TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I understand the reference,
but have never watched the movie.
However, that is close to the color. :)
My sons loved the movie, we wore out 2 VCR tapes and 'lost' a third
but their loving godfather kept getting them new copies and we still
have the DVD which my current little one loves singing with.
I still have a portable TV that is set up to play tapes.
I should probably try to sell it online.
I have a few old tapes, but also
the same material on DVD.

I'm not sure how much, if any of it, still works.
I still have a portable TV that is set up to play tapes.
I should probably try to sell it online.
I have a few old tapes, but also
the same material on DVD.

I'm not sure how much, if any of it, still works.

Donate it to the Smithsonian and take a tax write off. :D
Time to get ready to head out
Wish me luck
We have protestors
-protesting things opening too fast
-protesting opening to slow
-protesting masks
-protesting not wearing masks
-protesting store limits
-protesting no one handing out cake
basically there's lotsa stupid out there right now

Happy Saturday!!!

Got home yesterday around 4. A nap was in order. Then there was rescuing the cat from his babysitters, and that came with an invite and passing out on the couch after supper.

I thought about the bike cover and decided to leave it at home. It (slightly) lessened the Beverly Hillbillies look. It was a loaded bike, and all the stuff otherwise stayed nice-n-dry. I have come up with a seat cover arrangement which seems to work nicely. I'll consider the whole bike cover for the next trip.

And my Stimulus Check arrived - finally. It's deposited and I spend a chunk of it on a new rifle, like any sentient 'Murrikan would . . . .



Sheep work just as well and they don't climb on everything in sight.

In the back of my mind there seems to reside a thought about sheep shearing the grass to the roots and killing it, but the goats only eat the tops...


... or maybe vice-versa.

I guess it depends on what you prefer, goat milk or mutton.
Lord knows I'm not going to try and make a sweater from scratch.
In the back of my mind there seems to reside a thought about sheep shearing the grass to the roots and killing it, but the goats only eat the tops...


... or maybe vice-versa.

I guess it depends on what you prefer, goat milk or mutton.
Lord knows I'm not going to try and make a sweater from scratch.

Vicious rumor started by a cattleman. :)
Could be.

I was just talking about us vs. them in another thread.

Got the deck all stained, now it's just resetting the chiminea and furniture.

It looks really good, brand new. I wish I felt like that, but today, I feel a bit old and worn...
No, I traced woodgrains in search of a state of being godspoken...

(Orson Scott Card reference)

I also filled in a lot of knotholes.
Chickens will destroy anything green and give you eggs while doing it.
And they bbq well when you're done with them.
I like the chickens, however, so do they coyotes and foxes,
so I don't let them out much for greens.
I did yesterday though.
Gorgeous weather!
A former BIL had a system with his chickens. He'd let them out of the pen about an hour before roosting time. He'd be outside piddlin' around to keep an eye out for predators. The chickens would run around like crazy. The first thing they did was clean up the bugs, then they hit the greenery. Then with their crops full they'd drag their asses back to the pen to roost for the night.
Who do you thinks wakes them up?
Why do you think ol' Ben Franklin was always in bed early?
I hear it was because he was quite the ladies' man...
