What did you dream? Tell it in five sentences or fewer.

Can't remember much of the dream, but it involved creepy, liquid, gray aliens. Freaked me out so much it woke me up. I've learned if that sort of thing happens to start thinking about something else and the details get forgotten.
Had three dreams last night that I remembered.

1. My wife was with two men, riding them, reverse cowgirl. I couldn’t see their faces, but they were fatter men. It seemed to be some sort of pity fuck for both of them. Was I watching or just the perspective of my dream? I’m not really into sharing my wife.

2. I was back in the army in a tank and our coaxial machine gun (an M240) would not fire. It kept on misfiring. Then another misfire. Cleared the weapon but it misfired again. And again and again. WTF! I had to take it out of the mounting and take it apart and there were enemy infantry all around us…

3. I was eating a steak burrito. I cut it open with a steak knife and fork. It was really hot and very good.
I had one of those dreams that seems to last for days. One of those rare hyper-vivid ones where you’re compelled to check the date when you get up.

I was in an implausibly dense town surrounded on 3 sides by implausibly tall and steep jagged mountains, taking photographs of them. The side of one collapsed into the town and ‘killed’ tonnes of people (definitely inspired by the eruption footage from that volcano).

For some reason everyone hurt in it couldn’t die despite the injuries so the hospital staff just convinced them they were alive then incinerated them when they were sedated to kill them for good.

I remember the mountains were pretty though.
I was at a work dinner with several clients and several coworkers. It was to solidify a big deal or something.

One of the women (client) ordered red snapper.

I replied (I’m beavis and butthead voice) “heh heh, you said snapper.”

Told my wife about the dream and she said I certainly have a one track mind!
I dreamt that my best friend could fly a helicopter and was flying us home from a conference
I had a dream I woke up, looked at my phone and it was Tuesday, 8 March 2023. I decided to go back to sleep because it was the wrong year.

I was a wee bit confused when I woke up for real.
Cats were actually tiny people wearing cat suits. They started to rebel because they wanted equal rights and started to take of their car suits. It was a very freaky, scary dream.
In a post apocalyptic society, where you could buy souls at the thrift store.
And last night I defected to Russia to spy and help get someone out of there.

No more doom scrolling before bed for you, Iris.
I invented a napkin that was a face mask with a hole where your mouth goes. There was a floral mask napkin and a space themed mask napkin to choose from. If you made a specific lipstick pattern and wore the mask napkin while eating spaghetti, it looked like a worm was getting sucked into a flower or a black hole, depending on the design of the mask napkin. It was purely for the entertainment of your fellow diners.
My wife and I were at our farm and we were looking over our crops: corn, soybeans, pumpkins, sunflowers, etc. it was before harvest season so we were just admiring our crops like proud parents.

Then we were in our old stone barn, which used to be a mill. I was on my back, on a large stone horizontal round millstone while my wife was fucking me, lovingly but firmly with a large purple strapon off of the side of the millstone. I was pulling her into me.

I’m guessing it meant she was “seeding” me. Weird.
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I was in theater and the play was really good and funny. I don’t remember anything about what the play was about but I woke up J and a bit later also myself in the middle of the night because I was giggling so hard.
Weirdest dream: I went to Vietnam and got kidnapped to work for a sweatshop but all I was doing was folding clothes. People finally started escaping, flying somewhere, then the place was taken over by this weird religion/cult. I got chosen as someone who could be an intuitive in the religion and had to choose if I was going to go through the really scary training or be killed.

There was a lot more but that’s the gist… *no* idea where any of that came from!
Best dream i had was many years ago. It was so intense i came shot my load only to awaken me quickly to cum all over the bed. I've tried so many time to start that one again..
I was an adult exchange student in an American high school. I had a really strict and religious host family and I wasn’t allowed to do pretty much anything. I tried to explain I’m over 30 and they can’t treat me like a kid, it didn’t help. School was so easy that I was bored there, then I went back to my host family and everything was so boring there as well. Then my host parents started to teach me how to knit, and I thought in my dream that I’m too bored to keep doing this shit anymore, time to wake up.

And then I woke up. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I was preparing dinner for my family. But I kept getting visitors. The more I'd cook the more visitors would show. However, the last thing I remember was me running down the street. So I apparently left my own party.
I always tell myself to remember my dreams when I’m having them, but when I wake up, the memory is gone. I remember a snippet in occasion
I had to shower in a bed for my upcoming wedding to my ex.
The shower head was above the bed.
I forgot to tell Necro I was getting married.
He came by and we fucked.
He said I had to cancel the wedding.

I woke up.
This is soooooo about my past baggage. I don’t love my ex husband. It’s still disturbing.

I’m sorry! That sounds like a really uncomfortable dream.
I woke up to find that I'd been in a car accident and that I was pregnant with twins. I was confused, because I hadn't had sex with anyone, but happy. Then we had to try to figure out where we were going to put two more people in an already overloaded house....
It was nighttime. I saw a large mushroom cloud forming, then I saw the blinding flash and I was blinded. I was more blown away by the fact that the nuclear explosion was in reverse (mushroom cloud and then flash) instead of being blown away that I was near a nuclear explosion.

Couldn’t get back to sleep after that.
No surprise, I'm always dreaming about the stories I'm writing. Last night I not only dreamt up dialogue, but also a smokin' hot sex scene, where he blindfolds her and takes her from behind. Hope I dream about it again tonight, so I can finish the story!
I was Benjamin Button. It was very difficult to convince people that I’m experiencing the same thing as Benjamin Button because I looked exactly the same as always. I tried to explain that it’s because I’m now in the mid point of my Benjamin Button aging/de-aging process so it’s not so clear right now, but if you look closely, you’ll notice that next week I’ll have fewer gray hairs than now.

Nobody believed me and they accused me of dying my hair. I was very frustrated.
I have several reoccurring dreams. A couple that come to mind involve car/driving ... for some reason I dream that I can't find my car and sometimes I dream that I'm driving but can't really see where I'm going. No idea what either means.
I will preface this by saying I was a tanker in the army in the 80s and 90s and during gulf war one. I was been fascinated and horrified by what happened to tanks after they’re hit and I’m sure a lot of this comes from videos that are coming out of Ukraine.

I’m checking out the rusted and burned remains of tanks. Some of them have the turrets blown clean off, but I feel like there’s bad juju around them so I move away. Then I am in one of those escape room games with a team, we’re trying to figure a riddle out. We figure it out and playing somewhere is the song Willy and the Poor Boys by Creedence. That is not my favorite Creedence song by far, but one my daughter was playing for me the other day.