Twenty Somethings

Saw 'Event Horizon' for the third time I think... No horor-movies again for me... ever... *shudder* That's no stuff for my childish heart and mind...

Don't know the exact number of inhabitants but Bayreuth is REALLY small... :D
I have some savings which are no great tresure but at least enough that I could afford 100 Euros more per Months for the apartment, than I would with the money I get frommy parents alone for more than 3 years.
I know this might get REALLY expensive but I don't want to spend four or five years there and then start my own life, but want to start it now!
Some want to have a car, some like to go out every night or have other expensive hobbies, and I need to have a home for myself alone.
I know I was ever different to most people, but this is one very important thing for me, maybe the very most important...
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just for fun looked at the site i told you about, for bayreuth. they don't have much, but there are one or two, and the prices don't seem so bad to me...

completely understand about wanting to live alone... well i got a wg when i moved out, just two people though, more seemed to stressful to me, and we always very much had our own lifes, and even then, after five years i decided it was enough and i really needed a place to myself...
Little Bird said:
Saw 'Event Horizon' for the third time I think... No horor-movies again for me... ever... *shudder* That's no stuff for my childish heart and mind...

Yeah, I haven't watched that movie in a long time, but I do know how freaky it was. Damn, that part where the guy is crawling through the ducts and the lights go out, but when they come back on and that dead wife or whatever freakin just shows up. Fuckin' scary, alright.
WOOHOOO!!!! I passed my classes!! Woot-woot!! And I thought D's were failing.

Although, C's wouild be a LOT better because they can guarantee me getting into a class that might have the D class as a prerequisite.
Congrats, Crow. I feel like shit now. I hate allergy season. So much pollen. I have never had it this bad before. My throat is achy and nose runs. Poor me. :(
hi... sorry about the allergies...

ah, i have the idea for a new story i want to write and no time to write it... hm...
Little Bird said:
I have tons of Ideas and even more time...But somehow I don't get myself to do anything... :(

Same here, idea-wise. Usually when I get an idea, it just goes over my head, but more often than not, the ideas actually stay in my head until I write something down.

I'm already currently working on a book. I hope to have AT LEAST 10 chapters in it. I'm already working on 4 chapters now. One is almost done, 2 is beginning, 3 is beginning, and 4 is beginning.

I realized that by writing a book, I can't just ALWAYS write in a specific order of events. Instead, I'll write down everything and then piece them together later, while ALSO adding in something here and there.

I've also got several more ideas coming in, but my best guess is, they may be a part of an anthology that I also have in the works.
Little Bird said:
I have tons of Ideas and even more time...But somehow I don't get myself to do anything... :(
maybe we should try to motivate each other... have you publishes stories here yet? have you looked at mine yet? some of them are in german, one is also translated into english...'s the weekend. I haven't been this excited about a weekend since I was in high school. Summer classes start at 8am...and I am SO not a morning person. Slept till 11 was glorious.

Hope everyone else is having as great a weekend as I am...
My Own Way said:'s the weekend. I haven't been this excited about a weekend since I was in high school. Summer classes start at 8am...and I am SO not a morning person. Slept till 11 was glorious.

Hope everyone else is having as great a weekend as I am...

Heh, I never get the weekend off.. not in 5 years (Since I've had the current job)

That and its always the busiest days of the week. So weekends are not my favorite =P

Though I will have 6/4 off (Saturday), as I am goin' to a birthday party with you know who (Er.. at least My knows who =P)...its her daughter's 1st birthday!
1stClassNiceGuy said:
Heh, I never get the weekend off.. not in 5 years (Since I've had the current job)

That and its always the busiest days of the week. So weekends are not my favorite =P

Though I will have 6/4 off (Saturday), as I am goin' to a birthday party with you know who (Er.. at least My knows who =P)...its her daughter's 1st birthday!

Did you buy her a cute present??
My Own Way said:
Did you buy her a cute present??

I plan to. I already know what the baby is going to get, I just have to go buy it. Though I think this is a big day for the mother too, so I think I should get her something as well (Yeah, big day for her, but I want to get her something nice anyway, just cause..well.. you know =P)
1stClassNiceGuy said:
I plan to. I already know what the baby is going to get, I just have to go buy it. Though I think this is a big day for the mother too, so I think I should get her something as well (Yeah, big day for her, but I want to get her something nice anyway, just cause..well.. you know =P)

How bout some nice flowers. I LOVE getting flowers...
My Own Way said:
How bout some nice flowers. I LOVE getting flowers...

That's what I was thinking. On the other hand the situation I am currently in with her might make that a step too far, if that makes any sense.

New avatar, eh? :devil:
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1stClassNiceGuy said:
That's what I was thinking. On the other hand the situation I am currently in with her might make that a step too far, if that makes any sense.

New avatar, eh? :devil:

I dunno. Personally, I buy flowers for my girlfriends all the time. Little thank you for being you kinda things. It could just be a happy first year of being a mommy kind of gift.'s the I'm back in action like??
My Own Way said:'s the weekend. I haven't been this excited about a weekend since I was in high school. Summer classes start at 8am...and I am SO not a morning person. Slept till 11 was glorious.

Hope everyone else is having as great a weekend as I am...
Nice weekend so far... I met up with a friend today, and we walked up to Qenqo... Haven't been that out of breath in a while, walking up hill before having had breakfast... Tomorrow my neighbours will take me to Chinchero and Ollantaytambo, and then to the birhtday party of their mother. I guess tomorrow night will be the first time I drink since I got here. Hopefully I manage not to behave badly...
My Own Way said:
I dunno. Personally, I buy flowers for my girlfriends all the time. Little thank you for being you kinda things. It could just be a happy first year of being a mommy kind of gift.'s the I'm back in action like??

Hell yeah I like! I'd like to comment further but I may ruin the nice guy image :devil:

Just be careful, or you're gonna have a My Own Way pic thread petition before you know it :nana:

Just bein' silly, but seriously... As far as the flowers go, the problem isn't whether or not she will like them. The problem is whether or not she will like them too much. She's a bit nervous and confused as to what to do in her situation, and I don't want to seem like I am trying to persuade her in a particular direction, even if the logic behind the gift makes sense... people always have that thought in the back of their minds.
1stClassNiceGuy said:
By the way, how tall are you, My? That pic makes me think you might be fairly tall.... 5'8''-5'10''?'s actually a very flattering picture....and when I shrunk the pixels it became even more flattering...i'm actually only 5'4". And no...there will NEVER be a My picture thread LOL....ever
My Own Way said:'s actually a very flattering picture....and when I shrunk the pixels it became even more flattering...i'm actually only 5'4". And no...there will NEVER be a My picture thread LOL....ever

Hmm, how about a series of random images in someone's PM box? :nana:

Just kidding. Looks good! ;)

P.S. Actually, it wasn't the shape or anything, it was the position of the doorknob relative to your Now that I look at the image again it does seem a bit squished, hehe.
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Oh My!

Hey My Own. Long time, no see. Love the avatar pic. VERY flattering. Makes me want you even more.

Sadly, the weekend isn't so great for me. I have to work of course, but also the weekend sort of marks the 1st year of my dad's death. Monday evening I'll be taking a few hours off from work to be at my step-mom's for a few hours and we're going to the graveyard to toast my dad. Then I have to go back to work.

Enjoy the weekend!!
Crow: Sorry to hear about a sad anniversity coming up. I'll keep you in my prayers. Stay Strong.

My: WOW! Oh Wow! Lovely AV. Let me post this so I can look at that AV more. :p :p :p