TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

It is good.

This weather is so unlike what we're used to,
cool to warm and very little humidity.
I could get to like this!

Morning BT.

Had a nice drenching T'Storm last night. All of the plants seem to be quite happy. The cats don't like their paws getting wet though.
No rain here, and none called for for about 4 days. I may actually get the garden planted.
In a perfect world, every day would be like yesterday and today
with any needed rain coming at night, but I know from experience that
this little glimpse into heaven will be fleeting and elusive in the months ahead.
Tuesday and Wednesday nights are the only nights that we don't have scattered T'Storms forecast for. Very unusual for this time of year.
Injun' giver!

There's a phrase you won't hear anymore.
People think it's a ethnic insult when it's really on the white guy;
a lot like the use of the word kimosabe...

Just passin' thru . . . .

All is well. Had a nice outing last night. Folks seem to be beginning to overcome their fear of this crap.

It's a gorgeous day out there. There be a bit of biking in the near future.

Very near future . . . .



No rain here, and none called for for about 4 days. I may actually get the garden planted.

Our weather forecasters have a difference of opinion, but it's likely there won't be much rain, unless the wind changes.
Looks like we're done with rain until Thursday. It could stand to dry out a bit.

I noticed yesterday that my azaleas have grown obscenely this spring. That's where all their blooming energy went, I s'pose, because that didn't amount to much.

I dug up a hosta and gave it to J. I split it for her so she could have four plants. It was from one I split off several years ago. She has lots of great hosta places.

Got a few small chores which can be worked on this evening . . . and packing for this week . . . .



Makes perfect sense to me.

Ordered some jeans online. It means not having to put up with silly store shit.

Last batch I shopped for, the shelves were a wreck. Looked like tornadoes had blown through.

Now, if they'd just deliver ice cream . . . .

Winding down now. Going for a cold dinner, last nights rain made it a little muggy today.

Starting to harvest radishes from my little garden. Damn but they're good. Got a bite to em the store bought doesn't.

Anyone know what the "protestors" want? I'll be damned if I can figure it out.
And end to the process of arrest and incarceration?

Seriously, a murder charge in four days? Would summary execution at the scene sufficed?

The problem is that individuals do matter and no rational discussion of statistical relevance has any bearing on the emotional side of how this plays with both a person's own experiences, and the angles we are all fed from a media complex that is as much driven by ratings as ideolgy.

Everyone has had their encounters with cops that shouldn't be cops. How that feels depends on who you are and what you have been taught about authority in general and cops in particular.

It's an endless downward spiral. Blacks mistrust cops, cops mistrust blacks and each incident widens that gap. I think and an objective review of any metric you could look at with suggests that things are continually improving but the narrative does not match that.

I caught part if sn interview with Levelle Moton on ESPN this morning and it was one of those paradigm shifting moments changing how you view something you think you have a grasp of, but find that you don't.
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Happy Monday!!!

It's back to the weasel grind today. Notice there has been little to no discussion of weasels while Wat was off. But no more. The paradigm shifts. But there were those two armadillos.

The josh is lit for those who suffer, with special awareness for those who suffer in ignorance. Lotsa folks need to set aside their old ideas for a new experience.

The coffee is damn good today.



Good morning!! The coffee IS good this AM.

Those are outrageous flames!!!!

Looks like the coke girl discovered anti-gravity.
What can I say? The great weather continues and the coffee is hot...

Only one dog stirred this morning, out, in and back to sleep.

Still no riots to report here and I might do some shopping later.
I did a bit of protesting this weekend. There was a dispute over how long I was allowed to look for my ball before being required to drop and take a penalty stroke.
It was a matter of principle, not money!

Also - I caught up on the news this morning and I'm looking forward to some good deals on the eBay.
I have a mower to repair; the part is in the mail.
I am finding that I have less and less reason
to visit traditional brick and mortar...