verbal... name calling...

<glances at Fungi>

what say you, we tie her up, spank her and then force her to watch you fucking me? cause i'm all for it
i mean, i know you don't do men really but... maybe if you are a good girl, i'll be allowed to treat you :D though really, i'm not sure how well i could preform cunnigulus having never even received it myself (from male or female)

aren't we the worst, hi-jacking a thread for our own selfish flirting
SkylineBlue said:
i mean, i know you don't do men really but... maybe if you are a good girl, i'll be allowed to treat you :D though really, i'm not sure how well i could preform cunnigulus having never even received it myself (from male or female)

aren't we the worst, hi-jacking a thread for our own selfish flirting

It can always be moved :p fat dick the thread originator got his kinky words & dick sucked and seems to be happy.

Giggles... I don't think you are grasping my needs here, SkylineBlue! Cunnilingus is definitely not at the top of the list.
<ponders a moment>

Hmmm... well if informed of the needs, I would try my best to comply... I always hope to be a good lover ... which i suppose to you would mean hurting you... yes?

and though I've had a few crushes on girls before, I have certainly never been with
I’m sure you do and are. Lol we’re even – I’ve never sucked a man's cock, but something tells me I'm not as curious as you are about the alternative.

But if you want to get serious for a moment, no, not hurting me, though pain can be incredibly erotic – I do crave it. Where would the C-O-N-T-R-O-L and authentic D/s element be? Just a different perspective I think – I have been with women exclusively in romantic relationships, and nearly exclusively in a sexual sense for over twenty years. Being with another woman sexually without the D/s is truly my own personal “traditional vanillaville”… not to mention, though of course I will, that being with another woman for a man’s pleasure or under a man's control is so incredibly counter-intuitive for me personally lol.

AND I think that scenario would work well for MANY – never mind me, I am a contrary and odd bird. :)
Lol... alright, then we get rid of fungi-the-incorrigible one ... and uhm, lol... well i am always whispering that i think i am somewhat bisexual and that i think i could be a switch but yet again, i'm not ready to explore it until i have explored my heterosexual submission more fully...

see i have no interest in being with a woman romantically, i just don't care to deal with the estrogen and the feminity... i love men, i think that the stereotypical male - especially many of the dominant ones - are a good balance to me whereas, with a woman - it would be too much weight on one side of the scale - yah know? however, i love looking at women in submissive positions, i love the idea of putting them there, i love the idea of being the one in that position... and the female body is just so beautiful. so yah, i'm interested, but like i said, i gotta explore the other stuff first....

you know, i think i would enjoy tying a woman up and teasing her and teasing her and teasing her... but i'm not sure i could strike her... as in spank her (maybe once or twice, but not more than that) or flog her either... but once again, i'll save such ponderings and judgements until the proper time :D

edited to add - i am talking with, chatting with, and possibly meeting soon - a guy who is interested in exploring switching which i think could be interesting if he and i decide to take it beyond a friendship level - it would give me a chance to see if i have a dominant side at all... though he too wonders if he could truly submit to a woman rather than use her submission to force her into dominant acts with him (such as fucking him with a strap-on or something)
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Hmmm, how about we keep FungiUg and see if he has any short-term bottoming tendencies we can tease and draw out while exploring our short-term topping tendencies? :devil:
yes lark i did get my rocks off and my kinky words... but im alway up for me... :cool:

happy valentine to all the bitchs sluts skanks and whore out there
fat dick said:
yes lark i did get my rocks off and my kinky words... but im alway up for me... :cool:

happy valentine to all the bitchs sluts skanks and whore out there

lol Nothing says "Be Mine" like "Happy Valentine's Day, you skanky whore."

Right back at you, fat dick :)
Back to topic, verbal humiliation is erotic. Although, if repetitive name-calling is a daily matter, the words tend to lose their potency. i guess it is a matter of how the recipient of the name calling will position themselves mentally/emotionally to accept the verbal lashing. If calling someone a "disgusting whore" provokes giggles, then the effectiveness is obviously lacking.

i guess it is all about creativity. Texture had a post in this thread that i thought was funny and i was unable to put it in a humiliation context. Not to say it might not be devastating to somone else, it just illustrates my point in how it depends on the manner in which the sub/bottom/slave receives the words. Perception is key.

Find the missing scales, find the chink in the armor.

I could employ the traditional words all the do da day....

lick the ground I walk on you subhuman oinking slut, you waste of space, you hole....

and that's cool. But find a little insecurity...just the right one....

"that flabby underutilized engineer ASS"

"you sick wanker, you couldn't get LIVE a woman to give you the time of day without paying!"

and it's so much better.
lark sparrow said:
Hmmm, how about we keep FungiUg and see if he has any short-term bottoming tendencies we can tease and draw out while exploring our short-term topping tendencies? :devil:

I've a long-term attachment to my bottom, and my favourite topping is passionfruit. (And yes, that ends up being a very short term topping!)

Does that help?
Netzach said:
Find the missing scales, find the chink in the armor.

I could employ the traditional words all the do da day....

lick the ground I walk on you subhuman oinking slut, you waste of space, you hole....

and that's cool. But find a little insecurity...just the right one....

"that flabby underutilized engineer ASS"

"you sick wanker, you couldn't get LIVE a woman to give you the time of day without paying!"

and it's so much better.

We're not worthy! We're not worthy!
AngelicAssassin said:
Quietly whisper, "wench," with all that entails.

To be truthful... I'm not exactly what all being a wench entails.
FungiUg said:
I've a long-term attachment to my bottom, and my favourite topping is passionfruit. (And yes, that ends up being a very short term topping!)

Does that help?

It does indeed! We can just call your bottom my passionfruit. ;)
wench.... female servant; a lewd woman if yall were still not sure what it meant... simply put a whore
well seeing how its an old english term and usually used for women found in pubs. i would have to say sluts.