What toys are on your Christmas list?

I want a 10" x 2½" purple jellydong w/ a base that will fit into a harness ...
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Ebonyfire said:
Now THAT is a booty buster!!!!


Thankyou, Ma'am.

It's really stiff and resilient too. It isn't bendy and floppy like most latex dildos of that size.

I have a slightly older, very kinky, somewhat dominant female friend who's going to use this thing on me this weekend ... that is, if it will fit through the metal ring on her harness.

Every older Black woman that I've chatted with from her area (western Michigan) as admitted a desire to bend a male over. I think that fetish is a lot more common that people seem to believe. I'm always getting PMed by women who like that ... then again I have a yahoo I.D. and includes the words "Dildoman" ... LOL

Correction: I said that this jelly-dong was 10" x 2". Actually it's just barely +10" insertable. It's overall length is a hair over 11¼". Also it's diametre at the thickest part (along the middle is actually) 2½"
mistresssilkeng said:
LOL underneath that pick should be the words.. "it is just a goal for most" ;)


Yep. Remember the movie "Deliverance"? That dong is made to make most squeal like a pig or cry for Momma!

Ebonyfire said:
Yep. Remember the movie "Deliverance"? That dong is made to make most squeal like a pig or cry for Momma!


I have not seen that one lol but now is interested in it

Ebonyfire said:
Yep. Remember the movie "Deliverance"? That dong is made to make most squeal like a pig or cry for Momma!


I may indeed squeal ... but if I cry Momma ... I'll be talking about the woman in the driver's seat (so to speak) ... not my Mother.

I think that if you can take the girth, that the length doesn't matter within reason. This dildo is big, but I've seen a lot bigger...
ones that scare the crap out of me.
mistresssilkeng said:
LOL underneath that pick should be the words.. "it is just a goal for most" ;)


In my experience, Ma'am, if one can take a butt-plug of equal or larger girth, then one can take a dildo of equal or lesser girth regardless of length. This is assuming proper evacuation ... an enema would be a good idea. It's not like a male has a cervix up his bum to inhibit deep pentration ... and I think that it's quite a ways until the sigmoid colon turns off from the rectum ...( I think)

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Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
I may indeed squeal ... but if I cry Momma ... I'll be talking about the woman in the driver's seat (so to speak) ... not my Mother.

I think that if you can take the girth, that the length doesn't matter within reason. This dildo is big, but I've seen a lot bigger...
ones that scare the crap out of me.

Yep, when I was a swinger, I used to have one that was so huge, we used to take it to our parties as a joke. we left it in a rental car, and my partner was too embarrassed to go get it, it was THAT big! So now there is this giant double dong at some car rental place in New Jersey.

Oh to be a fly on the wall when the car rental cleaning guys saw it!

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Ebonyfire said:
Yep, wen I was a swinger, I used to have one that was so huge, we used to take it to our parties as a joke. we left it in a rental car, and my partner was too embarrassed to go get it, it was THAT big! So now there is this giant double dong at some carl rental place in New Jersey.

Oh to be a fly on the wall when the car rental cleaning guys saw it!


LOL yes due to heightened security on airlines, it makes one rethink what to bring on a trip to see someone in a LTR.. because having the luggage searched could get very interesting :cool:
Let's just say that lark didn't get to bring all the toys she wanted to on her visit ;)

Ebonyfire said:
Yep, when I was a swinger, I used to have one that was so huge, we used to take it to our parties as a joke. we left it in a rental car, and my partner was too embarrassed to go get it, it was THAT big! So now there is this giant double dong at some car rental place in New Jersey.

Oh to be a fly on the wall when the car rental cleaning guys saw it!


This one is that big ... note size relative to the pepsi can.

I've seen this dildo in sex-shops ... and it looks much more massive and imtimidating in real life. As I've said before, for all except fistees, this dildo would merely be an objet d'art.

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mistresssilkeng said:
LOL yes due to heightened security on airlines, it makes one rethink what to bring on a trip to see someone in a LTR.. because having the luggage searched could get very interesting :cool:
Let's just say that lark didn't get to bring all the toys she wanted to on her visit ;)


There is a funny exchage in the book & movie "Fight Club" about airline protocols regarding dildos found in luggage.
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Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
In my experience, Ma'am, if one can take a butt-plug of equal or larger girth, then one can take a dildo of equal or lesser girth regardless of length. This is assuming proper evacuation ... and enema would be a good idea. It's not like a make has a cervix up his bum to inhibit deep pentration ... and I think that it's quite a ways until the sigmoid colon turns off from the rectum ...( I think)

It is mostly spincter fear that limits most of the guys. They still have to be reassured over time that loving anal does not make them less manly or gay.

Ebonyfire said:
Yep. Remember the movie "Deliverance"? That dong is made to make most squeal like a pig or cry for Momma!


I cried for my momma just looking at that frickin thing. Geezzzzus.


Ebonyfire said:
It is mostly spincter fear that limits most of the guys. They still have to be reassured over time that loving anal does not make them less manly or gay.


I have neve understood the thinking that anal stimulation can make a heterosexual male turn gay. This is especially true when it's a woman doing the stimulating. I'm inclined to believe that any male who is afraid that letting his girlfriend boo-foo him will turn him gay, already has his doubts about his sexuality.

I think that males fall into that mindset during middle school and high school. They seem to fall into cliques and adopt roles in pursuit of social status and protection (not necessarily physical) from other groups. I was never a part of that dynamic.

Having been the only Black kid in my entire school and 6' 0" tall and about 185 pounds at 12 years of age, I never developed the habit of making overt displays of bad behavior or chest-beating in order to establish my place in the male pecking order. I was something of an alien, so I wasn't really subject to all of the "Lord Of The Flies" crap that goes on in prep schools. I always had the freedom to march to the beat of my own drum with impunity.
P. B. Walker said:
Oh babyyy... did ya get a picture of it??? hehe... I love to see a woman spew <winks>

PBW "The Kink is back..."

Heh, I gots other pics coming. ;)
P. B. Walker said:
Oh babyyy... did ya get a picture of it??? hehe... I love to see a woman spew <winks>

PBW "The Kink is back..."

You must love those "Slap Happy" movies ... LOL
I've not been in the mood until recently.

I am taking some tonight. ;)

I want a better camera for Christmas. One with a remote. Heh...