TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I don't think they exist.

The box store sells them and the mailman services them...
... unless you know some Redneck with tools and a beer habit to feed.


I feel left out.
What looting?
We have none.
I didn't even know about the riots and looting until I looked at the tv this morning. I'm outta the loop.
I mainly get exposed to it here, but on the upside,
my exposure to the Trump virus has gone away...
Afternoon wind down.

This is getting to funny for words. First the "progressives" were all complaining about Trump "not doing anything" to stop the riots. Now they're going bat shit crazy because he might actually do something. The mind of a "progressive" is a twisted place.

In other news, just for yucks I started calling around about ammo. Certain ammo types are not to be obtained locally. I need to check the on-line sources to see if this is a national phenomena.
Home/scrotel13. Remind me not to come back to this scrotel. Thank you.

No riots today. Just the usual st000pid. First day back wasn't too bad at all. I could tell that I had really flushed out my mid. Nothing (much) mattered. They can't get your goat if they don't know where you keep it tied. Or if you don't have a goat.

We get Jabba the PM tomorrow. Okay. Tomorrow isn't here . . . yet.

Off to read for a bit . . . .



Happy Tuesday!!!

So far so good at the scrotel. The rioters must have taken the night off, which is good by me. It was fairly quiet, inside and out. Reckon I'll have to shop around to see what else is available.

Forgot to mention, we did discuss briefly the shocks setting on Zelda the HfD. I made an edumakated guess as to Miss Hostess's mass and adjusted the shocks according. It all worked out and rode pretty well.

The coffee turned out pretty well, too. My pot, my coffee. :rolleyes:



We have an 8 o'clock curfew around here these days, and by "we" I mean everybody that's not me.

Just a soon as the masses were allowed out, some fairly anemic rioting and some opportunity smash and grab robberies has now shut the city down once again.

There's a parking lot that I like to cut through and I wasn't able to do so because there are concrete barriers so that now there's only one way into that entire shopping center and one way out and it's been guarded with crofts because it's got a target in it. You have to see where this particular target is there's no chance and hell that anybody is going to be available out here for riot duty.

For the last 10 or 12 years instead of have a nice day people that I work with customers co-workers bosses everybody says "be safe!" I got client ssaying that to me lately like I'm driving through hoards of rioters. I barely see anybody on the streets
So after fiddle fucking around with my truck for a year now, the service manager says I need a new engine. I have a meeting scheduled with the general manager over who is going to pay for it.

I like the service manager, but I think I'm going to have to throw him under the bus.
So after fiddle fucking around with my truck for a year now, the service manager says I need a new engine. I have a meeting scheduled with the general manager over who is going to pay for it.

I like the service manager, but I think I'm going to have to throw him under the bus.

Let the fun and games begin. :rolleyes:
When doing research for Zelda, I found one (1) Horror Story about some guy's upgrade kit going to Hell in a handbag. I made a note of that and have carefully made it a point to do Absolutely Nothing to disturb or in any other way, real or fantasized, void the Motor Company Warranty. In fact, I can demonstrate where I have exceeded maintenance requirements.

I don't think the kit will go bad. I think that it was installed competently. It seems to run fine. But!!! You know? If anything goes wrong, I plan to call President Obama. He'll get them sorted out. Translation: Wat will raise copious amounts of Islamic Hell as Allah's favorite.

Good luck with The Other Motor Company and their minions.

Now, about these weasels . . . .



Afternoon wind down and tea time.

It's a scorcher out there and going to be even hotter tomorrow. After three nights of T'Storms the humidity's up. It's like being in FL.

I checked the mail order outlets and they're out of ammo too. 1.5 million background checks have been run in the past thirty days, everyone's arming up. According to the retailers they're seeing a huge jump in first time buyers looking for handguns.
Home with cat. I stopped and scored some of his new favorite food for him: fried chicken. It's grocery store stuff. Maybe he'd prefer KFC and doesn't know to ask for it by name. Yet. We're both grazing in.

No, it wasn't a shame.

We had Jabba the PM there today. He managed to spend the day in the trailer. He was in a good mood and was cracking (really bad and really lame) jokes. Allah knows I stayed far away from the trailer. I even fixed a couple of a/c service calls. I hate to say it, but I'm getting better at this shit.

I had a friend ask me about her first handgun. Perhaps she should go sooner . . . .



People who go through background checks and buy their weapons legally are not the ones
anyone has to worry about, in the coming months I think they are the people we will need most.
So after fiddle fucking around with my truck for a year now, the service manager says I need a new engine. I have a meeting scheduled with the general manager over who is going to pay for it.

I like the service manager, but I think I'm going to have to throw him under the bus.

I got chastised once for banging the input shaft out of my jeep transmission on the service manager's desk. His people forgot to put the damn lock rings in and things moved. They had rebuilt the tranny at about 5000 miles. At 12,500, it was shitty, again. 500 miles out of warranty at the time. AMC was kind enough to pay another shop in town to rebuild the tranny for me after I called Detroit.
People who go through background checks and buy their weapons legally are not the ones
anyone has to worry about, in the coming months I think they are the people we will need most.

They are the quiet ones next door.
Have a serious talk with your friend Wat. If you aren't willing to use the firearm, don't own one.
Good morning!!! It's Range Day Wednesday!!! :)

Out early and back early today, it's going to be HOT. Besides, the ditch runs today so at least the yard will get a good soaking.
Happy payday Wednesday!!! All this time's bills are PIF for the month.

I always have that talk with first-time firearms buyers. If'n you're just gonna brandish and shake it at 'em, then get a Louisville Slugger. Otherwise, prepare to get killed. Or maybe one could wave one's Fleshy Firearm Substitute and take one's chances.

Says it's gonna be Hot As Fuck today. Good news is, we lack the mid-summer humidity which makes that time of year so fucking delightful hyah in these parts.

Got the coffee to make the day delightful, however.



Exactly on the "talk."

The humidity is still up there but yesterday's heat baked a good portion of it out. The big deal is going to be bugs. A few nights of rain along with the heat and the little bastards are everywhere. Need to make sure my Deep Woods is in the range kit.