Turning back the clock


YES! Ain't it great?

In this space the mind is freed and souls can touch each other.

Men can "embrace" men without a thought to their bodies or social conventions.

Races are invisible, mentioned as afterthoughts. Inconsequential.

We are truly blessed, all of us.

i love it! i love YOU!:rose: i LOVE that "vanilla orchid" (which makes me laugh ...cymbidium, i believe, or is it one of the less hardy varieties?)

And with this post, i believe i have joined the ranks of the "really, really experienced".

Jimi Hendrix would be so proud of me.
Yes, cymbidium species.
An extremely hardy survivor, in orchid terms, anyway.

...and now...finally...at long last...i am t i r e d...
good night
Sorry to interupt, but I really love orchids. Why is it that so few of the folks here, present company excepted, cannot let go of their preconceived notions of sexual propriety and just let go here? Someone who didn't know me called me a slut because I had semi- nonconsensual sex with more than one guy in highschool. I mean first of all gasp (multiple partners how could she?) and second of all not really consensual. Sort of border-line that's why I scooted from home. Who the hell would want to turn back that clock. Anyway lets just forget sexual propriety in the world of the web and have fun. Bye now.
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To be submissive.....

To be submissive, or bind yourself into "slavery", is not a matter of giving up free will. To the contrary, it is -- or should be -- a conscious decision to turn over control to another for whatever period of time is agreeable.

In ANY relationship, invariably, one person leads while the other person follows. There are only degrees to which this truism applies.

Turning back the clock to a time prior to finding and embracing BSDM does not change dynamics of the fundamental relationship between two people...merely the alternative "degrees" or the "roles" you might wish to play.

Wordsworth said "the child is father of the man". The way you relate to other people in a was largely determined during your childhood. However, knowledge can set you free on a course to the realization of the rights you deserve to expect with any other person. It's up to you which rights you decide to give up.
If you mean that some people lead in some aspects of life while others merely follow -- I certainly agree. But do you mean that this happens across the board? That I think is obviously wrong -- that this happens across the board or that it should. One can have equality in a relationship by attending to the balance of mastery across different contexts of life. Sex, money, etc.

But yeah, sub is not slavery in a negative sense -- at least no yet for me.
If I known than

If I had know than what I know now........or the suduction of "what if...."

After what I have been through the last seven months almost eight.....would I choose the lifystyle and being a Dom over vanilla?

NO !!!!!!!!

However I made the choice and vanilla is just forgetable now.
Vanilla sex is just boring and forgetable.

It is hard enough for a guy my age to find and attractive single woman that does not enough bagage they need a moving truck. Than you add the BDSM lifestyle ....... well ......

However I can not change yesterday ....... I have no control over tomorrow .......

Or another way of looking at it is " when you have one foot in yesterday and one foot in tomorrrow ....... you are pissing on today"

Well back to my loneliness
Re: If I known than

Richard49 said:
If I had know than what I know now........or the suduction of "what if...."

After what I have been through the last seven months almost eight.....would I choose the lifystyle and being a Dom over vanilla?

NO !!!!!!!!

However I made the choice and vanilla is just forgetable now.
Vanilla sex is just boring and forgetable.

It is hard enough for a guy my age to find and attractive single woman that does not enough bagage they need a moving truck. Than you add the BDSM lifestyle ....... well ......

However I can not change yesterday ....... I have no control over tomorrow .......

Or another way of looking at it is " when you have one foot in yesterday and one foot in tomorrrow ....... you are pissing on today"

Well back to my loneliness

Gee Richard... I am not exactly a spring chick... what I am to some extent is an eternal optimist..

I would like to believe that there is someone forevery one out there... and if you are really looking for some one to share your life you will find them...

However... they may not be exactly what you were looking for, and they may not be perfect... but if you seek, you will find...
This conversation is one that I am having almost daily now.

If only's seem to be taking over my life.
I used to wish that I didn't have these feelings and desires about BDSM. However, it doesn't seem like a choice to me. Even if I turned back the clock, I would still be turned on by the thought of spanking a woman. Seeing a woman bound and waiting would still excite me.

Now that I have someone in my life to share and enjoy BDSM with, it never crosses my mind. I am happier than I ever imagined!
Why turn back the clock?

I can have it all.

If I want vanilla, I can. If I want BDSM, I can. It is all in knowing what you want and being willing to work hard to get it.
lovetoread said:
This conversation is one that I am having almost daily now.

If only's seem to be taking over my life.

Since I first posted this thread, I have come to peace with who I am and what I enjoy.

It has taken a lot of time, many mistakes and some soul searching. However, in hindsight, the thread seems a bit off base. We can never turn back the clock. We can only review our choices and make future choices based on our experiences.

I no longer have any regrets and I wish the same peace for you, ltr.

I know what you mean Miss Taken. I often wonder what would happen if everyone else in my life knew what I do in the bedroom. I also work a lot with the public and I often think "What would happen if they knew?"

I have to admit that my previous vanilla sex life was boring, and I certianly would not change a thing.

What usually plagues me is this question: Is what I'm doing morally wrong? I know there's no right and wrong in BSDM if it's consentual. I guess I have the same questions, being raised Roman Catholic and not practicing.

Like Tori Amos said :"I have enough guilt to start my own religion."

:) Petra
back to the original topic, i more often feel nostalgia for the beginnings of a relationship. sometimes i miss the flirting, the mystery, exploring each other for the first time, and all the other things in the beginning.