verbal... name calling...

i could probably fall into that category :D

wanton... check!
little.... er... check!
cunt.... check!
I've had males wite things like "null" and "useless" on their dicks in felt-tip on occasion, if "useless" isn't too long a word to make fit.

I'm especially dedicated to this practise: what's fun when I say it is double the fun when you say it. Chanting phrases while masturbating, self-torturing etc. is the height of verbal degredation, I should think.

"You are a hole"

isn't nearly as hot as "I am a hole"
Netzach said:
I've had males wite things like "null" and "useless" on their dicks in felt-tip on occasion, if "useless" isn't too long a word to make fit.

I'm especially dedicated to this practise: what's fun when I say it is double the fun when you say it. Chanting phrases while masturbating, self-torturing etc. is the height of verbal degredation, I should think.

"You are a hole"

isn't nearly as hot as "I am a hole"

Kajira Callista said:

ok i had to come back to this one....better then name calling to me is Him saying..."Tell me what you are" and me having to. Or Him having me tell him ten different reasons i should be allowed to cum. Such as im a nasty cunt or an dirty bitch or im a cum whore etc.
Kajira Callista said:
isnt that fertilizer or sumfin?


It's Euro-talk ;) A slag's a slut, if I've got my Britspeak dictionary opened to the right page. I knew hanging out with those silly blokes would do some good someday!
sunfox said:

It's Euro-talk ;) A slag's a slut, if I've got my Britspeak dictionary opened to the right page. I knew hanging out with those silly blokes would do some good someday!

Oh :eek: lol!
I actually liked the fertilizer thought....but that works too. :p
sunfox said:

It's Euro-talk ;) A slag's a slut, if I've got my Britspeak dictionary opened to the right page. I knew hanging out with those silly blokes would do some good someday!

Is also a term used in some of Oz with the same meaning, and can also mean spit, as in spitting on someone....and in Dutch from my dictionary (lifesaver!!) it can mean stroke, blow, box, slap, lash. beat, thud. LOL, so guess it depends who is saying it and/or where.

catalina_francisco said:
Is also a term used in some of Oz with the same meaning, and can also mean spit, as in spitting on someone....and in Dutch from my dictionary (lifesaver!!) it can mean stroke, blow, box, slap, lash. beat, thud. LOL, so guess it depends who is saying it and/or where.


Im thinking all the definitions sorta fit in a good way. :D
slag... is also the term i believe, for the junk left over in the steel making process... i'm not exactly sure, i could check my text books but i do know that the term is used in reference to something in that process.
wench was actually sort of just the common name for a girl in the time it was used - not a bad name to call a woman for a short time, then the sailors, and the bar men got roudy, the women turned whorish ... and then the name became wench, whore, slut, bar bitch, cunt, easy, dirty.... and so on.

last night we were pushing boundaries and he said that "this is mine, I own you now, you lowly slut... letting me do this, you're just a little hole... and you love it, look how fucking wet your cunt is, you're dripping you cockwhore..."

and he was biting my back/neck and just whispering it ... and ever now and then I'd get a smack here and there with his hand.... drove me crazy.
SkylineBlue said:
To be truthful... I'm not exactly what all being a wench entails.

1 a : a young woman : GIRL b : a female servant
2 : a lewd woman

Think the unspoken "serving" ... well you get the idea.
Hmmm we have talked about all this good kinda name calling that makes us sorta purrrrr. Is there anything that would be a definite turn off for a sub/slave as far as name calling?
Kajira Callista said:
Hmmm we have talked about all this good kinda name calling that makes us sorta purrrrr. Is there anything that would be a definite turn off for a sub/slave as far as name calling?

words that would hurt? ugly...stupid...worthless...words that prey on my deepest insecurities and take away all the warm little safe spaces inside. so when i am being degraded, those are the kinds of words that are used, as they get the message thru loud and clear.
Yup to osg's line, and also to silly terms. Sorry, Angel, "wench" makes me giggle. So did most of Netzach's, but then again, I lack the Lowly Penis Mentality. (Though I loved the thought of "useless" only being applicable to those well-endowed enough to fit it on there!)

Mostly, I think the best terms are the ones that are both a.) at least a little derogatory in the socially accepted way, and 2.) close enough to our own insecurities to pluck our strings. I don't really believe I'm nothing but a cunt, but at the time of impersonal usage, there is a part of me that wonders if it might not be true after all. Likewise with cheap, filthy, pathetic, slutty....I have a good self image and wot all, but really. I'm asking for these things to be done to me. The shoe fits.

But truly hurtful, truly personal terms, are not necessarily erotic. For every lady proud to be a BBW, there is a woman who is deathly afraid of the word "fat" and who would be mortally offended if her partner used that in sexual context, especially if in mocking tones that are so effective elsewhere. I don't have any sort of experience with submissive males, but I'd guess that even some with a penchant for erotic humiliation would go completely cold at the thought of someone laughing at their dick size. Worthless, stupid...these go either way, in my experience. Either they touch something hard and precious inside you, or they are just cruel enough to sting without requiring therapy afterwards. I dunno.
that would be another painful one Quint..."fat"...i'm nowhere close to being overweight, but still have always been insecure about my body...i can imagine a man calling me fat, as he takes his hand and pinches a bit of extra flesh from my thighs or midsection, and looking at me in disgust....that would be pretty horrific.
ownedsubgal said:
words that would hurt? ugly...stupid...worthless...words that prey on my deepest insecurities and take away all the warm little safe spaces inside. so when i am being degraded, those are the kinds of words that are used, as they get the message thru loud and clear.

I agree.. it's rarely a sexual term that can hurt me or degrade me in any way. It's the things like ugly (I'm vain :D ), or stupid (that hurts while angering), or anything that would fall under the heading of a racist slur, because I am admittedly sensitive about those words.

Things like that only hurt.. they don't enhance humiliation or sexual pleasure. They just cause injury, and in some ways, can conceivably lower my trust in someone.
with women it's fat and ugly with men it's dick and money.

I love using money as a subject of degredation.

If they are paying then they are stupid and desperate enough to pay for it, if they are not then they are worthless and arrogant and should be paying for it, maybe I should turn them out onto the street in panties and make them WORK for me, etc. etc. Or they should be buying everything she wants and eating out of a can of beans on behalf of any woman who would deign to even look at their stupid disgusting dicklike object (aha, dick AND money we have a winner)
slag, slut, fertilizer.....all the same thing no?

Morning Mrs Biggins. Oi'd like a couple of them there sluts for moi garden. Make moi tomartos come up noice, they will.
Texture said:
Morning Mrs Biggins. Oi'd like a couple of them there sluts for moi garden. Make moi tomartos come up noice, they will.

Im betting i know one or two sluts that could make your tomatoes come up real nice darling. ;)
Quint said:
Mostly, I think the best terms are the ones that are both a.) at least a little derogatory in the socially accepted way, and 2.) close enough to our own insecurities to pluck our strings.

Originally posted by Quint
But truly hurtful, truly personal terms, are not necessarily erotic ... Either they touch something hard and precious inside you, or they are just cruel enough to sting without requiring therapy afterwards. I dunno.

Back to topic.

A little editing, but ... Yeah. Close. Still, the "soul tapping, makes you wonder, and doubles you up verbal cruelty" can be erotic ... all about context and how it's received. They either go straight to your head/heart or to the place inside you that's reluctant to admit you need just that kind of treatment.
