TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I just remember hunting with a guy who carried a Taurus .44 Mag. It looked very Smith-y. Why he carried it up the mountain when we were hunting dall sheep was a mystery to me.

I would guess that he carried it because it was "The worlds most powerful handgun. It'll take your head clean off."
I would guess that he carried it because it was "The worlds most powerful handgun. It'll take your head clean off."

Not that kinda guy. It was only out of the holster, sitting in the tent door when we were resting. We'd found the only tiny-ass piece of grass to set the tent up on. Everything else was rock. You could hear the sheep hooves on the rock hundreds of yards away. I didn't have to pack it.
Not that kinda guy. It was only out of the holster, sitting in the tent door when we were resting. We'd found the only tiny-ass piece of grass to set the tent up on. Everything else was rock. You could hear the sheep hooves on the rock hundreds of yards away. I didn't have to pack it.

Hunting sheep always seems to involve these tales of tremendous hikes up rocky crags. For me it was just any day that ended in a y to see one. When I worked in the mine the property is 84 square miles. We have Wildlife people dedicated to making sure that an animal doesn't even act accidentally die on property. For example there guys with rowboats and shotguns field with blank shells to scare waterfowl from landing on our acid ponds. We put humans at risk so that geese don't die.

The sheep like to hang out on the haul roads because when a water truck would go by they would get a nice little drink and they wouldn't have to wander over to where a spring came out of the mountainside. We were not allowed to even honk our horns at the sheep we were not allowed to disturb them in any way traffic comes to a complete stop when there's a sheep in the road.

They seemed understand that there were humans moving those big machines around because they would look you right in the eye up in your cab. And they were just look at you like "Yeah, what?"

From time to time they would wonder away from the production side of the mind where they would theoretically be most at risk but never were and get out onto the open highway where are they would stare down cars and trucks the same way and die. My boss hit one on the way home from work one night, totaled his truck.
I was along on a goat hunt up in Idaho with a friend and his Uncle. We glassed a group on a mountain side and they were "glassing" us back.

Anyway the Uncle who was a professional guide told my friend to go down there, curve around there, and then go up this draw and take his shot.

The Uncle and I stood there with the horses, moving from time to time, for the hour and a half it took my friend to make the stalk. We saw the goat tip over and sometime later heard the shot.

I asked the Uncle why in the hell the goats didn't haul ass when my friend left the group? He looked at me like I was an idiot, and I was about this, and said, "Goats can't count."

As long as we stood there too far away to be a threat they stayed more or less where they were at keeping an eye on us. And the reason that Uncle had us move every ten minutes or so was to "freeze" the goats.
Hunting sheep always seems to involve these tales of tremendous hikes up rocky crags. For me it was just any day that ended in a y to see one. When I worked in the mine the property is 84 square miles. We have Wildlife people dedicated to making sure that an animal doesn't even act accidentally die on property. For example there guys with rowboats and shotguns field with blank shells to scare waterfowl from landing on our acid ponds. We put humans at risk so that geese don't die.

The sheep like to hang out on the haul roads because when a water truck would go by they would get a nice little drink and they wouldn't have to wander over to where a spring came out of the mountainside. We were not allowed to even honk our horns at the sheep we were not allowed to disturb them in any way traffic comes to a complete stop when there's a sheep in the road.

They seemed understand that there were humans moving those big machines around because they would look you right in the eye up in your cab. And they were just look at you like "Yeah, what?"

From time to time they would wonder away from the production side of the mind where they would theoretically be most at risk but never were and get out onto the open highway where are they would stare down cars and trucks the same way and die. My boss hit one on the way home from work one night, totaled his truck.

I'm assuming those are bighorns, down there. Dall sheep up this way aren't in easy places. Occasionally, in parks, they get down on the roads, but during season, the sheep are in some fairly rough country. On one trip, we camped on the glacier, because it was the only place you could put a tent. We were smart enough to bring two sleeping pads, each.
I was along on a goat hunt up in Idaho with a friend and his Uncle. We glassed a group on a mountain side and they were "glassing" us back.

Anyway the Uncle who was a professional guide told my friend to go down there, curve around there, and then go up this draw and take his shot.

The Uncle and I stood there with the horses, moving from time to time, for the hour and a half it took my friend to make the stalk. We saw the goat tip over and sometime later heard the shot.

I asked the Uncle why in the hell the goats didn't haul ass when my friend left the group? He looked at me like I was an idiot, and I was about this, and said, "Goats can't count."

As long as we stood there too far away to be a threat they stayed more or less where they were at keeping an eye on us. And the reason that Uncle had us move every ten minutes or so was to "freeze" the goats.

I've no knowledge of anywhere up this way where you could hunt Mountain Goat using a horse.
First coffee is gone already, there will be errands and house chores today followed by making pizzas for the freezer
Yes, Big Horn.

Back before they converted to xeriscape, they used to cross the highway over by the electro winnowing plant and graze on the grassy lawn by the admin offices.
Happy Saturday!!!

Pulled the trigger on the German Sig. So to speak. Ordered some extra high-caps for it, too.

Slept in. Needed it. Lit the josh. Relying on leftover nuked coffee so far, and it's sufficient.

Got errands today, but nothing to sweat save for the heat outside.



Dammit Wat, you're going to provoke me into buying a new toy. I just can't think of anything I really want, or need for that matter.
Wats are an awful sort of Jones to "keep up with."

No, we're not that shallow, but we do provoke Tiny Brains to do some thinking.

My Tiny Brain has largely stayed in the off position this morning, thanks be to Allah. There were a few too many resentments swirling through it this week. When you can see them for what they are, they can be great motivators and not necessarily causes for multiple 20-to-life sentences.

Gonna head over to see what the Saturday people are up to, and then to Wally's to score some truck motor oil.



The new Daniel M4PDW is a whole lot of fun. Just saying...

Lot of stuff is fun. Anything on an AR15-10-9 platform I can build myself. I'm always on the lookout for pre 1943 Mauser actions, particularly if the numbers match. La Corona or Brno as well. The barrels and stocks can be garbage, don't care about them. Then there's the oddities that you stumble on every once in a while like a Nylon 66 or even a XP-100.
Home. Got a cat. Guess he was lonely and needed some Human Time.

Got that batch of errands accomplished.

Ran into an old friend, so we went to the Awful Waffle to catch up. She's all over the place, but generally okay.

Thinkin' that I'ma gonna read for a bit and then do this-here oil . . . .

Napped a smidge. Having a bowl of ice cream for a snack.

The Saturday Night Supper Bunch is going to be cleaning out the hostess's refrigerator tonight.

She has a block of ice which forms when there's shitty air flow in her fridge. Just heard the GE repair guy say that to Tittie Momma this week, too.

TM has an equally enormous ass to counter-weight her massive mammaries. She has on camo britches yesterday. Looked like someone was trying to conceal an aircraft carrier . . . . :rolleyes:



I'm inside for the rest of the day and it appears that everyone else is too.

Probably going to get another batch of 5.56 cases prepped for reloading.
Inside for a bit.

Got the fucking oil changed and cleaned out a fair amount of shit from the truck. It has been accumulating recently, so now it has less.

The best part about this t-shirt I wore for this operation: it doesn't have to be washed. It can be tossed.

Pretty sure I got just about all the good out of it.

Saturday Greetings!!

I still walk about the living, spreading all sorts of bounty in the form of wonderfulness.

I would expand on that further but I wouldn't want to be accused of hyperbole. :)
Saturday Greetings!!

I still walk about the living, spreading all sorts of bounty in the form of wonderfulness.

I would expand on that further but I wouldn't want to be accused of hyperbole. :)

Saturday greetings back.

It’s a great day in the great land.