TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!



Another fine day at the range.

An acquaintance manage to bugger up one of his pistols so I did a little gunsmithing work for him. He's happy it's fixed and I'm happy it wasn't a nightmare job.

Our governor got caught red handed violating her own decrees handed down from on high. Instead of just admitting it and apologizing she's so far come up with three different lame ass rationalizations. Credibility has tanked to zero. Pretty much guarantees she's going to be a one termer.
In early. Grazed out with Teh Hostess and her number two grandchild. Adorable little girl. Eighteen, of course. This is Lit.

Gonna pass a quiet evening, and then get up and pack early and hit the road. Gonna lose an hour on the fucking timechange.

At least the bike clock will be back to "normal." Swear to Allah I told it to keep track of that shit.

But the new phone holder on the handlebar will make all that shit . . . meaningless.



My suspect that I've never had properly made hush puppies because I've never had one I could choke down.

I always felt that way about tamales until I finally had a good one. I don't know what it is about tamales- they don't look that hard and I don't know why so many people make them so badly. Properly made, New Mexico green corn tamales are a delight.
Happy Thursday!!!

Blowing town this morning. Gotta pack. Slept okay.

Could be rainy along the way. We'll see.

Because the pantheon hates a pussy . . . .



Packing is all but done.

Loading is next. Thanks be to Allah for A System.

There was one armadillo sighting. He was napping in the authorized use only cut-through on a divided state road. THree vultures had descended, and one was doing a Happy/Victory Dance, like he'd scored a kill.

He should teach that dance to Dumpster Divers . . . .

Home/Scrotel13. I've stayed in this one before when working up this way. It'll do, which is why I'm here.

The ride was pleasant. There was rain around, but not on my head.

Quiet evening in - grazing is optional. We'll see.

Just one dead 'dillo sighting, no vultures. :(



Happy Friday!!!

Slept pretty well. It rained last night, so there's a damp motorcycle outside which will need to be dried off before hitting the trail.

I have to figure out some form of coffee making travel kit, because scrotel coffee . . . isn't.

Good morning!!!

I think I'm finally going to go burn that gift card I've been sitting on since Dec.
Last night I thought a covered parking structure was the typical cantilevered style. It wasn't. Had I cut the wheel sooner, the tire would have hit the post that I couldn't see in the massive front pillar of the Prius. Nosed into it just ahead of the tire into the right, front quarter panel. Finished out the night with duct tape holding the front bumper fascia on.

Bought a couple of footballs, a dinging spoon and a body hammer. Already have a body hammer or two but I had to buy another one in a kit to get the spoon and some door panel dollies.

Popped one of the footballs, popped out the dent.


Got decent fitment with an hour of tappa-tappa-tappa-cuss. Got the fascia to clip in. Replaced the destroyed retainer, where the sheet metal screw goes, with a zip tie.

Good as new in a form follows function, and ugly is only skin deep sorta-way. I'll replace the panel, but this got me the high-speed run-worthy to go get the offspring today.

I've been looking for the spoon anyway because on a generation II Prius there's a little ridge on the nose where the Toyota symbol goes. My badge disappeared in the car wash and I'm not real big on symbols anyway I like the leaded in, debadged look. My mom once had the rear TriStar taken off her 123 body TD Wagon and the holes filled by a guy that uses real lead, then repainted it.

While I had to spoon out I went to work massaging the nose and without even beating up the paint got rid of the ridge, so it doesn't seen as obvious that there's a badge missing. I was willing to destroy the paint because I had already touched up missing paint there anyway just from the poor job the top coat is. When I first contemplated doing this I assumed I would have to cut it, weld it and do some bondo but a spoon alone did the job and I was amazed it didn't miss up the paint. It helps that the guy that chintzed out on the paint job didn't use catalyst so the paint is relatively soft for a year's old paint job.
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First rule of bears:
Don't pick a fight with one.

It doesn't make any sense that Hong Kong is more peaceful than our cities...
They know real oppression.

Well, so much for the news.

Wet yesterday, wet today, fingers crossed, dry tomorrow.
I could use some airing out.
Not that I stink...

;) ;)
That sounds like gamblers logic. Heads, heads, heads...surely I am "due" for tails.
Bike is sorta dry. That means that the bike is mostly dry buth that the seat has a bit of water in the cushion where it gets in around the stitching.

So a bit of a ride with a dmap ass will be in Wat's near future.

The "pandemic" has been fortunate for the metheads. Now they have an excuse to cover their rotting teeth. It's good for us, too, as it filters their breath. A bit. :rolleyes:

Off to load and then to Wiggle's and then the Open Road.

Errand day today, I've put it off as long as I could but I need
some groceries and a stop at the pharmacy.
Deck staining is the major project of the day.
It got started yesterday; waiting to see if the color grows on the eye.

It's kind of orangy, trying to decide if I can pass it off as a brash redwood...