TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!


Happy Friday!!!

Working this weekend is To Be Determined. We'll see. The monkeys should finish their inside stuff today. WE hope. I think we've found all of their Residual Fuck-ups and Undone Shit.

Hot again. MUst be summer. But it's really nice this morning.

The cat is fed and the human has coffee, so . . . .



Still looking at/for a good big Sig.

Mostly, they're out of stock, probably because the ones I'm looking at are black, and black lives matter, so . . . .

I found a slightly less expensive one labeled LEO. What the fuck does that matter in 2020?

And what will it be labeled when LE is defunded????



I like them. They run well.

Glocks are ugly.

Don't see it in myself to trust S&W semi-autos.

Rugers are . . . meh.

Well they do run well, I'll give you that. I just don't particularly care for them and that's really subjective.

Right now, IMHO, the best deal out there is the Remington 1911R1. They shoot phenomenally well. Probably because they're made at Remington's new factory in Huntsville. All new CNC machinery with SPC and SQC built into the process. They shoot better than Kimbers or Les Baers out of the box.

I've got a Smith M&P 40. I can't say I like the pistol but I do like the cartridge. Again, it's subjective, I prefer an exposed hammer.

There are two pistols out there that I'd snap up in a heart beat if the price was right. A Browning Hi-Power and the Colt 38 Super. If you get the impression that I like the 1911 style frame you'd be right.
1911 frame is too big for EDC for me.

G42 is nice and flat, changed to a tungsten guide rod with lighter springs which dramatically improved it.

Kimber Ultra Carry is the worst running pistol I’ve ever had, hot garbage.

If I need more than 6 rounds I’m probably screwed anyways.
I have 3 pistols that can be concealed and one is marginal for that purpose.

I've got a SCCY (it was free so no comments necessary, I wouldn't buy one on a bet.). A Colt 1908 Pocket that is a collectors item but it's smaller than my wallet. And the pistol I do carry regularly, a Star M45. The Star is about the same size as the Kimber compact but it actually runs well.

I'm involved with the 3-gun matches at the club I belong to and there is one thing that is glaringly obvious. The high end machinery, be that pistol, rifle, or shotgun, are not terribly reliable when conditions are less than ideal. When the dust starts blowing around, as it often does in the afternoons out here, the high priced spreads start jamming up.
I’ve heard that a lot about some of the higher end, I know many that wouldn’t trust a Kimber if it was given to them.

I’ll stick with my little Glock, which isn’t even ugly anymore, I had it cerakoted Tiffany Blue! :)

(You may commence laughing now.)
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I got my truck back Wednesday evening and put a few miles on the new engine yesterday. Everything seems to be working. The idle is a bit rough. I have a trip to Morgantown today so that will be a good shake-down cruise. About 40 miles... two hours in WV drive time.
Good luck!

I took the Audi out on the highway last night to see if it’s running right, hit 120 with no issues, so it’s all good.
I like the Glocks, but they are way over-priced. I have a Taurus G2c with the same look and feel (and performance) as a Glock 19 and it cost half as much.
Anything that very rapidly puts little balls of metal when and where you want them works.

Hell, I’ve got a HiPoint 9 in the safe that I bought from a friend who needed a bit of cash.

If you run out of ammo with that thing you can just bludgeon someone with it.
I like the Glocks, but they are way over-priced. I have a Taurus G2c with the same look and feel (and performance) as a Glock 19 and it cost half as much.

Didn't Taurus make some very nice clones of S&W revolvers a while ago?
Through the 70’s Taurus and Smith were owned by the same parent company.

I just remember hunting with a guy who carried a Taurus .44 Mag. It looked very Smith-y. Why he carried it up the mountain when we were hunting dall sheep was a mystery to me.
Home with cat. He's ticking. Gonna hit the shower inna minnit to catch up with the Friday bunch. IT's bike weather, thanks be to Allah.

Wat likes exposed hammers. I like the Sig double/single deal. And I actually found a used one kinda cheapish today of the big one, so . . . maybe. Oh, it's German, not from NH.

Got the monkeys sent back home, complete as they can get - which is never - and the football got no monkeycawk. Wat ran them ragged.

And needs a weekend off . . . .

If it’s German get it, they just shut down the German factory due to too many regulations.

It won’t go down in value.