TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

If the government is requiring me to wear a mask, why don't they pay for it?

Because when they pay for it, you still pay for it.

Good morning y'all, just took my first sip of coffee,
damn it's especially good this cool Bootheel morning.
The rains and humidity are supposed to move back in this weekend
but this bit of time, the unusual weather has been nothing short of glorious.

Okay, that's fucking funny.

I started to fill out the census online,
but they made answering the intrusive questions mandatory
so I just quit early in the process; I have still yet to hear from them...
I have found in the past few days that the people who are really serious
about masks in their establishment will provide you with one
and the others just mandate employees masking...
The customers aren't that serious about it.
I haven’t worn a mask, the dog told me they don’t work and he’s got as much credibility as anyone else these days.
Happy Friday!!!

Looks like rain again today in the form of afternoon t-storms. And my Nazi crew of lil bitches. No matter, because we run out of parts today. Because Karen the Jabba short-ordered them.

It'll be damned good to have a full weekend.

And this coffee is damned good, too.



I haven’t worn a mask, the dog told me they don’t work and he’s got as much credibility as anyone else these days.

If they fart through their tightie-whities and their pants and it still stinks . . .

a mask stops what??????


Ah, the good old days
when Coke was an opioid-delivery system.

When product consistency and dosing saved lives. :cool:

Coffee is good this morning, around 80 out and should get to near 90.

Took the boat out yesterday and didn’t sink, always a plus.

Dummy dog fell in the pool and is glaring at it every time he walks through the courtyard now, I believe he thinks it attacked him.
I used to make the dachshunds swim because they would hover
over the edge of the pool like a pack of vultures. Now they
cannot even get on the deck and I'm not sure that if
they did, they would even be able to swim...
Dummy climbed right back onto the deck without the benefit of stairs, no concern about him drowning.

I’m pretty sure he feels betrayed, probably due to my laughter.
When he's 16, and dogs are funny this way,
he will remember the pool even when
he can't remember who you are.

There is no such think as "free" time. Instead of taking of taking off Sarurday morning through Sunday night, I've been taking off Tuesday morning through Wednesday night.

Monday, because everyone hates Monday is really productive if you just pretend it is not Monday, but Friday. I'll put in 12-14 hours, slog through my "time off" then bull through Wednesday night for 10-12 hours. By Thusday night, my body rebels. I slept in spurts from noon or so when I finished up, till 2:00am.

Same as what used to happen Tuesdays when I took the weekend "off."
Everything after they pronounce you dead is free time.

That and a few years after that first slap on the ass
and for me sixth grade waiting for everyone
else to catch up; I napped a lot...
They're like that.

Mine will no longer jump out the door when I say, "SQUIRREL!"

I have to actually fire the .22 for them to take me seriously; they used
to run out and run circles around the base of the tree. It took them
at least two years to learn about "up."
Dachshunds are stupid
like that...
Everything after they pronounce you dead is free time.

That and a few years after that first slap on the ass
and for me sixth grade waiting for everyone
else to catch up; I napped a lot...

"I'll get all the rest I need after I'm dead." Sam Elliot as Wade Garrett in Roadhouse

Interesting. Sixth grade was almost entirely "independent study" for me which just meant "keep him busy doing something." I made a working, scale model of an amusement park for some "Whose Line Is It??"-style points that didn't mean anything.
I just read books.
I never had a recess though.
I had to write sentences for disturbing class while bored.
That was okay though because recess really sucked as far as I was concerned.

4-Square? WTF??? What's the point even?
Jump rope?

All that hiding from stupid future deplorables
with imaginary scores to settle?

I could have done without pretty much everything after the third grade...
Ahhh, poor baby.

Staying up later and sleeping in more. Has to do with summer etc.

The Friday breakfasts are back on. Fuck the governor, figuratively that is. After all these months I'm betting there'll be a lot of stories.
The property manager has pretty much told folks that we're basically back to normal, and that she intends to pull rank to get our work finished.

No more disease bullshit.

So we'll need a Second Wave of Mayhem to put the new old protocol back into place.

Speaking of which, there be Brazilian Nazi weasels today, so . . . .


