What did you dream? Tell it in five sentences or fewer.

That I had a court appearance I had forgotten about and so slept in. Then shot awake in a panic.
... which led me to actually awake in a panic until I could convince myself I had no such engagement to make!
I sprouted a shoot out of the top/side of my head, like an airplane or spider plant would. A beautiful little fish formed at the end, all rainbow colours and sparkles. He could talk, and was an excellent companion. We walked about town discussing various bits of architecture and city planning improvements, and had tea at a little sidewalk cafe.

The only problem was that I had to carry a fishbowl around for him, and it got really awkwardly heavy. I considered snipping him off, and was staring at the snips in my hand when I just woke up. I hope he's ok :p

:kiss: :)

I liked your animal dream :heart: I just got carried away thinking about my fishy friend and forgot to say. I also dream like you, where there are people in my dream that are familiar to me, yet I have no idea who they are in real life. I call them dream people, or my dream tribe :)
I had a dream I sent the wrong text to the wrong person and all hell broke lose.

This actually happened to me in life, a few times. My son has the same name as one of my friends in a group chat. He was... MOM. Who are these people?

Thank god we were talking about boats.

Happened last night wth my GF. I meant to respond only to her and did it in my nursing group, which probably prompted the dream.
TV static. Muddy water. Gurgling. A room with no corners. Teeth. And sounds from my childhood prevailing over all.

No sleep for me.
What an mental image

Dreamed my wife was sitting naked on the ground. She had her legs spread wide and was pulling her pussy open. There were spunk covering her lower half. There was a group of men surrounding her. Jerking off, trying to shoot into her gaping hole.
TV static. Muddy water. Gurgling. A room with no corners. Teeth. And sounds from my childhood prevailing over all.

No sleep for me.

This would be the absolute death of me for OCD reasons.
My rooms need corners.
I will settle for no circular room.

I had to google dream meaning of room with no corners:

something to do with no choice, no alternatives, can't move forward.
Dreamed my wife was sitting naked on the ground. She had her legs spread wide and was pulling her pussy open. There were spunk covering her lower half. There was a group of men surrounding her. Jerking off, trying to shoot into her gaping hole.

Was this a good dream for you?

Do your dreams hold meaning?

They serve to keep me from sleeping more than 4 or 5 hours, they're highlight reels of shit I don't want to see or hear... Don't look up what muddy/dirty/foul water is supposed to symbolize if you dream about it lol.
When I was very young I had a dream;

I sat alone in a verdant prarie land, blue sky and rolling green hills like a kindergarten picture as far as the eye could see.

I lay down and examined in detail the petals of a yellow flower.

A steel tire rolled right in front of my face, crushing the flower; it's tracks a charred line that left no trace that the flower or grass around it ever existed.

I stood and watched it go, rising over the next hill before disappearing out of sight. I turned and looked the other way, and from horizon to horizon; a staggered line of steel tires sped toward me, the hills behind them a blackened ember wasteland under a soot choked sky.

When I was young I had a dream that the world was being attacked by series' of asymmetric line patterns.

It was absolutely terrifying.
I had an enormous dog, his back was almost to shoulder height as we walked along. We lived in a large community of people, and everyone loved the dog (I think his name was Jack). One of the dream tribe had a wife who seemed extremely uptight and asexual, but she gave me a book of her poetry to read, and the stuff she has written was terrible :p but all about sex.


Lying in the lane
In the snow, cold winds
Blowing up my back passage
Two fingers feeling so good
I never have imagined.

That's not mine, ok. The dream tribe wife wrote that. :D There was much more of the same.
This poem was accompanied by a photo snap of her and him in Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda shorts, lying on the bed in their cabin in the mountains. She was face down and he was on top of her, but head turned and a huge smile for the camera.

Quite an odd dream, even for me :l
Originally Posted by enjoy_reading View Post

Dreamed my wife was sitting naked on the ground. She had her legs spread wide and was pulling her pussy open. There were spunk covering her lower half. There was a group of men surrounding her. Jerking off, trying to shoot into her gaping hole.

Was this a good dream for you?

Very exciting image. I just woke up too soon and doesn't know what happened next.
I was driving along the motorway on my way to a meeting, and there's just been an accident - there were people all over the road. This being a dream I knew there was an ambulance round the corner, so I crossed over to get their attention, but then realised all the traffic was backing up behind the accident and I'd be stuck in it, and late for my meeting.

So I went an alternative route which involved driving over a Concrete bridge hundreds of feet in the air, where the two bits of road were only as wide as my tyres - one wrong move and I'd be over the edge. I was screaming I CANT DO THIS, ended up out of the car, hanging on to the concrete edge by my fingertips and thinking how much easier it would be to let go than keep fighting to hang on.

Stressed? Me? Noooooo.....whatever gave you that idea :rolleyes:
Ok so this one was a gem.

First off: I was walking around some unnamed American supermarket selling Polish food (?!) and two cats, one fluffy white one and a tortoiseshell, strolled up to me and declared that they were going to kill me. I ignored them and continued shopping until they murdered another patron. So I left in a hurry. :eek:

So then it turned out that these cats were the henchmen of a vegan cult that worshipped cats which my psychiatrist (I don't have a psychiatrist in reality) happened to be a part of, so he/she kidnapped me and we drove in a black SUV into the mountains where the vegan cult was headquartered.

They tried to get me to enrol in a "voluntary" course to properly realize the dangers of meat eating which was obviously just their culty brainwashing regime. Then two cops arrived outside having been told by animal control that there were violent cats in the area (SERIOUSLY) and the vegan cult attacked them with pointy objects. Then I woke up.
Passed out around 3. Dreamt I was in an empty waiting room. Nobody at the desk. All the signs and posters were gibberish. There was on old tube tv mounted in the corner playing fuzzy images of old stop motion Christmas specials. Could only hear radio interference. Woke up when I started vomiting sea water all over the floor.