TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Last night, I left without a snack and found myself hungry. Reached a Taco Bell at 1:04.am. they closed at 1:00 am. I realize I was fairly close to home so I headed home to make myself something but I forgot to tell anyone that I was off duty and not accepting any assignments. So, of course the phone rings as soon as I get my boots off.

I grabbed a handful of nuts and a Rice Krispie Treat and headed back out.

Early years were in Lou-z-anna and I never really liked pecans. I remember trying them as they had fallen off a giant pecan tree and finding them to be disgusting. About like acorns when unroasted

My father never did a lot of cooking but he was in industrial engineer running a food processing plant down there so using those contacts he came up with a bunch of ingredients for some church fundraising bake sale for fruitcake. Still not a fan of fruitcake.

The next year praw-leens (not pray-leens) were added to the bake sale. I don't think he knew anything about them but he was given a recipe for them and he started cranking them out industrial style. I still didn't love pecans but was more than happy to put up with them for pralines. Because sugar. The crunch is just right in them. He made them just about every Christmas for the rest of his life.

So now, I like 'em, but only sugared ones. They are great with craisins and apples on a chicken salad.
Well, it’s morning. 80 degrees, but the coffee is good!

The car has to go to the shop today, wouldn’t start last night.

Neglect, most likely.
Happy non-payday Wednesday!!!

Looks like more heat-n-humidity today. At least I have a/c monkeys for when the no-a/c calls come in. Like I got nothin' else to do.

Looks like showers/rain show up tomorrow. Just one damned thing after another.

But coffee is best, and first . . . .



Good luck with the car.

I really have to change the oil in the truck this weekend.

Two weekends late.

Yeah, I know . . . . :rolleyes:

It sits for months at a time, I’m sure it needs a battery, this is probably it’s cry for attention.

Stupid Audi...
I only named one over the years. A white 1960 Chrysler New Yorker station wagon.


Named it "Moby Dick."
It makes no sense to me that the day after a drenching rain the golf courses are "Cart Path Only", when they run the lawn mowers in the fairways.
It's going to be an extra coffee day here, lots of little issues so far.
The work truck was supposed to go in today for an oil change but they called
to reschedule, seems someone broke in overnight and the police aren't done
looking around yet.
Had fun at the range this AM. I'm glad I decided to take some pistols out instead of the long guns, wind started kicking up early.

It was irrigation day as well so the yard is flooded. Irritates the shit out of the cats. :)
Checked into the scrotel13. Brought along some goodies for grazing in.

Kept the three monkeys humping all day. I ran them ragged. Guess what also happened. Yeah, my feet hurt, the fuckers. Good news is, insh'Allah, we'll be done with this shit on Friday.

Got plenty to read and telly to watch. No worries, and no hurries.

Good luck with all the projects. Mine? I got 'em by the monkey scrotes . . . .



"Grazing" is a good word. Big ole salad for me starting out. And if it can't be cooked in the newclear oven it won't be eaten tonight.

Tomorrow is going to be even hotter than today. Whatever needs doing outside is going to be done early, real early.
I got the football fuckers all football fucking day.

So Guv'nuh Blackface seems to be encouraging stores to make it's customers wear masks when they shop there. Wat dares them to say something when he doesn't, and notes those others who don't. Employees, too.

One hunyet fiddy years ago, the outlaws wore the masks. It would seem that the 180* opposite is true today.

And we all know what'll happen when they ban shootin' irons . . . . :rolleyes:



They have a mandatory mask thingy in place here about. Like I said, the tribes have told the forked tongued white squaw to go pack sand.

The vigilante groups are networking their asses off and burning a lot of powder fine tuning their skills. Of course the local pansy ass politicians have already had a heads up on what's going to happen to those "peaceful protestors" if the cops don't keep control of the situation. The "peaceful protestor" that got shot is still in the ICU. The fucker just won't die.