Whats everyone doing today?

pleasteasme said:
I remember using a manual typewriter - no fluid. That lift off tape was pretty nice though ;)

You get pretty good at typing when you 'can't' make mistakes.

So, would you say that the red pen is actually an incentive (at least in your case of not wanting to see the marks?)

It was for me, and for a lot of my friends. When I was in school we were tracked and all of my academic classes were with the brainiacs and were rather anal.
Denae said:
But I want to be a harsh taskmaster for a man this time. I want to see a man quiver when I tell him what I want him to do. Oops. Wrong thread. :eek:

Oh, I think you already do that Den :catroar:
pleasteasme said:
I remember using a manual typewriter - no fluid. That lift off tape was pretty nice though ;)

You get pretty good at typing when you 'can't' make mistakes.

So, would you say that the red pen is actually an incentive (at least in your case of not wanting to see the marks?)

I remember using carbon paper. I also had to create a "master" that was used for a printing job that was created on-site. Talk about a bitch.

Like DGO said though we become better for it when we learn to be better proofreaders.
Denae said:
I remember using carbon paper. I also had to create a "master" that was used for a printing job that was created on-site. Talk about a bitch.

Like DGO said though we become better for it when we learn to be better proofreaders.

Yikes, I can remember those too!

It is true...you learn not to make mistakes because you have to re do the whole damn thing, not just hit "backspace" or highlight it and delete it. Computers are good but, nothing beats a little elbow grease now and again! :D
pleasteasme said:
Eilan, you know the first scratch/ding is inevitable, you might as well be the one to put it there! :rose:
Yeah, I guess I was hoping to wait a month or two.

It was a little bit windy this afternoon, and I was trying to hold onto the cart and keep the bags from falling out of it at the same time. Three hands would have helped.

What was even more annoying is that I forgot several items on my grocery list.

Denae said:
This is the third brand new car that I've bought. My goal is not have a scratch or a ding until I have plates on it.
We transferred the plates from our old car, so I guess I can say I made it that far. :cool:

done_got_old said:
I don't know if I told you, but my brother teaches college math. His dean called him in because he gives too Ds........ My brother showed him the grades and the final of one student in particular and refused to change the grade.
Good for him. I used to teach college English and math classes. One of my English department colleagues was a notoriously easy grader. He was a nice enough guy, and I think he knew his stuff, but he tended to walk around in his own little world. Getting a C from him was like failing another prof's class.

A few years ago, one of the students in this prof's advanced creative writing class appealed his C grade. The reason? He was told by his buddies that he should take the class because he'd be guaranteed at least a B, and, as the guy said, "My friends told me this, and they wouldn't let me down." He wanted a B because he thought everyone who took this prof's classes got B's or better.

The English faculty who sat in on the hearing recalculated the student's grade, and it turns out that he'd actually earned a D! The prof was being generous to give him a C.

At the end of the hearing, one faculty member asked, "Can we lower the grade?" :D
I'm just about ready to sign off and give myself a delightful pedicure. It could only be better if I had a man here to give me the Crash Davis treatment. :devil:
Denae said:
I'm just about ready to sign off and give myself a delightful pedicure. It could only be better if I had a man here to give me the Crash Davis treatment. :devil:

Ahhh, this should be in the "craving" thread :)

Sounds good to me too!!!!
pleasteasme said:
Ahhh, this should be in the "craving" thread :)

Sounds good to me too!!!!

I don't know what's gotten in to me in the last couple of hours, but I am horny as hell. Perhaps I need to go to the SF thread instead because that's as far as any craving will go.
Denae said:
I don't know what's gotten in to me in the last couple of hours, but I am horny as hell. Perhaps I need to go to the SF thread instead because that's as far as any craving will go.

Easy Den, you don't want to have a hot battery episode :eek: ;)

Yeah, let's go revive the SF thread!

I'd take Kevin Costner...woooweeee!!!
pleasteasme said:
Easy Den, you don't want to have a hot battery episode :eek: ;)

Yeah, let's go revive the SF thread!

I'd take Kevin Costner...woooweeee!!!

I just want the toe painting and then the followup clean-off-the-counter kitchen sex.

It's been over a year now & the last sex that I had was a waste of my time. I want to erase the bad image with mind blowing sex to last me another year if need be.
Denae said:
I just want the toe painting and then the followup clean-off-the-counter kitchen sex.

It's been over a year now & the last sex that I had was a waste of my time. I want to erase the bad image with mind blowing sex to last me another year if need be.

Even bad sex is still sex...or still bad. I'm not sure, I confuse myself sometimes, lol.

Ahhh, I get goosebumps when he undoes her garter....*shivers*

Note to self: get garters and silk stockings! :D
pleasteasme said:
Even bad sex is still sex...or still bad. I'm not sure, I confuse myself sometimes, lol.

Ahhh, I get goosebumps when he undoes her garter....*shivers*

Note to self: get garters and silk stockings! :D

I wasted 7 years of celibacy on this doofus and even after several months it was never better. He made me think of that joke about what women are thinking of during sex "I think I'll paint the ceiling beige." I wish I had those months back, except I'd now have over 8 years of celibacy under my belt. If it were a choice between celibacy & him, I'd choose celibacy. He was a great snuggler though and I'm not a huge fan of snuggling all night.
Denae said:
I wasted 7 years of celibacy on this doofus and even after several months it was never better. He made me think of that joke about what women are thinking of during sex "I think I'll paint the ceiling beige." I wish I had those months back, except I'd now have over 8 years of celibacy under my belt. If it were a choice between celibacy & him, I'd choose celibacy. He was a great snuggler though and I'm not a huge fan of snuggling all night.

Well, at least you found something positive in it. :eek:
Brwn_Eyed_Girl said:
Searching, in a true panic, for a Fed-Ex envelope I fear has been thrown away.
the fedex guy just stopped next door to me... want me to chase him down and ask?

i hope you find it though. :)
today i baked 2 loaves of bread, made an angel food cake and a gold cake (gotta use the yolks for something), and made pork chops. it's also cleaning and laundry day here... so i did that too.

and what better day to run the oven for 2 or 3 hours than one where it's over 80 degrees? :D
EJFan said:
...and what better day to run the oven for 2 or 3 hours than one where it's over 80 degrees? :D

This reminded me of the time I made my husband a birthday cake (his birthday is in July), and homemade lasagna in a kitchen with no air conditioning. The temps outside were hovering in the low triple digits...

That was when I was a good obedient wife. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Nowadays, I'd be making reservations.
bobsgirl said:
This reminded me of the time I made my husband a birthday cake (his birthday is in July), and homemade lasagna in a kitchen with no air conditioning. The temps outside were hovering in the low triple digits...
well... at least it was the LOW triple digits. :eek:
I'm going to go visit my friend who gave me a ride last night and take her daughter her 1-year birthday present.

Then I'm going to have a special telephone conversation with one of the sisters of my soul.

And lastly, my yoga class.

It's all about soothing my soul today.
Denae said:
I'm going to go visit my friend who gave me a ride last night and take her daughter her 1-year birthday present.

Then I'm going to have a special telephone conversation with one of the sisters of my soul.

And lastly, my yoga class.

It's all about soothing my soul today.

Good for you ~ we all need to take some "me" time now and again!!!

Lots of odds and ends:

Trying the phone call with my friend again, she's had a migraine for 3 days, so we didn't chat yesterday;

Buying the yoga mat today;

Balancing the checkbook;

and, most importantly,

Getting rid of clutter. I'm in a fung shui (sp) frame of mind.
Denae said:
Lots of odds and ends:

Trying the phone call with my friend again, she's had a migraine for 3 days, so we didn't chat yesterday;

Buying the yoga mat today;

Balancing the checkbook;

and, most importantly,

Getting rid of clutter. I'm in a fung shui (sp) frame of mind.

Denae, one word for your anti-clutter movement: ebay!!!

Sounds like a fun day, when you are done come over and help me unclutter too, please?

Have a wonderful day Den :rose:
i unexpectedly bought a pair of sneakers. :) it was time to retire the two year old pair i've been kickin' around in... but i rarely wear sneakers so they last a good while.
Installed track lighting in the kitchen, now I'm putting up a ceiling fan in another room. I <3 summer.