TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I did the big ham dinner today with pumpkin pie. Everyone over ate and the house is quiet tonight. Work resumes tomorrow and I already have the coffee pots set up for the morning.

Wat, you don't need to look for another cat, it will find you.
Happy Monday!!!

Looks like we get sky leakage off and on for the next three days. At least it's warm. There's a threat of frost here mid-week, so it might be best to keep the tiny plants in the packages and under something until next weekend.

Gotta take it to the back panels in the downstairs units - vacants, starting today. I can hardly wait. It'll be time consuming and annoying and . . . away from people.

Allah sends cats. He sent good coffee this morning . . . .



I see that I have been a good influence on you with my Saige and drums.


Cold and windy, I think the word is blustery.
It about ripped the back door off its hinges
and the dachshunds off the back stoop.
On the upside, they won't want back out
any time in the near future...
Wat has always been a fan of firepower.

The rain is picking up a bit.

The cat is very chatty this morning. He probably knows that he's going to get left for a couple of days. But he has all clean supplies, and he has some new food to munch on, too. He seems to be eating it. Left out the old stuff, too. Choices are good for fuzzbutts.

Off to hit the showers . . . .

The dachshunds eat whatever I decide to give them,
or not. Little stupid could stand to lose weight anyway.
However, it is big stupid that is the finicky and picky eater.
She won't even eat if she thinks someone is watching her eat.
Good morning folks.

It's a stormy Monday with a blocked up kitchen sink. Fun job ahead this AM.
Straight line or garbage disposal?

I have a disposal but the problem is behind the wall past the P-trap. There is a fuck up in the plumbing from when the kitchen was re-done 10 years ago or so. To fix the problem would require tearing all the cabinetry out along one wall and I'm not interested in that. So every third year or so I have to deal with a stoppage.
Amateur plumbers suck.
I have a leak around an upstairs sliding glass door
that I have to deal with every second or third year.
I know when it needs attention because it manifests
in the ceiling right above the downstairs picture window.
Yeah, it was an amateur that did the plumbing during the remodeling. All before I moved in dammit.

The thing is I can't do a damn thing about it until it stops up hard. I use concentrated sodium hydroxide but if the drain is flowing even a bit, the chemical flows right by without doing squat.
I'm better at plumbing than clogs.
What I need to be better at is leaking door frames.

At least he's an equal opportunity offender. :shrug:
That he is. *chuckle*

The fix is relatively easy if not a pain in the ass. I'll deal with it later, the clog will still be there. :)
I need to replant seeds today, I had some nice little plants starting in my totes but one of the visitors misunderstood what I intended to do and used hot water in the soil near them thinking it wouldn't hurt the plants. It's still early here and I have lots of spare seeds so nothing but a bit of time lost.

If you know where the door is leaking could you solve it with a metal shield above it?

I'm at that point in life where I don't do pain in the ass.
I procrastinate until it is really bad and then,
I call the guy...

I need to replant seeds today, I had some nice little plants starting in my totes but one of the visitors misunderstood what I intended to do and used hot water in the soil near them thinking it wouldn't hurt the plants. It's still early here and I have lots of spare seeds so nothing but a bit of time lost.

If you know where the door is leaking could you solve it with a metal shield above it?


It would have to be very large since the leak is at the bottom.
It would really look awkward, not that many people climb
the drive up to the apex of the ridge I live on...

I have gates installed, but I don't need to use them.
People are deterred (even intimidated) by the drive.
I know I was the first time I saw it and back then,
it was nothing but worn gravel ruts.
Well, under the rubric of we had to see this coming:

States are asking the Federal Government for aid because
people are not driving and this cuts into their gas tax revenues.
I guess they expect Trump/Pelosi to share Federal gas tax revenues...
Well, under the rubric of we had to see this coming:

States are asking the Federal Government for aid because
people are not driving and this cuts into their gas tax revenues.
I guess they expect Trump/Pelosi to share Federal gas tax revenues...

This doesn't fall under unintended consequences, it falls under consequences that should have been foreseen but weren't.

But that does beg a question. If all gas revenues are to be spent on infrastructure maintenance and improvement, and with the reduced driving there will be less requirement for maintenance and improvement, where the hell have they been spending those monies?????? (Never mind, rhetorical.)

That's when you learn that like the introduction of gambling to fund education;
all revenues are fungible and just go straight into the (deficit) spending pot...

;) ;)