Twenty Somethings

Oy, I didn't make it through the night. I guess I shouldn't have been lying down while I read the book. I was simply getting comfortable to read the book!! However, I was half-way through the current chapter when I just drifted away. Of course, I forgot to set my alarm too, because I missed class today! Grr!!!
Oh yeah. How going into the wrong classroom when running late. That happen to me last week when I was running late for a test. I felt so embarrsed.

I know I did enjoy the last two days in NYC. Nothing but my type of weather: in the 80s with no humidity...
well i have been known to arrive ten minutes before a class is over... that is always fun...
Hmmm...I can honestly say that I've never been late to class....not in my 4 years of college or one year of grad school. Oh...I've totally skipped before...but never been late. I have an early complex....I tend to be about a half hour early to all my's a sickness....

I was just thinking....I haven't seen my stalker around in awhile. Stalker....oh STALKER....where ARRRRE YOOOOU??? You still owe me a hug NG...I'm gonna collect on that someday soon...
I skipped most of my senior year classes.... or so I think I did. I can't remember exactly, but I do know that I skipped a lot of days. I was even suspended WAY too many times in my early years in High School. I was still having problems getting along with other students and teachers.

I'd have to say I missed more days in high school than all my school years combined.

However, I wanted to turn over a new leaf in college and not miss any days. That obviously didn't work out the way I planned. I mostly missed classes because of work. Sure it may just be an excuse, but when you haven't worked in over a year and the kind of hours you had to work, you'll understand.
I just went back and re-read a lot of this thread. It was great. It's funny to see all the people that have come and gone. I must posts have gotten awful serious in the past few weeks. I'll admit...I was sorta down the begining of this month. But life is looking up....LOL....not that it was ever BAD persay...just strange. I'm so happy to have you guys here to chat with whenever I need a friend :) LOL...sorry...I think I'm feeling sentimental tonight.
Well I'm bored, tired, and pissed off. I need somebody, otherwise I'm just going to be sick of everything.
HybridCrow said:
Well I'm bored, tired, and pissed off. I need somebody, otherwise I'm just going to be sick of everything.

Pissed off is never good. Raises the blood pressure....think of fields of daisy's or daisy fuentes naked...whatever you need...
I guess that means you're out of the question then? :D

My heart pours for you and your beautiful body. :heart: :rose: :rose:
My Own Way said:
Pissed off is never good. Raises the blood pressure....think of fields of daisy's or daisy fuentes naked...whatever you need...

I would slightly disagree with that a bit. Some people perform better at things when pissed off. I hardly get pissed off. I'm a stotic typer when it comes to angry and annoyance. Plain Stupidity will rise it quickly.

I'm so glad it is temporaly warm in NYC. I can sleep naked tonight at least. I can't wait for warmer weather! :nana: :nana:
My Own Way said:
Hmmm...I can honestly say that I've never been late to class....not in my 4 years of college or one year of grad school. Oh...I've totally skipped before...but never been late. I have an early complex....I tend to be about a half hour early to all my's a sickness....

I was just thinking....I haven't seen my stalker around in awhile. Stalker....oh STALKER....where ARRRRE YOOOOU??? You still owe me a hug NG...I'm gonna collect on that someday soon...
well i seem to be unable to be in time... additionally, some of my classes are far apart and it takes me about 45 minutes to get from one to the other, yet the break is only 30 minutes
Munachi said:
well i seem to be unable to be in time... additionally, some of my classes are far apart and it takes me about 45 minutes to get from one to the other, yet the break is only 30 minutes

Yeah, I used to have that problem. These days I have class like 5 hours apart so I just go home in between classes. But when I used to have two classes in a row and the buildings would be like on opposite sides of campus I used to sit in the back of my first class and leave early so I could be on time for the second class. Like I said...on time complex. I had no problem leaving early...I just couldn't be late...
I had a problem like that my first semester at college. My school picked my schedule for me and it was horrible. I had a 4:30-6PM on Tuesdays and Thursday. It was hell. I hated it and I failed that class.
BXGemini20 said:
I had a problem like that my first semester at college. My school picked my schedule for me and it was horrible. I had a 4:30-6PM on Tuesdays and Thursday. It was hell. I hated it and I failed that class.

LOL...see I LIKE the later classes. In undergrad, after my first semester freshman year I refused to have classes before my senior year that had moved to 1 in the afternoon. I am NOT a morning person. These days I have a class at noon...and that seems kinda early to me, and another at 6 which is perfect. I admit, I get a little tired by 8 when it's over...and hungry....but I'd rather have a later class than an early one.
oh yes mornings are horrible... worst was my first semester when i had like two or three days at eight o'clock and i took too many classes... i had like 30 hours of class per week, normal for my course are 20...
I could do morning classes. That is one thing I miss about dorming. I could take classes 7:35 in the morning. Now my earilest classes are around 10 or 11. I was more attentive in the morning than the afternoon.
I seriously hate taking classes in the morning. I'm not a morning person. It's usually hard for me to even wake up in the morning.

Anyhow, today was a rather confusing day for me. First I pick up my check and I want to get it cashed, so I figured w/out suffering a $10 penalty for cashing it at the bank office in my job, I decided to open a direct deposit checking account w/out the checks (DEBIT MASTERCARD). Everything was going good until the girl starts telling me things that were confusing me and giving me a bunch of papers to sign. Then when she asked me how much I wanted to put in... while I was feeling pressured, I STUPIDLY (sure not a word, but it's to describe my actions and thinking) told her to put the whole check in the account, when all I had to do was tell her to put in $50 and give me the rest. Then, I find out AFTERWARDS that since I worked at Wal-Mart, I could've gotten my check cashed FOR FREE! NOW they tell me this! So tomorrow, when I go in to get a few money orders (Oh and these are free if you're a member, which is great!), I'm going to take about I think $75 for spending money for gas, lunches, and of course lawn mower rental for when I get the time to mow the lawn.

Just when you think the day will get better, it doesn't really get up there. First half my shift, I get a bunch of snobby customers. The ones with attitudes about something else and when you scan and bag their groceries, they yell and confuse the hell out of you because they don't say anything BEFORE! Then, I find out that I misread my schedule and that I got off an hour earlier than I thought, but I ended up working an extra 15 minutes because of this mistake.

Now that I'm home, nothing bad could possibly happen. Sorry for the rant. Hope everyone had a great night.
Damn. What a fucked up day, Crow. It happens to all of us. I wish I had a job. I need money. *plays a blues record*
I think regardless of how confusing your day was had a pretty good attitude about it....I'm impressed. I always try to remember that I can't control all the stupid things that the stupid people I come into contact with in my life do, but I can control my attitude towards it. Personally...I probably would have gotten so pissed off at that bank woman...I'd still be stewing about it now...12 hours good for you.

Just a few things...good for you!! Opening a bank account! Did you have one before? Also...I'm not sure...but did you open a savings account as well? I don't know what bank you're using, but most banks won't give you interest on your checking essentially it's just sitting in the bank, for the bank to loan out, but you're getting nothing from it. If you didn't open a savings account, I'd look into it. That way you can keep, for example $200 bucks in your checking so you can pay bills or whatever, and the rest in your savings. Also, again, depending on the bank, I would look into online banking. It was one of the greatest pieces of advice my mom ever gave me. I don't know what kind of bills you have, but I can get online once a month and pay all but one of my bills right from my bank site. It's great. Also you can keep track of account balances and transfer money without having to deal with a teller or an atm. Chances are if you went to a smaller bank, they don't have online banking, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
Anyway....that's it....hope I haven't told you a bunch of stuff you already know....that would just be a waste of cyber space huh?? :rolleyes:
I just set up online bill-pay with my bank - it's better than having direct withdrawal for bills, because it forces you to keep track of your finances...yet it's still far easier than having to write out checks and mail them in for each individual bill. My hubby and I are so much more organized with our finances's wonderful :)
I have had a bank account since I was in college. I usually try to keep at least $100 in there for emergencies. I usually get refund money from my school and I put that in there. And twice a year I usuallly empty a small can of change which adds $40-50 to my account a year. It is just a small savings account, but doesn't hurt to learn how to save money.
interesting, again, to see those differences... I got my first bank account when I was 12 I think, for my pocket money, and I had a savings account before that, though I could only take money out of it without my parents agreement after I turned 18.

I don't really know anyone without a bank account I think... You can't get a job here without one. No one would pay you with cheques. Maybe cash if it is not really an official job, but else, the money is always transferred to the bank account...