TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Good morning Litizens!

Grilled burgers last night and had sweet corn on the cob.
Good stuff Maynard!

It's starting to warm up, I rather suspect summer is right around the corner.

Happy Thursday!!! From teh open sewah . . . . :rolleyes:

Looks like we're good on rain until 1300 tomorrow.

Gear ratios are nice, but it helps to have some torque to multiply. I'm getting fonder of my torque-to-weight ratio. No, not the truck. That's a lost cause.

This coffee certainly isn't . . . .


It's still cool enough to have the windows open here.

I had a mini-plum tree top snap off in the last round of wind
and it was partially blocking the driveway, so yesterday
I severed it, but today, I have to chop it up
and haul it into the forest...,

forest dump.

Good morning!!!

I have a couple of trees that I want gone. Like all of them. None is worth the proverbial shit.

Looks to get a tad warmer today, but we're still talking 70s.

The internet connection here sucks, and not in a good way . . . . :rolleyes:

I'm fortunate to be on high ground here.
If the Mississippi floods, I will get cut off,
but that's the only thing that happens...
I'm feeling really old of late. I can't see, I can't hear, my shoulders hurt. On top of that, everyone is outraged over something.

How do I get on Tesla's rocket to Mars; and can I go alone?
Sweetening the pot:

If I order the car cupholder,
they're going to throw in ten masks...
