What I learned from publishing a Loving Wives story

I’m going to ask myself a question - which I will be unable to answer fully, but pretty good IMO for a blonde Yank gal:

How many ways can the batter be out?

No cheating I pinky swear.

  1. Bowled
  2. Caught
  3. Runout
  4. Being hit on the body in front of the wicket (which had all sorts of complexities I didn’t get) - LBW, right? Correct, one mark.
  5. When the batter runs out to hit the ball, misses, and the catcher breaks the wicket (can’t recall the name) (wicket keeper - but full marks)
  6. Er…
  7. That’s it - I know there are more
Em, 50% - not bad, but you forgot the most important one. No handling the ball. The batter cannot touch, pick up, fondle or caress the ball while it's in play.

Technically, it's now part of the "obstructing the field" way of getting out.

Absolutely nothing to add about learning from LW...
To gordo12:

Your lack of quality in relation to this matter is quite striking. I’m well aware of the many stories in Loving Wives which don’t match the category description. That’s my point and my complaint. Thanks for pointing out this obvious fact. I couldn’t care less about Todd172, your stories, or how long you have posted in Loving Wives.

Your argument that cheating stories are perfectly welcome because the category description includes the wording “& more” is weak sauce. Again, the category description is this: ‘Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more.’ Note the use and inclusion of the colon in this category description. The conclusion is obvious: the “& more” are stories which feature married extra-marital fun themes, besides swinging and sharing. How can stories featuring cheating, painful separations and divorce, revenge, BTB, violence, adversity, and survival be characterized as married extra-marital FUN? Clearly, they can’t be. Your “argument” here is weak sauce. It’s fucking ridiculous.

But which way do you want it: on the one hand you state this: ‘I can tell you it's become a catchall for a lot of stories that DON"T fit the description,’ but on the other hand you state this: ‘And the inclusion of the word MORE at the end makes cheating stories perfectly welcome…’ You’re not really making much sense here - if you respect the category description and try to justify the inclusion of stories by reference to the category description then cheating and BTB shouldn’t be included at all. If Loving Wives is a catchall for a lot of stories that don’t fit the category description, then how can they be called Loving Wives stories in the first place?

The problem is twofold in my view: 1. the category has grown beyond its legitimate boundaries and essential meaning and the owners of this website won’t amend the category or break into pieces for whatever reason. 2. An outspoken and active group of people in Loving Wives with an agenda have been pushing the boundaries and trying to undermine the essential meaning of the category to further their agenda.

If you enjoy white knighting for those BTB clowns, then do so. I wouldn’t wish to deny you the opportunity to indulge in that which pleases you, but don’t try and be disingenuous with me because you yourself have an agenda. Your mission: save those whiny little monogamous bitches, gordo. Bring them justice, gordo. You be one of the leaders, one of their healers in that cry baby, men’s support group, which is your Loving Wives.
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To gordo12:

Your lack of quality in relation to this matter is quite striking. I’m well aware of the many stories in Loving Wives which don’t match the category description. That’s my point and my complaint. Thanks for pointing out this obvious fact. I couldn’t care less about Todd172, your stories, or how long you have posted in Loving Wives.

Your argument that cheating stories are perfectly welcome because the category description includes the wording “& more” is weak sauce. Again, the category description is this: ‘Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more.’ Note the use and inclusion of the colon in this category description. The conclusion is obvious the “& more” are stories which feature married extra-marital fun themes, besides swinging and sharing. How can stories featuring cheating, painful separations and divorce, revenge, BTB, violence, adversity, and survival be characterized as married extra-marital FUN? Clearly, they can’t be. Your “argument” here is weak sauce. It’s fucking ridiculous.

But which way do you want it: on the one hand you state this: ‘I can tell you it's become a catchall for a lot of stories that DON"T fit the description,’ but on the other hand you state this: ‘And the inclusion of the word MORE at the end makes cheating stories perfectly welcome…’ You’re not really making much sense here - if you respect the category description and try to justify the inclusion of stories by reference to the category description then cheating and BTB shouldn’t be included at all. If Loving Wives is a catchall for a lot of stories that don’t fit the category description, then how can they be called Loving Wives stories in the first place?

The problem is twofold in my view: 1, the category has grown beyond its legitimate boundaries and essential meaning and the owners of this website won’t amend the category or break into pieces for whatever reason. 2. An outspoken and active group of people in Loving Wives with an agenda have been pushing the boundaries and trying to undermine the essential meaning of the category to further their agenda.

If you enjoy white knighting for those BTB clowns, then do so. I wouldn’t wish to deny you the opportunity to indulge in that which pleases you, but don’t try and be disingenuous with me because you yourself have an agenda. Your mission: save those whiny little monogamous bitches, gordo. Bring them justice, gordo. You be one of the leaders, one of their healers in that cry baby, men’s support group, which is your Loving Wives.

It should be stories about the FUN of sex, and not focused on insecurity, deception, lying, cheating, exploitation, rape, and divorce. Those negatives are the sole food for the insecure narcissists who 1-bomb others having fun.
Indeed, the owners, who likely possess greater knowledge about website management than you do, have deliberately allowed this category to evolve into its current state. And perhaps that's precisely why it stands as the most active and widely discussed category on the site and within this forum. If it were not as it is, I, along with numerous others, would likely not remain so actively engaged. Therefore, instead of attempting to alter or dismantle our "home," why not embark on the journey of building your own website?

Are we now suggesting that monogamy is exclusively for clowns and whiners? Who truly harbors an agenda here?

And by the way, most of the BTB witches and bastards do deserve to be burned, given the malevolent manner in which they are often depicted. It's the excessive prevalence, lack of diversity, and originality within the genre that contribute to its overall blandness.
The owners of the website don't amend the category, because they are not the judges of the category tags in stories past. Unless they find a story during review which is OBVIOUSLY being placed in the wrong category (ie. a gangbang N/C story in "Romance"), they allow the author to select it.

For the Admins to create a new "BTB" category would require someone to go back through thousands of stories already posted to decide which to change to the new category. And there's nothing in it for the Admins to do that.

IMO, people can write those Cheating Wife/BTB stories, because they are also views into human nature. The depressing aspect of the LW readership is the intolerance displayed by the excessive numbers of 1-bombing haters of fun. When I post a story with a description saying: "The husband and wife are having FUN fucking others!" it takes a special kind of stupid ignorance and hate for a reader to open it just to click a 1-star and leave a shitty comment.
Yes Teflon, I harbor an agenda here. Surely that's obvious to you. I think the Loving Wives category should contain stories which feature 'Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more' themes. Of course, I have an agenda. I do think monogamy is exclusively for clowns and whiners when they turn the Loving Wives category into a men's support group, so they can advocate for monogamy, in a Literotica category designed for 'Married extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more' themed stories. Whether people support monogamy or not, in general, outside of the Loving Wives category, has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. Please don't build a goddamned strawman, Teflon. Get the plot, hey...

'Indeed, the owners, who likely possess greater knowledge about website management than you do, have deliberately allowed this category to evolve into its current state." you have no real evidence to support any of these aforementioned claims.

'Therefore, instead of attempting to alter or dismantle our "home," why not embark on the journey of building your own website?' Oh, I'll continue to stick around, Teflon. And you make sure you continue to protect those crybabies. There are a lot of chapped asses there.
If there's one thing this blessed platform has taught me, it's that the real whiners and clowns are remarkably swift to resort to an ad hominem attack whenever their juvenile arguments are effortlessly refuted. They bring to mind a lamb recklessly venturing into the lions' den to taunt its masters, inevitably meeting the same outcome every time...
We're just bystanders. This has been "educational" - I use the word loosely - watching you guys self-implode.
To gordo12:

then how can they be called Loving Wives stories in the first place?
My, you do blather on! Perhaps you've never heard of the word IRONY or Tongue-In-Cheek.

Your opinion only, and how is it any better than those who scream it belongs elsewhere? Why don't you relax, enjoy and let the readers sort the stories out according to their own interests? Not yours!
Em, 50% - not bad, but you forgot the most important one. No handling the ball. The batter cannot touch, pick up, fondle or caress the ball while it's in play.

Technically, it's now part of the "obstructing the field" way of getting out.

Absolutely nothing to add about learning from LW...
They say you can’t teach girls cricket

They say you can’t teach Americans cricket

They say you can’t teach blondes anything

But blonde, American girls…

The beginning and end of this "discussion" is very simple. The OWNERS of this site allow the kind of stories you eschew. Live with it.

I've put notes in the author's box every time I've decided to scribble outside the lines and every time Laurel (The OWNER) has let it go through.

That means they're comfortable with LW, and frankly, being their site, that's all we need to know.
Are you strictly American, any more?

If we average your geolocation data we'll probably find you somewhere out in the Atlantic somewhere :D
In the last few weeks, yeah.

Didn’t have any foreign trips for a while. There was this plague, you know.

Some of the people in this thread need to log out, go outside, and tough grass.
They say you can’t teach girls cricket

They say you can’t teach Americans cricket

They say you can’t teach blondes anything

But blonde, American girls…

I thought it was pretty awesome that you got those. As for 'can't teach American blondes...' well, you guys have a special language called Baseball vocabulary, and despite being rather into various sports, and arcane knowledge (once upon a decade I took the trouble to learn some Sumo vocabulary - now since departed through lack of use), it just shuts my brain down. When Americans start to talk about baseball it is, for me, as if they are talking a Dutch/Korean hybrid, translated into Icelandic by a Swahili monoglot. Thus, as you have managed this much cricket there is no way I will criticise.
I thought it was pretty awesome that you got those. As for 'can't teach American blondes...' well, you guys have a special language called Baseball vocabulary, and despite being rather into various sports, and arcane knowledge (once upon a decade I took the trouble to learn some Sumo vocabulary - now since departed through lack of use), it just shuts my brain down. When Americans start to talk about baseball it is, for me, as if they are talking a Dutch/Korean hybrid, translated into Icelandic by a Swahili monoglot. Thus, as you have managed this much cricket there is no way I will criticise.
I played softball at college - mixed teams. I was shortstop [insert dwarf joke here].

People who say “throw like a girl” have never seen me throw. I think the muscles from rock climbing helped.

I played softball at college - mixed teams.

I have a lot of respect for women's college softball. I was on a HS team, typically pitching 'cuz I had more or less mastered the windmill pitch. Then I saw college women's teams play. Jaw-dropping pitching. I put my glove away. (Well... mostly because I'd f'ed up my shoulder playing tennis. Killer serve, but at a high cost. Shoulder's aching right now just pushing the mouse around.)

OK, enough thread drift. Weren't we talking about cricket? Or was it ocean sailing?
I have a lot of respect for women's college softball. I was on a HS team, typically pitching 'cuz I had more or less mastered the windmill pitch. Then I saw college women's teams play. Jaw-dropping pitching. I put my glove away. (Well... mostly because I'd f'ed up my shoulder playing tennis. Killer serve, but at a high cost. Shoulder's aching right now just pushing the mouse around.)

OK, enough thread drift. Weren't we talking about cricket? Or was it ocean sailing?
Ocean cricket, i thought.