TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

We might start getting some "pop-ups" come this Friday but I'm not going to bet on it. Maybe if I leave something out that will get damaged by rain?????? Nah.
Happy vacation Wednesday!!!

We got teh rainz last night. And it looks like t-storms off-n-on this afternoon. No mater, as today is a resting day, and Zelda gets to go to the shop for an oil change if they can work it in simply. Too much complication and we'll just wait and do that at home.

Still dancing around the virus thing. Went to one restaurant, and you have to have your mask. Wat didn't. So we went Mexican. They didn't care.

The scrotel coffee is worse than normal today.

This salsa was decent. It might have killed some stuff.

That stuff on the Yucatan will eat holes in sheet aluminum.

Something is up back to the hometown. I reckon I'll find out when I get there.

Some people's kids . . . .

Hey, you know how I am with vehicles.
I don't care if they look good as long as they are reliable.
I don't wash them; rust has nothing to do with hauling stuff...
And they all grow up to be women, and therein can lie the dilemma.

Not for them, but for the 49% who grow up to resemble men.

Many of those are boys in men's bodies.

Women and motorcycles both cause trouble, but motorcycles can be repaired . . . .



It's Wild Bill's birthday!!!

So I looked at his wiki, and did you know he was a redlegs???

I sure as Hell didn't.

He shore do gots a big nose . . . .


I think you could just put her on a beach in a bikini and no sunscreen for a day and she'd be redlegs enough.

She should, but Misfortune occurs.

Maybe the caning is more the ticket for this one.

Then there could be a blues song writ in tribute, or something.

I gots dem beatin' big bewbs blues
(which makes me drink lotsa booze . . . .)

Home from breakfast wit' dah Hostess, and then taking the bike to the H-D shop for an (overpriced) oil change. At least that's done,

This was the last crankcase of dinosaurs. The next load will be polymers and whatnot.

Scored a t-shirt. It always make sense when you realize that you'll have to do a bit of laundry on the road . . . that A New T-shirt solves the dilemma.

The dirty clothes can ride home and climb into our own washer-n-dryer.
