TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Racist to them simply means not pandering to actual racists (who believe skin color does or should impact anything besides melanin production and consequently, the incidence of melanoma) or disagreeing with the racists that do pander to the aforementioned actual racists.

Advocating colorblind assessment of other humans, otherwise known as judging by the content of someone's character (rather than the color of their skin) is now racist, post 1984.

It's a badge honor to be so labeled because it simply means you have stymied them in rhetorical argument.

They are timidly calling you racist-adjacent, because as a woman you cannot be directly accused because the intersectionality of oppression (created by and for white women) has a special carve out for chicks.

Hey, that’s sexist!

(Is sexism still as bad as racism? I didn’t get the updated flow chart.)
There is no flow chart per se'. It's a spinner with the various "victims" arranged around the center. Spin the pointer and wherever it comes up is the "Victim du jour."
Racist to them simply means not pandering to actual racists (who believe skin color does or should impact anything besides melanin production and consequently, the incidence of melanoma) or disagreeing with the racists that do pander to the aforementioned actual racists.

Advocating colorblind assessment of other humans, otherwise known as judging by the content of someone's character (rather than the color of their skin) is now racist, post 1984.

It's a badge honor to be so labeled because it simply means you have stymied them in rhetorical argument.

They are timidly calling you racist-adjacent, because as a woman you cannot be directly accused because the intersectionality of oppression (created by and for white women) has a special carve out for chicks.

except there are many actual racists on this board including you. you don't get a pass just because a few people mislabeled others.
Truck is now scheduled for completion tomorrow. Billy Bob and Roscoe broke a cooling line to one of the turbos.

My girlfriend of years past once went to test the level of coolant in the radiator.
To this day, I still have no idea, but it ended with a lost tester
and a trip to the mechanic to remove the radiator
and then remove the tester...
There is no flow chart per se'. It's a spinner with the various "victims" arranged around the center. Spin the pointer and wherever it comes up is the "Victim du jour."

But every other spot is marked black because
we only held other races as indentured servants...

;) ;)

... especially the Irish, we paid them too much!

The "progressives" ideal situation would be for a cop to shoot a disabled, black, "Female" transgender, who is also a Muslim. They have wet dreams about that and most don't even bother falling asleep.
I stepped out to do some shopping at Sammy's Club. This early the store is essentially empty so they were cleaning the floors.............with robots. Yet another category of jobs eliminated.

And listening to the news the Indian casinos are opening this weekend. A few were already open but now the rest have told the paleface squaw governor to shove her shutdowns where the Sun doesn't shine.
There is no flow chart per se'. It's a spinner with the various "victims" arranged around the center. Spin the pointer and wherever it comes up is the "Victim du jour."

Behave or I’ll get one of those ridiculous “Karen” hair cuts and some highlights and ask for the manager.
The "progressives" ideal situation would be for a cop to shoot a disabled, black, "Female" transgender, who is also a Muslim. They have wet dreams about that and most don't even bother falling asleep.

that's not true at all, bellasourpuss. there's really no reason to lie like that. in fact, there's probably nothing you would like to see more than "a disabled, black, "Female" transgender, who is also a Muslim" who has been murdered.
Pfffft, the only true god, and the only one observed here, is Allah.

Lunch. Went to the store and scored salad.

The football fucking monkeys (is that more racist than calling them sons-of-Nazis?) aren't coming until tomorrow, their pussy/boss says. They said they'd be here at noon. They aren't.

No matter. IT's hot and there have already been three no-a/c service calls. Three up and three down. Fuck the moneys . . . .



Damn but it's HOT out there. I'm staying in until the Sun is low on the horizon.

Is BB getting bossy?
Of course you are.

Got a little T'Storm going on. Not enough to cool things down a lot, but enough to drive the humidity up. Wonderful.
The "progressives" ideal situation would be for a cop to shoot a disabled, black, "Female" transgender, who is also a Muslim. They have wet dreams about that and most don't even bother falling asleep.

Actually, it'd be much more fun for a cop to shoot an aging white loudmouth Repubican wearing a confederate flag shirt and MAGA hat, with a concealed carry permit and a fully loaded semi-automatic rifle. Shoot him down in cold blood. I'd like to see you and your kind rationalize that situation.
I invented praline pancakes today. I chopped up some glazed pecans and added them. Delicious.
We peaked at 97. It's in the high 70's now. Should be fine if it keeps raining.......until tomorrow that is.