What did you dream? Tell it in five sentences or fewer.

I read about the uninvited dinner guest thing. Interesting.

Yes, it did get a lot of attention.

It’s not really a question that’s pertinent to me because I don’t have kids. But I tend to feed everyone that crosses my path, so I’d probably feed the kids too. The thing is, though, these days kids seem to have a lot more dietary restrictions and parents that get pissed off if their kid eats at a slightly different time than usual, so it can be complicated. Or at least looks to me that it might.

Then again, I’ve also not been offered food as a kid. I used it to my advantage and practiced my piano pieces while my friend was having her family dinner and when she was done, we’d go on being kids. My family always ate a little earlier than hers so it worked out. I feel sorry for her family for having to listen to my piano practice though. 😂

And on Fridays they’d sometimes invite me over for the Shabbat meal, because Friday was pure family time for them so you couldn’t just pop over and practice your piano. Then they’d obvs feed me too.

I don’t remember how it was with my other friends. Probably similar?

Yes, I remember hanging out in friends room’s reading their comic books, sometimes alone and sometimes with a group of other friends. Don’t think it happend that much at our house because my parents worked strange hours, so there wasn’t really an organized pre-planned dinner but rather fix yourself something and then it was easier to fix for some extra friends too.

With our kids’ friends, there is always Swedish fika or evening tea and sandwiches depending on the time of day.
The actual dinner we have planned might not always be able to stretch though, especially if they brought home a group of friends. They can always have a couple of sandwiches or something like that though.
If we do invite them to have dinner with us, I always make sure to tell them what we are having and to say that they can have a sandwich instead if they don’t like it. Still have traumatic memories of accepting an invitation like that as a kid and realizing they were having Swedish blood sausage *shudder*.
More on the food theme.

I had a dream that I was driving a mid 80s Camaro with my wife. She wanted Russian dressing so somehow I had ketchup, mayonnaise and relish. I whipped it up and also somehow had a plastic container since I made too much for her salad and I hate wasting food.
Recent dream I had was my son was 8 again and I couldn't find him. A group of psychos had taken him. I think it might have to do with current concerns about him, although he is 30+ now. :)
I had a big gala dinner and I had a beautiful dress and heels and my hair was amazing. For some reason I could only get my makeup done for me in the bathroom of the venue and I had arranged a professional to come there so my make up.

And when she did come, late, she was a teenage cyber goth. That’s how she did my makeup too - I was powdered white, black and neon green eye makeup, neon green and purple lipstick that was so shiny you could practically use my lips as a mirror.

I had no time to fix the makeup and I was absolutely mortified when I finally came out of the bathroom and people in the event could see me

(Now I’m stupidly turned on because the humiliation felt so real and I want some humiliation play stat. Sigh.)
After nearly having my face munched by a ghoul in my mid-term exam, I've been looking for the handout covering finger movements everywhere and was practicing what I thought was "close the coffin" three full minutes at my desk when I couldn't find it before I realized I was awake and not really going to flunk out. Or get my face eaten by some person that just wanted to go for a walk on a bad hair day.
I was using my wife’s old flower pots for target practice w a pistol. After I broke them wide open I realized there were plants in them, and I thought “oh shit, she’s gonna be pissed!”
I was using my wife’s old flower pots for target practice w a pistol. After I broke them wide open I realized there were plants in them, and I thought “oh shit, she’s gonna be pissed!”
I would be pissed too! 😂

I had a dream I was working in a little ice cream factory and tried to convince everyone that anchovy-olive and pizza are going to be this summer’s hit ice cream flavors. No one believed me.
I remember my dreams all the time, so sorry if I’m boring anyone…

I’m driving my tractor down the road, and a neighbor comes out to talk to me. A car pulls up, but can’t pass bcz the road is pretty narrow. I wave them on, since they really do have a world of room, but it’s several minutes of them being really cautious and I walk the driver past.

Finally they pass and I get back on my tractor, but it’s in gear and starts going backwards really fast. I’m trying everything - taking it out of gear, hitting the break, use the kill switch, lower the bucket to create friction - this is gonna end badly… but somehow it comes to a rest really lightly and all is good.

I think this symbolizes how I might overthink stuff and prepare for the worst, but the reality is that all of the over thinking never gets me anywhere…
I was in a large group of people, some that I know but mostly strangers, walking down dark cement stairs like in an old parking garage. At the bottom, a door opend out to an old subway station with lots of grafitti and across the tracks there was a deserted van spray painted in a strong blue colour.
I wanted to step out on the tracks to take a picture but there was also a strong feeling that something was wrong and that we weren’t really supposed to see that.
The others ran away while I stayed to just snap a picture and on the way back I had to crawl through small spaces to get out.
Afterwards noone seemed to remember it, except one man who whispered to me to keep quiet, because we weren’t supposed to be there.

I rarely remember dreams and certainly not so vividly and visually as this. It has stayed with me for two days now.
A few night ago i dreamt my friend -________ Karn and I were gonna start a hardcore band called KarnAge.

Sounds like a rip off of Lizzy Hale and Halestorm but it was somewhere in my subconscious I guess.
An Isakai harem-building Xianxia with some heavy influence from Kung Fu Hustle and Benny Hill.
Dreamt the government would rather see women die than abort a dead or dying fetus. I woke up with the mantra "the power of the state" reverberating in my mind.
I was getting my hair cut when I got a phone call from the prime minister that I should sneak into a room in the hotel next to the hairdresser and check out the size of the shoes in that room. Nelson Mandela was visiting Helsinki and the state wanted to give him a pair of shoes as a gift to remember his visit by, so I had to sneak in to find out the size.

I checked out the size and snuck out undetected, but when I told the size (103), no one knew what sizing system that was or how it corresponds to ours, so I had to sneak back in with a tape measure. This time around I got caught and I was reprimanded on live TV for what I was doing, no one believed me when I said I was on a mission given by the prime minister. The prime minister denied ever sending me on this shoe size mission.
I was getting my hair cut when I got a phone call from the prime minister that I should sneak into a room in the hotel next to the hairdresser and check out the size of the shoes in that room. Nelson Mandela was visiting Helsinki and the state wanted to give him a pair of shoes as a gift to remember his visit by, so I had to sneak in to find out the size.

I checked out the size and snuck out undetected, but when I told the size (103), no one knew what sizing system that was or how it corresponds to ours, so I had to sneak back in with a tape measure. This time around I got caught and I was reprimanded on live TV for what I was doing, no one believed me when I said I was on a mission given by the prime minister. The prime minister denied ever sending me on this shoe size mission.
Wow - what a wild, detailed dream!

It’s a shame the PM of Finland threw you under the bus. She is stunning and I would undertake any secret mission for her.
I had an extremely mundane dream about work. It was exactly like my regular workday, absolutely nothing special or surreal or dream-like in it. Now I’m at work and feel like hey, didn’t I have a full workday already, time to go home.
Restless night, a nightmare early that woke me, then up at 2. Hoping for a reset.

Why am I posting this? No idea...just sending out thoughts into the nocturnal pudding. Maybe sleep will come.
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In a snippet of a dream, I was Elvis Presley (I know, I know). I was in the driveway at Graceland with Priscilla and her father (who actually died when she was six months old). He was mad at me because I couldn't get the pink Cadillac to start. I have never dreamed I was Elvis before, as far as I know. In real life, my late father was always mad at me because I was always having car trouble. 😲
In a snippet of a dream, I was Elvis Presley (I know, I know). I was in the driveway at Graceland with Priscilla and her father (who actually died when she was six months old). He was mad at me because I couldn't get the pink Cadillac to start. I have never dreamed I was Elvis before, as far as I know. In real life, my late father was always mad at me because I was always having car trouble. 😲
That is a great dream!!.
Wife was bent over my knee, and I was fingering and spanking her. Her friend was kissing her, stifling her moans. She looked back at me, and her face was distorted. That part was wierd.
A scantily dressed, sexy lady with beautifully wavy long hair came into my bedroom when I was about to go to bed and started to pose in various ways to me asking for my opinion what was the sexiest one.

A little after she came, a huge cloud of different kinds of butterflies came in too, and she suggested we count them and make a list of how many of each butterfly species there is. I was so excited, because there was this sexy lady who’s also nerdy and clearly into me, so all my dreams were coming true that moment!

She used my credit card to separate the butterflies into piles by species, not completely unlike making lines of coke, counted them and scribbled down how many of each there was. After a while I realized she wasn’t really counting the butterflies but stealing my credit card info and I felt so betrayed.

Sigh, too good to be true. I still woke up a little turned on by her sexy posing for me and now I want some of that, please. Not the butterflies and stealing my credit card info, though. 😂
I did sexy D/s things with the guy that I had my first kiss with (we were both adults in the dream, just to be clear). Gah, so good.

I hadn’t thought of him for many, many years, and just now googled him to see what he’s up to. He’s a university professor and, frankly, looks like every university student’s dream.