What I Wrote and Why: the support thread

Is there a place where they are all listed?

Congratulations on organizing such a successful author's challenge!! Is there a place where all of the WIWAW entries are listed?
Thanks! An anthology will be compiled after the challenge. In the meantime they should all be listed as new stories on the Reviews & Essays page.
This is only day 3 of the event, and already WIWAWs are beginning to drop off the 'New' list in Reviews & Essays. This has got to be some kind of record.

Come on people, let's do some more! You get to write *and* talk about yourself, what more do you want? And people are reading them too!
It's not even worth worrying about. Your entry is at 4.62, you are doing great. Mine is sitting at 3.55 with 11 votes.
True. I just worry that the person who did it doesn't get enough sunlight sitting in their basement taking the time to do it.
After three days, my WIWAW (418 views, 19 votes, 4 comments) is rapidly overtaking my latest SF&F story (597 views, 23 votes, 5 comments - published nearly 4 weeks ago).
I'm going to publicly disagree with a comment on my WIWAW. @Norway_1705 wrote:
And the black cauldron was my pref movie at time (Tolkien+Disney!), how may you guessed it?
I hated the movie. I might have enjoyed it if I hadn't loved the books so much though.

Still, thanks for reading and commenting. :)
I'm going to publicly disagree with a comment on my WIWAW. @Norway_1705 wrote:

I hated the movie. I might have enjoyed it if I hadn't loved the books so much though.

Still, thanks for reading and commenting. :)
I hated it too, for the same reason.

Worse, I actually owned a tiny piece of that movie. Disney used to offer public partnerships in bundles of their productions. The one I bought bought shares of produced The Black Cauldron and The Great Mouse Detective, among others.

It was not a great investment...
I'm writing another one, but based on the reception to my first one, I don't know if I'll post it.
Shout-out to @EmilyMiller. Not only did she coin the term "WIWAW" (can you imagine if we'd had to write it out in full, or if we'd settled on something like "writer's tale"?), but she's also a prolific WIWAWer. Check them all out here.

Almost from the very start, she's been one of the staunchest supporters of the concept, and an advocate of getting writers to talk more about writing as a craft. Thanks for your enthusiasm, Em!
This is only day 3 of the event, and already WIWAWs are beginning to drop off the 'New' list in Reviews & Essays. This has got to be some kind of record.
I'd say so. A review I'd written in March was still on the new list until all the WIWAWs starting being published this week. It's a slow category usually.
Someone who went and read the story behind the essay commented and said I reminded them of the departed Alwayswantedto.

As a taboo author, its one of the highest compliments you can receive. Guy wrote just about exclusively in mother/son stories, but was the gold standard n the category itself for a long time.
I have a respectable 95 votes 4k views and 13 comments on mine.

But the score of 4.59 is low by my usual standards. I think the trolls are enjoying me having a story that's vote total is low enough for the bombs to have an effect.
I have a respectable 95 votes 4k views and 13 comments on mine.

But the score of 4.59 is low by my usual standards. I think the trolls are enjoying me having a story that's vote total is low enough for the bombs to have an effect.
Those are still very impressive stats for R&E!
I just finished the draft of a WIWAW about the character of Sal in "Too Cold Not to Fuck", and then a thought struck me.

It should be told from Sal's perspective, in the first person. Perhaps in dialogue with me as the writer. It's the kind of thing that would suit the character.

I'd better get up early tomorrow and rework it.
As far as I know, Laurel handles that.
Laurel did that with the Yay Team challenge I started...as long as the stories have the right note in the "Notes" field, they should be included. I also always include an intro saying "This story is part of the such-and-such challenge" just to make it even clearer...😉
Another half dozen new WIWAWs up today. Great work, folks!

My second is scheduled for publication tomorrow.