TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

If you keep saying that,
the Illiterati, will (un)knowingly
accuse you of misogyny...

;) ;)

... Allah hate them too.
Throw them off the roof!

Removed the front fascia yesterday, loaded it in the car. Took out the passenger headlight remove the bald from that side installed it in the driver side to troubleshoot. Determine that the driver side ball of was indeed bad.

Installed a new ballast iamd new bulb together in the passenger side; left the passenger side used bulbe in the driver side and we'll see if it makes any difference if you change them both together.

Reassemble that all including the fascia in the auto parts store parking lot and went to work.

It was nice not having to look for shiny surfaces all night to decide whether one or the other headlight was out so that I could flip a off and back on to try to reach rigor them to ignite.

I think that's part of the problem it does work if you turn it off and turn it back on more often than not the lights will we ignite but it's probably not good for the ballast or the bulb.

I don't know why I put off fixing something that doesn't absolutely have to be fixed because sooner later I'm going to take the time to fix it and I might as well fix it today as supposed to tomorrow next week or the week after that. It's not like I have to be anywhere at any particular time.
I have an a/c like that, so if you find a solution, I'm all ears.

Ummm, eyes.

I meant, let the pusscuits be the sage and burn them.

It might clear up Eternity . . . .

The weather person was right for a change, it's been raining on and off all morning. Saved from the mower for another day.
Kind of the same thing when you think about it. Air conditioning compressors do not like being started when they're already under pressure that's why some of them have that timer loop that the compressor itself will not come on for a set amount of time after a shut down so that you don't get that hard start. I'm not too sure about the mechanics of that delay as to whether the delay is a simple timer for whether it's based on some sort of a pressure sensor.
I have heard the a/c thingie referred to as a time delay, so . . . maybe . . . .

I'm not interested enough to YouT000b enough video to try to sort this thing out, but I'll slop through the dumb shit to sort out the simpler mechanical fixes.

I should change the oil in the truck this weekend, and the rest of these paving goodies should be relocated to J's.

I know, after a snack . . . .



New rifle came in, so it's picked up.

New handgun cannot be far behind.

Allah knows, Wat needs a few Range Days . . . .



Beseech Allah for the time on the range you need.

Miserable day out there today. Started out hot, muggy, and windy and has turned into hot, dry, and windy. The rain that fell this AM has been sucked up and blown away.

I have a new load I want to try for the 300 but I can't get the components. The oddest things are out of stock.
Hey, we're in summer mode.

Yesterday, it got so hot that you forgot about the humidity,
so hot that you wanted to be in the pool to clean it,
so hot the dogs didn't want to go out, but
the chick cage got moved out to the
chicken pen to begin socializing
and stayed out for the night...

... which is really good because the little fawkers are beginning to stink!
Allah's little poop machines.

It's so hot that the little window AC unit is going in today
to give the central air an assist to keep the whole house cool.
Good morning.

It's going to be cooler today, in a relative way, but windy. Red Flag weather. I'll get the lawn mowed early much to the neighbors chagrin.

The cats are out but it's too early for the birds so maybe I should turn on the back light so the moths will amuse them.
I think I finally have these headlight dialed in.

In order to get that ballast mounted inside the headlight assembly, you have to completely mess with the adjustment in order to get the pigtail past the adjuster. They are also self leveling so they fight whatever adjustment that you try to put in. So you adjust a little you drive a little you adjust a little you drive a little. Every time I was near an blank wall I played with it until actually can see pretty well now.

I'm not sure why the drivers side has a more diffuse pattern. I'm wondering if because it's a counterfeit one it just isn't as precise. Gallons on that side is newer so it's nice and clear so that isn't the problem.

That is the headlight assembly that the dealer installed after that guy decided after watching entirely too many movies that he was justified and hitting me head on. Hi accept it aftermarket parts for the repair because I didn't want them to total the car out.

The new front beam was supposed to be aftermarket but I noticed that the dealer actually gave me a genuine Toyota one.
Wat likes headlights.

I hate Jeep owners with their arrays of spotlights,
so I have my own powerful LED installed and I blind the fuckers...
I have thought of flush mounting some LEDs facing the rear. Summer these new cars have ridiculously bright headlights, then you at a for inch lift it and puts it right in my back window.
Yeah, I guess he forgets what it's like to be in theater...
POWs crying about treatment always got special treatment, I reckon...
I have thought of flush mounting some LEDs facing the rear. Summer these new cars have ridiculously bright headlights, then you at a for inch lift it and puts it right in my back window.

That's the beauty of a 4X4...


... when they tailgate, they disappear.
If they are in a 4X4, they figure I'm armed too. :D
Well shit, I broke a wheel on the mower. Maybe I did it unconsciously on purpose? :rolleyes:

Nothing some J-B Weld won't fix until I can replace the wheel.
Happy Sunday.

Went out last night. Little Shit stayed home this week to watch the house. I didn't ask him. I just left him.

I did some online handgun shopping over coffee waiting for the house to wake up and so I could start omelettes (it's our new Sunday tradition). Lotsa places are out of lotsa things. I was surprised.

Gonna graze and and hit the rack early. Oh four hunyet comes early . . . .



Good morning everyone.

The mower is repaired, somewhat. I'll be taking it for a test spin this AM.
Happy Monday!!!

Looks like a bit cooler weather, then a couple more days of heat. Likely, this will mean a/c calls all week. Oh well, someone has to do it. Looks like Job Security.

Happy B-day to Byron White, who lead the league (NFL) in rushing his rookie season and then became a SC(R)OTUS associate justice. Here's to doubting anything like that ever happens again.

A coffee refill is in order - already . . . .


