TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Garden weeded.
Harvested cherry tomatoes and blueberries.
Cleaned the pool, let the chickens out for a while and now
I have the supplies out to clean the guns because it's getting hot out there...

Brats are thawing out for the grill.
Life is good.

It's Lily season.

Tiger lilies, yellow lilies, Asiatic lilies, Hostas and soon the fancy double Tiger lilies will bust out.

Even the water lilies are blooming...

Home again.

Ride was good, visit was good, firearms transfer was good. All praises to Allah for his manifold blessings and great mercies, et cetera et cetera.

Checking out the new gun ergonomics. Not sure I'm crazy about them, but since it's little and a proposed EDC, then I need to know it inside and out. May keep shopping for another nonetheless. It can't hurt.

Is it naptime yet???



I came home from work, took a nap, ran a couple of errands, have done some laundry, worked in the gardenette, and am thinking of what's for supper. It should be something special because today marks 15 decades and 7 yrs since we left the Commonwealth.
Port riblets are on the menu for dinner.

And, the last bit of pie, for dessert.
Hey all, unwind time again.

Yeah, what did you get this time Wat?

I'm looking at the 6mm ARC as compared to the 224 Valkyrie. Damn close all the way around but the 6mm has the edge in terminal ballistics.

So far my gardenette is flourishing. The only problem is the tomato's. I think some smart ass switched the tags at the nursery. My "Beefsteak" tomato's are more like cherry tomato's. Bastid's.
I started my tomato plants from the seeds of some leftover tomato slices, so I'm not sure of the variety. I'm calling them Bidin's Surprise.
That the seeds sprouted was the first surprise. I figured, meh, didn't have anything to lose.

If they produce, I may change the name to Bidin's Double Surprise.
Good morning!

Cleaned all of the guns out of the gun safe
and then, I cleaned all of the guns, except the .22.
It's been pretty busy lately - got another squirrel yesterday.
Today, I'm having some people over for swimming and grilling.
Sweet corn on the cob, baked beans, even gourmet buns, which I suspect,
only means I paid too much for the labeling, but hey, the Vidalia onions are in...

Just more marketing, I suppose, but they really are just the sweetest things, like a Georgia peach.
Another morning, out sitting by the pool with coffee.

Sole companion is an iguana that’s managed to find his way into the courtyard. Even the dog is still asleep.
It's starting to turn here, and by that I mean the humidity
which makes it miserable to be outside at all 24 hours of the day.

The pool helps but does not mix well with computer, phone (hotspot) and coffee...

;) ;)
Currently 80 here with 85% humidity, I think it’s supposed to be around 90 later with the ever-present threat of the 3pm thunderstorm moving in off the swamps.

That’ll make the roads steam.
Pretty much the same pattern here.
We almost had a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon,
but it passed over us on the way to Illinois or Tennessee...
Good morning folks.

Going to be a hot, smoky, day here about. Forest fires everywhere. Can't blame them on Con anymore, we've got our own to deal with.
It's light now and I am looking out at a light rain
which is good because we needed it,
especially the gardens...
This time of year most of the fires are caused by lightening. We're building up to the monsoon season and we get a lot of virga's.


The rain never hits the ground, but the lightening does.