What did you dream? Tell it in five sentences or fewer.

I was listening to a man read out menu items, and he suddenly started including body parts :eek:
There must have been more to that dream, and I'm not sure I want to know it... :l
It's all that talk of hair on the pic thread :D

Mine was a talking dog - it's a recurring theme of mine.

I thought that was the origin of my dream, to. :)

Is it always the same dog? I have a dream pet cat that visits me regularly. It's grey and stripy and wears a jacket. It just hangs around there in the corner of my dreams but doesn't really do anything.
I thought that was the origin of my dream, to. :)

Is it always the same dog? I have a dream pet cat that visits me regularly. It's grey and stripy and wears a jacket. It just hangs around there in the corner of my dreams but doesn't really do anything.

I have a house that I visit constantly in dreamland.
It's enormous, so I just live in the attic which is all one room.
Last night I had to pretend to be a pink fish so that I could sneak in and out of a bank without being noticed :confused: I had pink flippers and fins attached to my hands, back, etc, and it worked like a charm. In and out, nobody batted an eyelash. I'll be trying this if I ever want to rob a bank :p
I thought that was the origin of my dream, to. :)

Is it always the same dog? I have a dream pet cat that visits me regularly. It's grey and stripy and wears a jacket. It just hangs around there in the corner of my dreams but doesn't really do anything.

No - this time it was a Jack Russell, but in the past it's been a Doberman, an Alsatian, a golden Labrador...but they all speak :)
Racing my Dad on forklifts with some sort of obstacle course he laid out. This is SO improbable that I've been chuckling all day.
I tried to talk my parents out of breaking and entering various houses. They never stole anything, they just wanted to see what was inside. I couldn't make them stop, so I joined them and roasted bell peppers in the kitchen of some poor soul.
Well I had an extremely detailed, long, and abnormally coherent dream.
Based on the contents of it I'm surprised my brain didn't treat it as the most terrifying nightmare I would ever have had. It was actually a lot like watching a thriller movie rather than a dream.

Ever seen that Spanish movie REC?
It was a lot like REC, but with a lot more people and had way more suspenseful moments.
I was in my garden, and we were playing some sort of game. Consilience (complete with cartoon face from his AV) was standing up with his back to us, and the rest of us were sitting on the grass - I remember Seela, Elle and CB with that 'knowledge' that dreams give but there were more, maybe a dozen of us altogether. The game was that Consilience would throw objects over his shoulder for us to catch, and the last item was a ball of tin foil. At some point I wandered off because there was a problem with an insect on the herb garden by the fence.
I dreamed I was at an anime convention and there were a lot of ppl there I used to know in high school that I don't really have contact with anymore. Anyway, there was a booth there that had these metal plates you put on the back of your hands and forearms that allowed you to hit and punch ppl without any pain or lasting injury. So two ppl could beat the fuck out of each other and neither get hurt. So we all just started fighting each other and having a good time and laughed while we beat the fuck out of everyone.
I was in my garden, and we were playing some sort of game. Consilience (complete with cartoon face from his AV) was standing up with his back to us, and the rest of us were sitting on the grass - I remember Seela, Elle and CB with that 'knowledge' that dreams give but there were more, maybe a dozen of us altogether. The game was that Consilience would throw objects over his shoulder for us to catch, and the last item was a ball of tin foil. At some point I wandered off because there was a problem with an insect on the herb garden by the fence.

Awesome! Maybe it was your house where I roasted the bell peppers last night. :D
I have not seen it. Any tin foil balls?

There is a disturbing lack of tinfoil throughout the movie, sorry.
In a short summary of the movie:
Running zombies.
More running zombies.
Being attacked by running zombies.
Even more running zombies.
Being chased through small rooms and hallways by running zombies.
I dreamed I was talking to him. We were laughing at inside jokes and I heard his laugh. I asked him where he went, and woke up.
I was going to be in a political quiz competition, but I got caught up in a scavenger hunt which ended under a tree that grew snaggle toothed fish. When I got to the competition, some woman had already won and was dancing with the trophy :(
I was going to be in a political quiz competition, but I got caught up in a scavenger hunt which ended under a tree that grew snaggle toothed fish. When I got to the competition, some woman had already won and was dancing with the trophy :(

I wish I could live in your head.
You have the coolest dreams.
Denny---<-----that's me! The male half

I dreamed our son came over two months ago and put in a new well pump and pipes.

I was dreaming about making mad passionate love to my French maid.

I dreamed we got all gooey and sweaty.

I dreamed we took a shower together and I soaped down her beautiful large breasts.

I woke up, remembering the damned PVC pipe came unglued from the well pump yesterday and we have no water!