Voices In The Hangout

Re: Re: A critical voice

gauchecritic said:
Act IV Scene III (Scene IV elsewhere) The Shepherd's cottage from "The Winter's Tale"

You should know that one Purr.

Yes, I thought it might be WT, is there a 'Perdita' at the beginning, it sounded like there might be but it wasn't clear. I shall listen again with the text in hand.

Purrrrrr :rose:

p.s. If I could record more than 5 seconds I would do some favorite lines of Wm., but then I would also be so diffident in the thought of you Brits listening to an American, yikes! California-girl speaking iambically. Ha ha.
And now the world premiere of the beginning of Comfort Food: A drama in 4 parts. Be amazed.

The Earl
Amazement unabated, all

TheEarl said:
Lovely, lovely reading, wish I could hear the entire story aloud.

Oh, brilliant idea just arrived: You (or Alan Rickman) reading the satyr story.

Good on you, mate! Pear :rose:
I probably would, but my e-mail account only allows me to send 1mb of data at a time. The satyr story is huge and would take me bloody ages to submit to Lit. Maybe I'll make a CD.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
I probably would, but my e-mail account only allows me to send 1mb of data at a time. The satyr story is huge and would take me bloody ages to submit to Lit. Maybe I'll make a CD.
*Seriously*, that would be wonderful. Could the CD contents then be sent via email?

Pear :rose:
shouldn't need to e-mail, just pass on the file (Yahoo messenger perhaps) or a peer-to-peer sharing thing like kazaa, which in your case wouldn't be illegal. Might take a fair bit of co-ordination though.

Technically speaking using kazaa to download music is not illegal in England. The music recordings act states that you are allowed to make copies of music to give (without financial remuneration) to your friends. It doesn't specify how many copies or how well you have to know these 'friends.'

Anyway, that's off the point. If I recorded it and sent it through kazaa to someone else, could they then send it to Lit? Any volunteers?

The Earl
I despise all the nasty voices sounding in my head! :mad:

And, sticking my fingers in my ears, only makes them echo! :eek:
333 and there's more!!!!!!!!! but it's too big yet so I must cut a bit off, OUCH!!!
Last edited:
Damn Lit limitations! Damn, Damn.
OK, I feel better, now.

This is a lymeric style poem I wrote many years ago. "I Is Me".

As Earl and Pops did, I decided to cut me up (audibly speaking, of course) to get a better quality out of the file.

So, here is part 1, and next comes part 2. Well, surely you gathered that...
DVS: That's ridiculously entertaining. Good poem.

Pops: Thanks for the plug. What happened to part 3 of your epic?

The Earl
"The Camel & The Sphinx"

First off. I did not write "The Camel & The Sphinx." Nor do I know who did.

I found it in the dedication of a tell-all type of book about the inside workings of the FBI, entitled, "No Left Turns." ;)

At that point, "The Camel & The Sphinx" was attributed to 'Anonymous.'

The only other point I need to make, is that from this sample, you will learn why my vocal skills were rejected by "The Cyborg Chorus." :(
Quasi's camel

Very nice reading for the subject and language.

Bravo from Perdita :rose:
Nice one mate

Nice one Quasi, never heard the Camel & Sphinx read with so much laid back feeling before, well done mate.

You must have heard the old one about the Camel that wouldn't drink??

The owners mate said take the Camel to the water hole, hold his head into the water, then take two large stones and slam them together with the Camel's bollocks in between the stones.

How does that work asks the owner??

Well when you crush his balls with the stones he takes in a sharp intake of breath, if his head is in the water he is forced to drink some in.

My God, but doesn't it hurt terribly?? asks the Camels owner.

Only if you catch your fingers between the stones replies the friend.

camel balls, tell me more, but

Pops, love, you need to move that story to the pony girl thread.

Darling Perdita :rose:
let's see if this will work...

Short and sweet just to see if it works. I say 'Arohanui from New Zealand'

(just in case your ears aren't tuned for somebody who has no accent. ;) )

Aroha = love
nui = big

...hope it works
Re: let's see if this will work...

wildsweetone said:
Short and sweet just to see if it works. I say 'Arohanui from New Zealand'

(just in case your ears aren't tuned for somebody who has no accent. ;) )

Aroha = love
nui = big

...hope it works

TheEarl said:
DVS: That's ridiculously entertaining. Good poem.
The Earl

Thanks. It was from my rediculous age, if you understand.