TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

What was the verdict on them paying you (or your truck) for being their quality control inspector?

I bought the truck from Dealer A in February 2019. Dealer A sold the dealership to Dealer B in August. It's been constant engine problems since day 1. Dealer A fiddle fucked around with it all last summer (there's no warranty but they still did the work for free). Dealer B says it's not their problem since I didn't buy the truck from them. Nevertheless, they agreed to pay half of the new engine. Very upstanding of them. Dealer A (actually the person that owned the Dealer A corporation) won't step up and pay the other half.

I'm suing Dealer A as soon as my total out of pockets are tallied. I'm very litigious.
No point in having a country full of lawyers if you can't get litigious now and again.

A good friend of mine is senior partner of one of the larger firms in the area. He once told me, "nobody ever wins a lawsuit, but the lawyers."

If he has any sense, he'll pay. Defending the suit will exceed the cost of the engine, and he isn't likely to get costs paid if he wins, since the court would consider your reasoning for filing suit reasonable, even if it loses on merits.

Dealer B is in essence supporting your claim by paying at all. Likely though, they bought Dealer A's liabilities when they bought the dealership.

No lemon law in your State? (Commonwealth?)
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No, no commonwealth there. They threw it away when they flounced out, seceding themselves into menial statehood. Commonwealthery is too good fer 'em. Reread the thread a couple of pages and Bidin gives the date of the atrocity/outrage/transgression. Allah damn it, it was fun writing that . . . . :rolleyes:

Home/scrotel13. Back at the first one I stayed at when I first got here, but at a new improved rate. I've gotten to be a better shopper. There may be a crack-whore in the next room. There's a 9mm in this room. With Cop KIller bullets.

Did I observe in another "thread" that this is the most racist thread on the board, or is it populated by the most racists? You know how little effort I put into tracking dreck accusations like that or the cunts who make them.

Grazing in. We gots pretty good . . . victuals . . . tonight. For fun, read it as spelled . . . .



I have it from a Reliable Source that they use opossum in their weasel casseroles.




Most racist thread on the board? Really?

Are they going to hold a peaceful protest, or just get right to the looting, burning, and such? This should be oh so much fun. :)
Happy Tuesday!!!

The night at the scrotel passed without incident. Wat forgot his machine, so likely he died many times during the night. Oh, there was the one thing with the alarm clock. Nothing that unplugging it couldn't solve.

The Boys from Brazil are likely to arrive today, but, as usual, no one knows what time. If it's as hot as forcast, they'll waste half the day on no a/c service calls.

I'll waste my early morning drinking this fine-ass coffee . . . .



Most racist thread on the board? Really?

Are they going to hold a peaceful protest, or just get right to the looting, burning, and such? This should be oh so much fun. :)

I shall beseech Allah for Forceful Ruckus from them.

I hope there's a big enough hole somewhere . . . .


I think it was the “Juneteenth” thread I started, I was told I hang out in a thread with a bunch of racists.

There really should be a sign on the place or something.
The distinction is that this thread contains the most unrestrained speech.
We say what we mean and we simply ignore the mean,

and I mean that on more than one level.

The Understanding
The Average and
The Mean.

It is, simply, that there is a power greater than us, and it hates pussies.

And "pussy" has a really broad meaning.

So it sounds like, love pussy but hate pussies.

Frankly, my dears, I don't even have time for that strong a negative reaction. It's always about shoices.

I just figured if they are resorting to the latest catch-all buzz word they have nothing.

Unfocused hate, maybe, which is a sad way to go through life.
All I know is, there are some folks who, when they kitch-a-far, you wanna get marshmallows and hot dogs . . . .

Morning all, I don't recommend cooking over shit it affects the flavour of the food.
Just throw some herbs on the fire to smolder and keep the bugs away.
Racist to them simply means not pandering to actual racists (who believe skin color does or should impact anything besides melanin production and consequently, the incidence of melanoma) or disagreeing with the racists that do pander to the aforementioned actual racists.

Advocating colorblind assessment of other humans, otherwise known as judging by the content of someone's character (rather than the color of their skin) is now racist, post 1984.

It's a badge honor to be so labeled because it simply means you have stymied them in rhetorical argument.

They are timidly calling you racist-adjacent, because as a woman you cannot be directly accused because the intersectionality of oppression (created by and for white women) has a special carve out for chicks.
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