TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Well shit, I broke a wheel on the mower. Maybe I did it unconsciously on purpose? :rolleyes:

Nothing some J-B Weld won't fix until I can replace the wheel.

There's nothing that it cannot fix, for a bit...

It's even holding my pool vacuum together.

That stuff is tough. I try to keep some handy at all times.

We have the same weather pattern here. Fairly substantial cool down, but windy and dry. Got some smoke blowing in from AZ.
I'm becoming obsessed with getting these headlights on the dime.

I'm thinking I need to drop them at tiny bit because although they seem fine on low beam on high beam I think they're going off into space a little.

It's weird that I can't seem to find where anyone has taken any measurements against the wall for this particular car. That's the way we used to do it back in big headlight bulb days.

Lots of advice says they're not adjustable because their self leveling. They're not magic you have to start at the appropriate baseline for them to self level for a difference in loading of the car.
The town musta got some stimulus money. Over the weekend they painted lines on the streets. Amazing how a little paint can change a look completely.

I've also lost my mojo on the golf course and may have to find a new hobby. Or new clubs.
I want made a temporary repair on a shift coupling in a Volkswagen out of tie wire and duct tape.

The temporary repair was still holding fine two or three years later when I wrecked to the car
That stuff is tough. I try to keep some handy at all times.

We have the same weather pattern here. Fairly substantial cool down, but windy and dry. Got some smoke blowing in from AZ.

For the record, I dint do it.
At the jobsite. Already got one no a/c and no hot water call. So, I checked it out. Both breakers were off. My guess is, they had maintenance in to check soething unrelated and it involved switching off some 240V breakers. They fixed their thingie and couldn't be arsed to turn on what they turned off.

I always loved the HVAC/maintenance guys who'd come in and set the unti 20 past ambient temperature, high or low depending. They'd spend 5 minutes fixing whatever needed repair and walk out, leaving the system on a fucked up setting, thereby pissing away Wat's Xmas bonus if it was a vacant. Simple-minded motherfuckers.

The porta-crappers sue fill up quickly when the job experiences an influx of Latinos. We have extra painters/drywallers and the concrete crew is here.

At least we don't have to worry about a lack of fiber in their diets . . . .



I've got a few things to do outside, not much.
I'm putting it off until it gets to hot to work outside.

Whilst putting the wheel back on the mower I checked the blade. It needs sharpening BADLY. It's not cutting the grass, it's beating it into submission.
... and then your bearings will need to be greased

and before you know it, the carburetor is off to be rebuilt... :D
The fucked a/c sysyem - the heat pump has started working.

I asked the woman. It came on sometime duiring the night Saturday/Sunday. She woke up pleasantly cold.

Obviously, it's a miraculous act of spontaneous healing.

The only question is, was it because of Jesus or Allah?



If the weather has cooled down there I'm going to stick with the thermal breaker in the compressor.

Not so warm here today but the wind is really kicking up. The only thing missing is tumbleweed blowing down the street.
Home/scrotel13. Grazed on take-out. Gonna be belching shortly.

I was thinking that same thing. It is some cooler. I couldn't remember the name of the part, however. Well, I kinda had the thermal part.

We get the prez tomorrow. He's out and about. Here's a wager we don't get lunch outta him this visit, either.

Only had three a/c calls todays, and they got slam-dunked.


^^^Those nails would do serious damage.

More of the same wind here tomorrow but with a serious cool down. Not supposed to break 80.

If I remember correctly those thermal cutouts are internal to the compressor. That's the reason that the problem seems to be self-healing. The only solution is to change it out.
The tropical storm arrived last night.
It will water all the new Surprise Lilies I planted.
And speaking of lilies, the Asiatic Lilies are blooming big and aromatic.
Worked in the garden yesterday and got the asparagus (mostly) weeded
until it just plain got to hot and muggy to take any pleasure in the task.
I do have tomatoes on the way though.
I need to stock up on bacon...
Happy Tuesday!!!

I can always type that more easily from the scrotel since I don't have a little-old-man cat under my elbows. He's a silly little fucker, but he's damned good company.

Looks like we get hotter temps today in addition the the little-old-man president (who ain't very old). Always some a/c calls for that. More job security.

Meanwhile, it's good that I travel with my own coffee apparatus . . . .



Imagine what Wat's mind sees staring at thumbnails.

It begged to be axed.

I wonder if he used the brush to clean under his nails.

And that better have been dirt . . . .
