TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!


I have a truck, not a fashion statement.
I do not think that I have ever even locked the tailgate.
I regularly put several long guns in the bed to go to the range, they have to be secured somehow.

I’m not out helping people move.
Yeah, I have a rule -

I did not purchase a truck to help you move.
Here's the phone number to the local rental place...
My general rule is not lifting anything that’s more than 25% of my body weight.

Gets me out of a lot.
Look, a penis measuring contest. :D

I can get on the interstate, cruise at 85 and get 23 mpg while doing so. :D
And it's a Ford too. :)

Computer limited to 135. I'd re-chip it but when the telephone poles start going by like fence posts you start thinking about tires and such. I keep V rated on it but I still try to limit myself to no more than 100.
No pick-up here. Virtually everyone has one or two around here. If I need to haul stuff and it's too big to fit in the back of the cruiser or on the roof racks, I likely don't need it, or I get it delivered. Out on the trails, the folks with pick-up trucks make huge messes. I appreciate it when they get stuck on the side of the trail so I can drive around 'em. I hate having to pull them out to get them out of my way.
Note to self: less penmanship on the next drivers license.

I haven't gone to the actual bank in so long I couldn't remember my account number, and my signature in the drive thru isn't a close enough match to my driver's license. I lose really all of the letters in my name when I've been driving 13 hours.

Then they askedme about my direct deposit and I was telling him I don't have one because when I set up that bank account I was working for the mining company and I haven't done that 5 (6?) years I didn't really think about the fact that I do have money to flows in automatically from time to time I just don't think of that as direct deposit.

Which is dumb because that was the reason I was taking money out in the first place because there's more in there than I want to leave lying around in there.
Home with the cat. Actually turned the heat on when I walked in. It's that chilly and has been all day, and wet, too. It rained like a sumbitch for awhile out there and never was warm. The wind blew, no less.

The inspections went okay. Big Jabba (they're all big - i.e. fat) bitched about what we had ready (nothing - but it was close) and other stuff. We also got the chaplain, and he's always upbeat. Sadly, we all went to lunch. Big Jabba is beginning to slip into some kind of Joe Biden state. He just makes less sense than ever. It was annoying, but my visit with the chaplain afterwards was worth the price of admission. Wat likes that guy lots.

Wat's (old and tiring) Dodge Ram 1500 is basic black, like everything else about the truck. It works. Nothing to bitch about. But, it's days are numbered - about 600 more, methinks.

The HfD gets better MPG at 85 MPH, but it gives up a few things. But it adds many intangibles, so there's that.

Yesterday morning the deer were right up in the yard within tens of feet from the door.
I think they have discovered the bird feeder, maybe the new grass that
isn't getting mowed as it gets established. I let the dachshunds out.
The deer moseyed off at a leisurely rate along the driveway.
I say, let them fatten up, it's not baiting.

;) ;)

Fall is coming to the Bootheel...
Not sure why I’m awake, but it is what it is.

The dog seems to be enjoying life, he saw an iguana for the first time yesterday and went berserk, chased it into the pool.

At least there’s coffee.
I woke up way too early,
but I have some appointments
in ArKANSAS later this morning and
that was probably on my mind - get an early start.
I think the nearest zoo is all the way up in St. Louie.

I can take them or leave them.
Okay, I always leave them.
I'm not an exhibit...

At some point I have to ride the walls and make sure none of the local fauna have dug under anything to get in/out.

Dummy dog will take any opportunity to escape the oppressive regime that’s currently in power here.

Unfortunately, some fool forgot to put the ranger on the battery tender so it’s dead. :(