What I learned from publishing a Loving Wives story

Yep, they're going after my other stories, too. Down to six stories marked hot, now. Gee, too bad that's not why I write!

The way I see it, there are three things about the story ratings they cannot wreck: the number of views, the number of ratings, and the number of favorites.
I empathize - they like trashing ratings.

Went from 15 to 3 at the low point.

Yep, they're going after my other stories, too. Down to six stories marked hot, now. Gee, too bad that's not why I write!

The way I see it, there are three things about the story ratings they cannot wreck: the number of views, the number of ratings, and the number of favorites.
Hopefully the one-bombs will get swept at some point.
A dinner for two with me at the restaurant of your choice.



well, that's going in my treasure trove of happy thoughts. 😊
And Pimms - yes I have been 😊. Went to two cricket internationals as well. The longest one and the shortest, 20-20, right?

I was exiled from my homeland for understanding neither Cricket nor Rugby.

If it doesn't have sails or involve the wind, water or sky I'm not your girl.

This is my natural habitat:

I was exiled from my homeland for understanding neither Cricket nor Rugby.
That seems rather unfair, old girl. Women are not expected to understand cricket and, indeed, some believe they are biological incapable of doing so.

For myself I understand the rules of cricket but not why anyone would subject themselves to actually watching it. Much like Quidditch it's an fascinating example of how not to design a sport.
That seems rather unfair, old girl. Women are not expected to understand cricket and, indeed, some believe they are biological incapable of doing so.

For myself I understand the rules of cricket but not why anyone would subject themselves to actually watching it. Much like Quidditch it's an fascinating example of how not to design a sport.
Ask me a cricket rules question. I was all excited to learn. I wonder how much I remember.

That seems rather unfair, old girl. Women are not expected to understand cricket and, indeed, some believe they are biological incapable of doing so.

For myself I understand the rules of cricket but not why anyone would subject themselves to actually watching it. Much like Quidditch it's an fascinating example of how not to design a sport.
See, in civilized countries like the UK I can safely admit not giving a fuck about bat-ball or crash-into-other-people sports.

In SA or Aus or Kiwi I'd be burned at the stake. :cool: but then that's probably why their teams are so much better than the British ones... 🏃‍♀️
Ok. If the bowler is called Holding, what's the batsman called?
Willy. I know this one, it's repeated every Christmas. :/

The other one that's repeated all the time is when one of the bat-ball-hitter-people was a bit rotund, and the stand-behind-the-sticks-guy was chirping him and asking why he's so fat, and without missing a beat he turned around and said "Because every time I fuck your mother she gives me a biscuit."
Willy. I know this one, it's repeated every Christmas. :/

The other one that's repeated all the time is when one of the bat-ball-hitter-people was a bit rotund, and the stand-behind-the-sticks-guy was chirping him and asking why he's so fat, and without missing a beat he turned around and said "Because every time I fuck your mother she gives me a biscuit."
I’m going to ask myself a question - which I will be unable to answer fully, but pretty good IMO for a blonde Yank gal:

How many ways can the batter be out?

No cheating I pinky swear.

  1. Bowled
  2. Caught
  3. Runout
  4. Being hit on the body in front of the wicket (which had all sorts of complexities I didn’t get) - LBW, right?
  5. When the batter runs out to hit the ball, misses, and the catcher breaks the wicket (can’t recall the name)
  6. Er…
  7. That’s it - I know there are more
And I thought American Football was bad. I used to try and point out it was named incorrectly because whatever sort of thing an American football is, it is not a ball! They could call it "Pneumatic Non-Spheroid," if they wanted to be accurate. And then when I tell people I don't like it, have never liked it, well, there have been altercations.
I was exiled from my homeland for understanding neither Cricket nor Rugby.

If it doesn't have sails or involve the wind, water or sky I'm not your girl.

This is my natural habitat:

Coming about, hard to lee…
I naively put our first story in LW and was shell-shocked when it got a 1.80 rating out of the gate. We really didn’t think it was that bad even for a first effort.

However, several extraordinary people contacted us privately and explained about the creeper-trolls residing in LW and not to let them get us down because our story actually “doesn’t suck”. One great soul even did the math to show us that the story was averaging 4.8 since the creepers moved on after a month or so.
It’s a good story. Well written. Engaging. Definitely worth more than 1.8