TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Beautiful wood on that rifle but roll-over combs are so 1970's. :)

Looks like Circassian Walnut, just a little lighter. My Ruger #1 is stocked with Circassian.
I got up, showered and shaved an hour ago. Feel just about human enough to go back to bed. I'm telling myself just a quick nap then attend to the mountain of neglected things to do that don't involve work.

It's hard to spend time on chores when you can price out exactly how much the opportunity cost is.

Also: Costco pralines-coated pecans are a little over-carmelized but really hard to put down. I have 12 lbs of various nuts.
About once a month we'd drive down from Omaha and load up on it. In retrospect it wasn't worth the trip.
I had epiphany staring at the label of a English beer that was 4% alcohol.

How does a product that is 96% water leave you dehydrated. So I looked it up. Let me know obviously it's a diuretic but why is it a diuretic. It does something to an enzyme the controls a hormone that controls urine production.

Seems like it would be a fairly simple task to design an enzyme blocker that would prevent hangovers
With Allah's beneficent teaching of abstinence through His Prophet Mohammed, one need never learn moderation.
Home with the cat. Stopped and scored a few groceries for grazing in. He was chatty. He may have been listening to talk radio again.

Thank you lot for an entertaining read when I logged in. At least the cat hasn't hacked my password. Yet.

Swear to Allah, people forgot how to drive while they were Cowering In Place. Let it rain a few drops and they crash their rolling shitboxes. There was yet another fuck-up on the Interstate as I was coming home. Fortunately, the flashing sign alerted me in plenty of time to be able to miss it and get over to the old US route. Which doesn't drain worth a fuck, so it was interesting nonetheless.

Don't plan to be here long. Grazing, then reading, and then off to sleep . . . .



In the alternative: the cat has hacked yer password and has worked up a pretty decent Wat impression.

I can't see the cat bein' a titty-man. I would think that pussy pics would be more expected.

(Hat-tip to Boobs n Brains as Wat would put it.)
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That looks a lot like my recently deceased tuxedo cat.

He, the remainder, has a stack of motorcycle books to plow through, so he'll be busy for awhile yet.



Speaking of the brains half of Brains and Boobs, it took me a bit to figure out their work-around to get that picture to display. Somebody knows how vBulletin reads things. .
Good morning.
I don't have anything which which to entertain.
I did shoot two squirrels yesterday, the feeder is doing well on word of mouth.
Nobody seems to be passing the word that when it comes to high crime areas, it's Chicago...