What will history say about Trump?

The polls -- with the exception once again of AltasIntel, Trafalgar, and Rasmussen -- were off, and way off in the Senate races. The pollsters’ reputation is again in full reverse and now back to their nadir of 2020 and 2016. Many shamelessly warped their data in the last two weeks to gin up Kamala Harris momentum, fundraising, and voter turnout. And to no avail.

There were plenty of indications long ago in key states of a Donald Trump thunderstorm: defections of minorities, anger among both the Jewish and Muslim voters, alienated union members, massive increases in Republican registrations, and non-Election Day balloting. And all were deliberately ignored by the corrupt media and pollsters.

Victor Davis Hanson, Classicist

[emphasis mine]
Polling guru Nate Silver lashed out at other survey junkies in his field for “cheating” in the final stretch of the 2024 presidential election — accusing them of recycling some results to keep the race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris close.

The FiveThirtyEight founder said irresponsible pollsters were “herding” their numbers, or using past results to affect current ones, to keep Vice President Harris and former President Trump within a point or two of each other each time.

“I kind of trust pollsters less,” Silver said on his podcast, name-checking Emerson College. “They all, every time a pollster [says] ‘Oh, every state is just plus-one, every single state’s a tie,’ no! You’re f–king herding! You’re cheating! You’re cheating!” he fumed.

“Your numbers aren’t all going to come out at exactly one-point leads when you’re sampling 800 people over dozens of surveys,” Silver vented.

I don’t really know, but I suspect it’s similar to wanting the 7th game in a series.
For those who prefer their politics as entertainment.
"Open borders, hyperinflation, abortion deification, the transgendered mania, the crime wave, and the “green” obsessions all did their bit to repel voters. The 'racist' Trump won more minority support than any Dole, McCain, or Romney figure of the past."

"For some reason I keep thinking about the saga of the Little Sisters of the Poor, beginning back at the end of the second Obama administration. It had, in miniature, the key elements of liberal political psychology that afflicted the Biden administration and the Harris campaign: the compulsive aggression and imprudence of liberal government, which ends up defeating itself through the inability to exercise even a modicum of political self-restraint, combined with the total inability of the aggressors to understand why anyone could doubt their rectitude."
Adrian Vermeule, Harvard Law

[emphasis mine – because we see it here every day]
LOL. Mean streak? I do, with the shadow of a doubt. It comes thru in my posts now and then? Oh dear. LOL

In person? Taekwondo, train at hapkido and do a lot of sparring and enjoy kicking the shit out of people. It's my safety valve. Much more satisfying than kicking dummies. That's how I met my husband too. LOL. Kicking the dust of him when he signed up for TKD. Fortunately, he's way bigger than me and he can take it.
Your choices are entirely yours to make as far as I’m concerned.
A word of caution perhaps.
I knew a woman who considered herself a MMA artist, and granted, she was quite agile.
She swung on a bruiser of a Samoan in a beer bar one evening in a miscalculation of her abilities.
She landed a solid shot; hit him with everything she had.
She spent the next six weeks with her jaw wired shut, drinking soup through a straw.
Punching hopelessly above your weight is a thing.
Yet another cautionary tale to those who would live by the sword.
On behalf of "The Conservatives" here is my observation, You and I discuss/fight these issues on behalf of ourselves and the Socialist (and not-Socialist) poster does it for someone else's behalf and thus they are more noble than us. They can treat us diffidently, dismissively and derisively.

And they let this drive their politics and discussion. This is what VDH is driving at.

They are better and you don't "get" it.
On behalf of "The Conservatives" here is my observation, You and I discuss/fight these issues on behalf of ourselves and the Socialist (and not-Socialist) poster does it for someone else's behalf and thus they are more noble than us. They can treat us diffidently, dismissively and derisively.

And they let this drive their politics and discussion. This is what VDH is driving at.

They are better and you don't "get" it.
I came away with a much more benevolent view of socialism after I watched
‘Requiem for the American Dream,’ a documentary by Noam Chomsky.
I found it on Tubi.
Steve Ballmer said that two of the most successful institutions we have in this country are
Democracy and Capitalism. I tend to agree.
He also said that Democracy’s role is to inform Capitalism and right now it is the other way around.
I’m not going to argue with a man who has accumulated $157B in wealth.
He tried to retire and his wife told him to get out from underfoot. He founded and maintains a website,
usafacts.org. He claims its reliable data collected about government issues.
I was virtually raised by hippie relatives. Been there, done that.

Nice story. A better one is how the FairTax.org came about.
That would cut the taxing power of the Federal government off at the knees.

Now, watch at who rails the loudest against the notion of a tax that is truly fair to the poor...
It sure would end a lot of the power of wealth envy to the political class.

They hate it every bit as much as they hate Bitcoin and Ayn Rand...
How do you lower corporate tax without increasing the cost of goods and services that corporations produce? If they are taxed more they are forced to raise prices. But the governments need for other peoples money will go way down when government waste and abuse is called to account.
As long as supply exceeds or satisfies demand prices will remain reasonable and stable. When the cost of production (such as wages, raw materials, energy, or taxes) increases, companies face higher expenses in creating their products or services. If these higher costs cannot be offset through increased productivity or efficiency gains, the businesses will face a squeeze on their profits. Which leads to two main choices, cut production or raise prices. The costs of goods and services is a function of supply and demand.
TKD is for pansies. Just a sport.


Depends on where you train and who you train under. A lot of TKD schools are sports-oriented rather than serious, and a lot of the belts they hand out are colored handkerchiefs. LOL. The old guy I train under is ex-Korean special forces and going back quite a few years was one of the top couple of hundred MMA fighters competitively. He doesn't teach Olympic style TKD lol. His style is brutal and much more street fighting than anything else. Love it, and as for hapkido, it's just nasty. I train with swords and knives as well and the John Wick thing with the pencil was pretty funny, we do stuff like that now and then for fun and giggles. Take something lying around the house or the office and train with it. Pencils. Ballpoint pen. Keys. Sharpened credit card. Stiletto heels. Any idea the pressure a stiletto heel can impact with? Nail file. All sorts of things.

On the other hand, if you're in a position where you have to do something like that, 9mm is far more effective LOL

Looking like history will be all, 2 time President, stopped wars before even taking the oath, helped the American people, but said some mean things that hurt peoples feelings.
Wait. What? A war has been stopped?
I mean other than in your mind?
What will history say about the first president to be a convicted felon that had been impeached twice? I can't imagine.
that is was obviously all BS. A one sided all out attack on a political opponent with lawfare. Absolutely no denying it right now.
Depends on where you train and who you train under. A lot of TKD schools are sports-oriented rather than serious, and a lot of the belts they hand out are colored handkerchiefs. LOL. The old guy I train under is ex-Korean special forces and going back quite a few years was one of the top couple of hundred MMA fighters competitively. He doesn't teach Olympic style TKD lol. His style is brutal and much more street fighting than anything else. Love it, and as for hapkido, it's just nasty. I train with swords and knives as well and the John Wick thing with the pencil was pretty funny, we do stuff like that now and then for fun and giggles. Take something lying around the house or the office and train with it. Pencils. Ballpoint pen. Keys. Sharpened credit card. Stiletto heels. Any idea the pressure a stiletto heel can impact with? Nail file. All sorts of things.

On the other hand, if you're in a position where you have to do something like that, 9mm is far more effective LOL

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Pardon my ignorance, but that looks like an invitation for a swift boot to the taint.

I recently encountered a nightmare on X. Before my account was locked, that is.
I made a cavalier comment that the 2A devotees would rue the day that they brought an AR-15
to a drone fight.
It drew a response from an individual who said he and his crew were working on that.
I don’t recall his username. His profile photo was a greasy snarling opossum.
He seemed quite sincere and undeterred by law enforcement.
We talked for a while and I told him of an encounter I had with the ATF. I was looking for a short barreled shotgun and called a dealer with a Class III license.
About an hour later I received a cold call from an ATF agent who knew my details down to the weekend.
He was very curious why I would want a destructive device. He seemed to relax a bit after I told him I was a hunter and wanted something to keep the bears out of camp. End of encounter.

Mr. Possum and I chatted a while longer. I told him if he were a true patriot, he might figure out how to put a stop to school shootings. I suggested he keep an eye out for loose screws as he visited gun stores, pawn shops and shows. If anyone could spot a member of the lunatic fringe, it would probably be him.
His next questions were about what I thought he should do if he found someone. He wanted specifics.
I told him he should let his conscience be his guide and tried to let it go at that.
By the time we parted ways, I was all but convinced he was an undercover agent trolling for the next
Randy Weaver.
Oh, yeah. He knew all about him as well.
"Open borders,


President Biden’s first act when entering office was opening negotiations on an immigration and border security bill. And then there was the highly "conservative" bipartisan border bill that DonOld and the MAGAt republicans sabotaged.




DonOld and the MAGAt republicans (and DonOld’s pal Putin) deserve the lion’s share of the blame for post pandemic inflation, (corporate greedflation can be associated with DonOld and the MAGAt republicans as well) but Democrats got saddled with ALL of the blame.


abortion deification


Protecting women’s rights and their health SHOULD be the priority.


, the transgendered mania,


President Biden’s Title IX action didn’t protect trans women competing in women’s sports. It DID protect the LGBTQ community from violence. Where’s the problem??? Also: Trans individuals in federal prison getting surgery was in place before President Biden took office; and trans surgery for prisoners isn’t that big of an issue in numbers or cost. (It actually helps the prison staff by attending to an issue that can cause an inmate to be dangerous. I worked in a forensic psyche facility, and attending to a trans individual’s psychological and physiological needs made everybody safer.)


the crime wave,


Crime is no worse now than before. And, again, DonOld and MAGAt republicans bear the lion’s share of the blame for much of the theft crime problem due to their policies that favored the rich. Poor and desperate people commit crime. (Now we COULD talk about DonOld’s crimes…)


and the “green” obsessions


The “”green” obsession”, much like protecting women’s rights and their health SHOULD be a priority.


all did their bit to repel voters. The 'racist' Trump won more minority support than any Dole, McCain, or Romney figure of the past."


“It’s the economy (and racism and misogyny and low information voters) stupid” (AceDesSpazzed)





“Very Dumb Hillbilly”???



Depends on where you train and who you train under. A lot of TKD schools are sports-oriented rather than serious, and a lot of the belts they hand out are colored handkerchiefs. LOL. The old guy I train under is ex-Korean special forces and going back quite a few years was one of the top couple of hundred MMA fighters competitively. He doesn't teach Olympic style TKD lol. His style is brutal and much more street fighting than anything else. Love it, and as for hapkido, it's just nasty. I train with swords and knives as well and the John Wick thing with the pencil was pretty funny, we do stuff like that now and then for fun and giggles. Take something lying around the house or the office and train with it. Pencils. Ballpoint pen. Keys. Sharpened credit card. Stiletto heels. Any idea the pressure a stiletto heel can impact with? Nail file. All sorts of things.

On the other hand, if you're in a position where you have to do something like that, 9mm is far more effective LOL

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Too bad about the dress. :devil: