TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Morning folks.

Gots to do some shopping first thing this AM and then it's tidy the place up a bit.

Anyone else reminded of the summer of '68?
I let my cup get cool.
I was very involved in a couple of posts.
I love the smell of passion in the morning...

Yes, I do remember it.
I was on the wrong side.

I was more or less an impartial observer. After all these years the tactics haven't changed. I learned yesterday that the DOJ has mobilized nationwide. Some folks are going to be in for some very ugly surprises.
The summer of '68.

I was more or less an impartial observer. After all these years the tactics haven't changed. I learned yesterday that the DOJ has mobilized nationwide. Some folks are going to be in for some very ugly surprises.

Did you see the new Trump tweet?
If you come here to protest and disrupt,
we're not going to treat you the way they
have in Minneapolis, Seattle, etc. [paraphrase].

Bring on the National Guard, dogs and water cannon! :D ;) ;)
I think, that unlike the elite, refined and erudite Republican leadership
he actually understands who and what he is dealing with and that
you simply cannot reason with them or placate them unless
you just go away, die, or give into the inquisition and
convert taking up the new religion; virtue-signaling
right up to the time of your sacrificial immolation.

Like Napoleon before he understands that
the only language the mob respects
is a whiff o'the grape and I don't
mean offering them a chablis
and a quiet conversation.
Did you see the new Trump tweet?
If you come here to protest and disrupt,
we're not going to treat you the way they
have in Minneapolis, Seattle, etc. [paraphrase].

Bring on the National Guard, dogs and water cannon! :D ;) ;)

He's baitin' them. He is hoping for 1968 redux

He doesn't have to bait them, they were on their way regardless. He's actually giving them a "heads up." The DOJ, and Trump, are well aware of the source of the problem. Composite task forces have been set up in virtually every major Univ. town.
Happy Saturday!!!. Had to stop for a second and remember, no weasels day. And Happy Summer.

Clothes are in the washer, cat is fed, and getting ready to check online business.

The rain doesn't show up until one or so, and then it's wet all afternoon. It's just gonna be a soggy first day of summer.

This coffee is damned good. My best so far today . . . . :rolleyes:



It's 69 rather stuffy degrees here.

Gonna get in a bit of biking this morning.

The seat got wet, so it's in the house upside down to drain, as it were.

Have to reinstall the piece of shit that came with it for the joys of dry pants.

Don't they make covers to prevent that sort of thing?


No trunk space for it?
Even the F150 has a crew cab...
They do, in all shapes-n-sizes.

For best results, they must be installed before the rain arrives.


Trü dat!

I had a locked and loaded umlauted u that needed to be used again.

It's been a good morning, my coffee even got cold. I need a second cup now...
Mine is cooling, too.

Which means the first load of laundry is done.

Time for a reload, and to disturb this reclining cat . . . .
