therefore, I am up with one of those too-much-sleep hangovers.

I haven't seen the local weather yet, but here's my forecast:
scattered afternoon pop-up showers

It's been a day and a half since the lawn was mowed so
tomorrow morning as soon as the grass dries to damp...
Good morning folks.

Sunny and clear, creeping towards 90 with light afternoon breezes.

More reloading to do so I can do some more shooting so I can do more reloading, ad infinitum. It's a vicious cycle.
Happy Tuesday!!!

Checked the weather. Yesterday's Threatened Activity for Today was made without benefit of a weather forecast consult, and it looks like lotsa t-storms over the area. Not wanting to be accused of Further Oppression of Indigenous People (by making her ride on her peapad in Weather), perhaps something much closer to home is in order.

We shall discuss it over the morning repaste.

Maybe she'll make me cut her grass . . . .



I think it's a function of the sub-tropics also. It rained every afternoon at 4PM when I was last in the tropics, and Junior says that his abode is a similar pattern.

I made a comment that one could ride every day living in Florida. He said, no, it rains every day.

Yeah, it does, for 20 minutes. Don't ride then. Seriously!!!

I like it better here, because there is rolling terrain.

Strange times.
I was at the Wendy's™ drive through.

This was the result:

Because of the coronavirus,
some meat-packing plants have closed,
because they have closed there is a shortage of beef,
therefore I could not order three of the little double-burgers,
but I could order two of the double-burgers or three of the little double meals...

People! It's all going to be about the same amount of meat ordered!
And why the hell are you even open? That kitchen doesn't allow any distancing!

But, hey, everyone is busy Sciencing the shit out of this life-or-death problem...

Don't they make those bikes that kind of look like a two-wheeled car?


You could probably get A/C with a thing like that...
The Wendy's at the jobsite (the one I am social distancing from - oh right, vacationing) had initiated a meat rationing also.

Let them eat pizza.

Now, if we could just quit acting like bunch of terrified pussies . . .

because Jesus, Allah, and an entire heavenly host of dieties hate a pussy . . . .


You mean, The Count???

Back from down the road. They say that the Maffew what's-his-name movie is full of shit, so we argued about how movies are even true truthier than the intrawebs, FFS. We got a good laugh outta that.

We stopped at a bikers-fer-Jeebus shop and dealership and everything else that appeals to rednecks. Except beer. Just Jeebus, no beer.

I bought a t-shirt and now I have a tract to read, too. So I can "successfully" "argue" with Lit Jeenyusses . . . .

Afternoon unwind time.

Got some more reloading done. Oh, and put some tools away.............again. Yet another vicious cycle.
Waiting out a severe t-storm warning.

The red spots on the radar look quite angry.

Don't hear nothing, and don't see nothing.

But, you know as sure as my ass goes out from under this-here roof and starts that bike and heads down the road . . . .


The best thing about this pandemic is I don't get pulled over for anything.

I've got yet another ballast failure. Headlight winks out several times a night. Cops ignore it. Speeding? (Within reason) Cops ignore it. Questionable u-turns? They ignore it.
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If it doesn't rain, it's working on the deck day.
I want to get it cleaned and sealed before opening up the pool.
We keep getting the afternoon pop-ups though, do it doesn't want to dry out.
