TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Silly hotdog poodles.

Two more days of Hot, and then it drops 10-15 degrees per day, well below the Emergency No-a/c Threshold of 90*. Wat can't relay how many needless trips he's avoided because of that.

If you don't own a box fan, your household is short of one vital ingredient.

Gotta hit the showers . . . .

I prefer my tower fans.
They take up little space and don't stick out like a sore thumb...

More like the Led Zeppelin Object.

The cats are out, and with no moment of indecision at the door.

We're getting a 10 - 15 deg. drop in temps starting Mon. for a few days anyway.

It's pretty unbelievable the gun related stuff that is "out of stock." Stuff that really doesn't make much sense to be part of a run on the stores. Shouda bought some stock when the governor's started trying to "save" us.
I am pretty well stocked up, so I didn't join the rush,
besides that's new buyers, people, I guess, who
suddenly woke up and decided that they had
to protect themselves from President Trump.
Late afternoon wind down. Got everything done I needed to do and a few things I didn't need to do. Pretty good day over all.
I really knocked out a lot of little things,
today I will work on the gardens provided,
of course, it stays dry in these here parts.

Yesterday morning, the humidity was so bad
that everything was already as wet as rain.
I let the hell hounds out this morning and
it's just as bad this morning, but
it's dark now and the
coffee is good...
Happy Saturday!!!

Yesterday was nothing for Wat except for down a/c units. Several were of the plugged-up condensate line variety. The float switches all work - the heat pumps conk out like clockwork. One of them had what looks like a Mickey Dee's brown paper napking in it, which was reduced to a state resembling a cross between a large booger and baby poop. No matter - off this weekend.

It looks like the break in the heat that was forecast a couple of days ago is sliding back a couple more days and then is coming back sooner. It's acting like it thinks it's summertime. Two weeks until solstice.

Thanks be to Allah for good coffee . . . .



That's their highest-n-bestest use in my book.

On this date, president Heeebert Herver signed the first gas tax into being, along with some other huge tax increases, thereby proving that you can't tax your way out of economic despair. It was a truly sad lesson, unlearned and forgotten.

I have run into a former co-worker from 10 years ago. I kinda wish I hadn't. He's decided to be chatty, and I was done talking to him in 2012. Thnaks to brevity of reply, he might get the hint.

Some people's kids . . . .

Kinda like talking to Lit trolls here.

No talkee go awayee.

If we had anything to say, we'd have kept saying it.

But I talked to others and the world changed . . . .

... and if it were something more than simple personal attack.

They just don't seem to have the tools to attack ideas.
I blame the schools that made them into "special" people
full of more self-esteem than Socrates...
Feckink000ntz the lot of 'em.

Delicate men.

Delicate like pussy.

And Jesus hates a pussy, so . . . .
