TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

That the seeds sprouted was the first surprise. I figured, meh, didn't have anything to lose.

If they produce, I may change the name to Bidin's Double Surprise.

Way too late to plant tomato seed sprouts, here. We lose 6 seconds of daylight, today. Winter is coming!
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Sunday wind down.

I got a lot of little things done. I even whipped that mower blade without having to buy a bigger torch or hammer.
Sunday wind-down indeed. Out since yesterday evening. Slept a large chuck of it and I'm still tired.

The new gun is a Remington R51. It's too big for a sub-compact and has too little capacity for a compact. It was cheap was what it had going for it. It'll likely become a drawer gun somewhere. Wat has drawers.

Went to J's dad's place for father's day. He's 90, cheerful, and claimed to remember me. Maybe he did, and maybe he didn't and wouldn't fess up, which is fine. There were steamed crabs, and Wat can't be arsed. Dessert was good, however.

Got weasels tomorrow . . . .



Nice little pistol Wat. But you're right, it is a "drawer" gun. The design is interesting with reduced felt recoil. Then again, you have to get out and shoot it to test that. :D
This time of year most of the fires are caused by lightening. We're building up to the monsoon season and we get a lot of virga's.


The rain never hits the ground, but the lightening does.

I've seen them frequently but did not know what they were.

*the more you know*

Good morning!

Cleaned all of the guns out of the gun safe
and then, I cleaned all of the guns, except the .22.
It's been pretty busy lately - got another squirrel yesterday.
Today, I'm having some people over for swimming and grilling.
Sweet corn on the cob, baked beans, even gourmet buns, which I suspect,
only means I paid too much for the labeling, but hey, the Vidalia onions are in...

Just more marketing, I suppose, but they really are just the sweetest things, like a Georgia peach.

Something happens to onions on the way to market in Arizona. I don't care what they're labeled you can't get a decent onion in Arizona I'm quite convinced. You used to be able to get them. Now even whem they're label Vidalia they aren't that sweet. Doesn't make any sense; we've got plenty of alkali flats in Arizona which is how you grow sweet onions.
That's interesting.
I'm no expert on growing onions.
I have some in the garden that got overlooked at the end of last year.
I hear that they are not good to eat in the second year. I dunno. Onions are cheap.

Good morning y'all!

I have a project today rebuilding some raised gardens,
if it doesn't rain some more, if it's not too hot, if I get motivated, if...,
Happy Monday!!!

It's up early for Wat so's he can get a good jump back to weaseling. And it's going to be hot this week, pushing 90.

The josh is alight. Haven't mentioned it much lately, but it's still a regular ritual around here, if not as often.

Coffee is still daily . . . .



Josh also improves the smell of dog.

Shot a squirrel yesterday and he laid in the yard for a long time.
But when I went out to remove him to the graveyard (a pile of old construction debris
on the side of a ravine) he was gone. There was too much blood for him to have gotten far,
but the dachshunds never found them.
Such is life.
He likely dragged himself under something to die.

That reminds me of capping the squirrel at Bigtits house, back when she was single. The day she had the girlie-men over for a cookout and had to invite Wat by default. It was sad for her, I know.

I'm sure her weenie husband can sort out mangled tree rat fer her now.


As long as he wasn't being chomped on while I was grilling.
The two don't really mix all that well...

I grilled plenty for leftovers
for easy eating this week.

I'm putting the odds at 50/50 for getting my truck back today. The new engine was installed Friday, but testing and programming will probably reveal yet another problem.
What was the verdict on them paying you (or your truck) for being their quality control inspector?
Lucky you.

I awoke at pretty much the usual time.
I'm going out later for some pavers for a project.
I know, exciting life.

I have an appointment to go shopping.

An appointment.

To buy some new clothes.

This is what we’ve been reduced to.
I think I have just found the high cholesterol substitute for bacon!

I made the small one a grilled cheese sammich last night, so this morning there were stray crusty bits. That reminded me of something with a fancy name that I disremember. Grilled cheese, without the bread. Used as garnish, usually.

So I grilled up some cheese while sauteing onion slices. Let it get crispy, put it aside to cool. Toasted some bread on a buttery griddle, fried a couple of eggs over medium. Assembled my sandwich with the cheesy frittery thing as the crunch.

That was some tasty victuals
Croque is the sandwich, croquet is wacking balls around. Croquette, maybe?

Trying to find it, I find "Cheese Crisp" but a Cheese Crisp to me is an open-face Quesadilla broiled till crispy. Turns out, that is known in the culinary world as an "Arizona Crisp." Having grown up as the son of two Arizona natives, I just thought that's a Cheese Crisp which died out when the microwave was invented. 60 seconds, roll it up, dip it in hot sauce.