TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Checkin' in and checking out.

Is this your "Hotel California" moment?

Afternoon wind down. Great day at the range until it really started heating up then I got the hell out of there.

I have a little gunsmithing job to do. I like these little jobs, they keep me busy.
Home/scrotel13. Grazing in after a trip to Wally's. Got some brekkies goodies for tomorrow, too.

Allegedly, they had some rioting not too far from the jobsite last night. Wat was at home where there was none. Not in his 'hood. It looks like the folks around here could hardly be bothered to strike a match.

From the MIssed Joke Dept.: That victory dance vulture over the dead 'dillo. He needed for Paddy O'Bama to tell him, "you didn't kill that."

It's likely to be a short night.



Good morning folks.

We're in store for a real scorcher today and tomorrow, supposed to be pushing triple digits. As long as the power doesn't go out I'm good.
Happy Thursday!!!

Got no Jabbas today, PM or super. PM went back where he comes from and super has a kid graduating from high school. No matter, we can attend to the weasels, I'm sure.

And we probably get more a/c calls today, too, since it'll be hot again. Most of these have been simple enough except for the one yesterday which ran for 25 minutes and then switched off for no apparent reason. That one is still baffling.

The coffee is not baffling.



The coffee IS good this AM.

I got a lot of little stuff on my plate for today. For a couple of them it'll take longer to round up the tool(s) than the job will take. Oh well.

The A/C kicking out or the breaker?
The heat pump is switching itself off. Still calling for cool on the low-voltage signal, but it ain't switching on or staying on. We ran it on heat for 25 minutes in case it was a blockage in the gas lines messing with the over-pressure switches, which is did after a couple of tries. Then it ran on a/c for about 25 minutes, reducing the temps about 4 degrees. And then it stopped. Monkeying with it further, I could only get it to run for 90 seconds. No idea, and no return call from the HVAC weasels. The last not being surprising . . . . :rolleyes:

These being the Boys from Brazil.

At least if they were Nazis, they'd be all about fixing some mechanical shit.

Hey, good morning, I have lots to do. Got the pool up and running
and now I have a mower to get up and running.
This property just goes through them so fast.
Oh well, the parts are in and hopefully
the rain will hold off...
The weather babe just hosed me...

Slight thunderstorms in the area, but not here.
Well, I was working on the mower when a hard downpour came out of nowhere.
So, I ended up soaked to the bone, I also left my glasses in my jeans and threw it all
into the wash, so we'll see just how indestructible they are.

I liked the Surprise Rain whilst coming home last week. Honest, a good (if cloudy) forecast.

Puts the damp bits in the Hosed Department.

We're not getting replies now from the Boys from Brazil. I'm sure they wish they had Camps they could send us to. I'd like to send them to one, too.

I cringe when they're doing the job I'm on . . . .


Home with cat. He's had chicken. He still lobes it. I wonder if-n-when he'll get bored with it. Grazed in with his furriness.

I thought that the gay Nazis didn't survive The Night of the Long Knives.

Nothing but a/c calls all day. Oh, and two leaks, one a repeat. Drowning the same woman for the fourth time. Thanks be to Allah that she's a good sport, but I'd say this is the last one here we can get away with before teh feces contact the rotating blades.

Bought another gun . . . because I can . . . .



The ones that dodged the knife moved to Argentina. :)

Figure out that one A/C unit?

What'd ya get?

I got my little gunsmithing job almost done. After the epoxy sets I just have to do some trimming.

We actually have scattered T'Storms forecast for tonight. I'll believe it when I hear it.

I think I just might pick up some beer tomorrow. Yard work weekend coming up and sitting down with a cool one after those chores are taken care of sounds good to me.
I'ma waiting for a Brazilian answer, Allah willing, in person. This one seems to have them stumped, at least over the phone. I'm not a tech, although I seem to play one onsite.

I scarfed a Remington pocket 9. Got it cheap with lotsa spare mages, which they're (nor the others, either) not noted for.

Got Saturday off. Pudding is working it. I was gonna bike it in tomorrow, but I got too many tasks taking too many tools, so no. I'll ride this weekend.

Off to read here in a bit . . . .

Happy Friday!!!

Cranked up the a/c units for the first time this year, and mine are working better than the ones at work, thanks be to Allah. Now the light bill can grow-n-grow.

Fortunately, it cools off next week. Some.

Good coffee today.



Hey good morning.
Trying to get the dachshunds taken care of so that I can relax and enjoy this coffee.

I'm hoping the rain has moved out so that I can get to the mower. We'll see.
Oh, yeah, my glasses survived just fine; everything they were sold to be...