What did you dream? Tell it in five sentences or fewer.

sweet dreams are made of these....

I've had some pretty ok dying dreams too.

One in which most of the dream was the flashback of my life flashing before my eyes... only.. it was all some other life.

And a couple less ok ones.

Some of them want to use yoooooou...

It was pretty damn awkward to say the least. I've had the same...some great dreams in which I die and others.....yeah...not so great.

Though I can't recall ever having a dream where I found someone to be happy with, lived a life with them had a child and then died.....happy in the knowledge I was doing something for them while I passed away in the dream.

Really should try getting a dream journal going again.

And no crazy dreams that I can recall from these past few days.

Stag, thanks man, appreciate the reply to my comment.
you are welcome!

please don't think I ignore you.

I'm just more prone to comment if I get to be nostalgic or cheeky.

I meant it was nice in general to have someone reply. But then again, from what I've seen and read of your words of wisdom throughout the threads, it really is nice that you happened to comment.

So no, didn't think you ignored, pal. Thanks again.
I had become suddenly and awkwardly aware of responding to certain people a lot more than others.

No problem man. It happens, sometimes unintentionally so. Just something about the other person (and shockingly enough it's not always just "they have the genitals I prefer to admire!") but an actual connection.

Don't apologize for how you interact, man. Just enjoy yourself and have fun here.
Couldn't sleep. No dreams.
Woke up and fell back this morning.
Dreams about cookie's Oral Servitude thread. Yes. I did.
I had a dream about being really tired and trying to go to sleep but I couldn't find Master so I could go to bed. So I wandered around our house. Woke up EXHAUSTED.
Dreamt that Collar N Cuffs changed her profile picture to a head-to-thighs selfie of herself.

Except her face was Michael Jackson.

OMG....I don't believe I'm going to say this....but.....after chatting here with a friend about our
Moms, I had an incredibly erotic dream of my Mother. Probably a bit too taboo.
I dreamed I lived by an ocean. There was this crazy natural phenomenon where the water was layered because of differing salinity levels and for some reason this made the ocean levels high and I couldn't got to work so I had to call in. Then they evacuated us but we couldn't take anything with us so I had to leave behind my cell phone and this coin that was strangely important to me. This guy kept making eyes at me and kinda took care of me as they gathered is all in this little building to wait out the ocean. At some point we were allowed to go back and he found my phone and coin for me and I woke up.
I was standing near someone who was endeavouring to dress up as a summer pudding, as that was their fetish... But they wanted it to be as real as possible, so there was a big real summer pudding she was trying to get into... But they are really squishy and it kept falling apart. All the while she is getting covered in bright red berry juice.
I dreamt that I was cyborg and could cut my own hair by imagining what I wanted, holding a spoon up to my eye which would then reflect the image from my brain back into my eye computer. Then my hair would all stand on end for just a moment as though I had stuck my finger in the comical electric socket, the extra bits would drop off and it would all fall into place with the new style, perfectly coiffed.

I blame MastersDelight :p
I dreamt that I was cyborg and could cut my own hair by imagining what I wanted, holding a spoon up to my eye which would then reflect the image from my brain back into my eye computer. Then my hair would all stand on end for just a moment as though I had stuck my finger in the comical electric socket, the extra bits would drop off and it would all fall into place with the new style, perfectly coiffed.

I blame MastersDelight :p

Oops ;)

That's one hell of a way to get a hair cut!
I was being chased by the cops for some crime I didn't commit, and I got really thirsty driving my 1970's getaway car :rolleyes: I spotted and tried to get a drink at some... weird roadside thing, but the only thing they had was a basin and a hand pump for water :eek: I pumped water into the thing, but as I brought it up to drink I noticed a tiny kitten inside. I thought he was drowning, but instead he was breathing water. I lowered him and his mouth would close. Raise him back up, breathe in water. I tried to drink around him but he kept trying to get in my mouth. Then the cops caught me :mad: Ugh!
It was the zombie apocalypse. My family, and a few strangers my mind decided to make part of my family group had holed up in this large courtyard place. Big vine covered walls on three sides but the front wall was just weak chain link. For some reason there's this big loud machine to the back of the yard that we can't get to shut off and it's drawing the zombies. A few voices call out to us and we see human heads pop over the back wall. They have a yard too but it's secure and they have these off the ground cabin things to stay safe too. So we start throwing our stuff over the wall and start climbing. Once in safety we start inventorying our belongings and I somehow get roped into smoothing aluminum foil for repeat use.
My wife and I were riding a motorcycle. A tornado was coming from the west so we went into someone's garage. The homeowner heard us and invited us to go to their basement with them until the storm passed. There were children there so nothing kinky.

I woke up with a terrible stiff neck!
In a crowded environment watching someone I don't like doing an activity that I like. Walking away disgusted only to be stopped and harassed by other people. They made me do the activity and said that I couldn't stop doing it until I was happy. I wasn't really getting any happier and eventually I said that I would try one last time to really be happier and then I woke up before doing it that last time.
I was traveling alone in a bleak, abandoned asphalt shadow-world, and approached a complex of empty buildings. As I entered I was surrounded from the shadows by a menacing group, threatening and taunting me. When the leader tried to mark me with a gang symbol as a form of humiliation, I was filled with rage and exploded with screams and launched my fist at his face.

I awoke from the dream in blinding pain. I had punched my bedside table as hard as I could, shredded the skin from my knuckles and injured my wrist, which is still throbbing as I write this.
I was traveling alone in a bleak, abandoned asphalt shadow-world, and approached a complex of empty buildings. As I entered I was surrounded from the shadows by a menacing group, threatening and taunting me. When the leader tried to mark me with a gang symbol as a form of humiliation, I was filled with rage and exploded with screams and launched my fist at his face.

I awoke from the dream in blinding pain. I had punched my bedside table as hard as I could, shredded the skin from my knuckles and injured my wrist, which is still throbbing as I write this.

Fuck. That sucks. :(

*gets the Bactine, band aids and Ace wrap*