Whats everyone doing today?

I played the piano for a while. All I can say is, Scott Joplin was not meant to be played by me. :eek:
bobsgirl said:
I played the piano for a while. All I can say is, Scott Joplin was not meant to be played by me. :eek:
so which was it? you were playing joplin or playing the piano? i'm all confused now. :(
I'm learning so much today!

For fair-haired, fair-skinned, blue-eyed people, tanning, if it does occur, is a slow process. Light complected individuals have much smaller pigment cells than do their dark-haired, brown-eyed, darker-skinned neighbors. Therefore, they burn more easily, and require significantly more sun exposure to produce even a modest tan. By contrast, those who are dark-skinned often require only a brief exposure to the sun to obtain a lasting tan.

For light-skinned people who, despite all admonitions against doing so, still choose to tan, here are a few rules:

* Acquire your tan gradually. If you head for the beaches, the backyards, or the lakes in order to soak up that first Sunday sun in June, avoid a severe and painful sunburn by limiting your first sun exposure to fifteen or twenty minutes. Increase your time in the sun gradually by twenty or thirty minutes a day for four or five more days. The first pigment cells will then begin to show up to darken and protect the skin. From then on, you will be able to tolerate almost any length of exposure.

* If you are a redhead or a blond, you have fewer pigment cells than individuals with darker complexions. Therefore, you must be more careful, and should cut in half the early exposure time periods recommended above.

* The previous recommendations are subject to individual variation. Only you, through trial and error, will know how much sun you can tolerate on your first and subsequent sun exposures, without having the sun cause a painful burn.

* Keep in mind that the most intense rays of the sun occur between 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. (standard time), the overhead sun giving you the greatest ultraviolet exposure. You cannot get sunburned before 9 A.M. and after 5 P.M., at which times the sharply angulated "burn" rays have been filtered out by the atmosphere.

* Don't let overcast skies fool you. You can get a sunburn on hazy and foggy days. Furthermore, reflected rays from sand, cement, and water can also cause severe sunburns. Beach umbrellas do not offer absolute protection from sunburns, and you can even get sunburned while swimming under water!

* Use suntan creams and lotions. Many commercial suntan preparations contain chemicals that selectively absorb the shorter (higher energy) wavelengths of sunlight that are responsible for burning, while permitting some of the longer (lower energy) wavelengths of light - the tanning rays - to penetrate the skin.

People are classified into various skin types depending on the relative amounts of the skin pigment melanin they contain. The simplest classification is as follows:

1. Skin Type I: People with fair hair and fair skin or freckles. These individuals are most susceptible to the rays of the sun, and can develop a severe sunburn in a matter of minutes. They also have a higher risk of developing skin cancers and wrinkles. If you are Skin Type I, you will not tan no matter how long you bake in the sun. Persistent sunbathing is not only futile, but downright dangerous.


Basicly I should give up on the idea of a tan. :eek:
EJFan said:
so which was it? you were playing joplin or playing the piano? i'm all confused now. :(

*sigh* I was trying to play The Entertainer composed by Scott Joplin, you goof! :D

I tried to play Beethoven too. ;)
bobsgirl said:
*sigh* I was trying to play The Entertainer composed by Scott Joplin, you goof! :D

I tried to play Beethoven too. ;)
you're quite the playa. never would've guessed. ;)
Paying some bills.

Going to get my car repaired. But first I have to get it towed the repair place. Thank God for AAA.
trying to figure out if it's worth asking the mods to ban white supremist guy at the IP level. :>

silverwhisper said:
trying to figure out if it's worth asking the mods to ban white supremist guy at the IP level. :>

amen to that, brutha.
i really wonder why someone would be so dead-set on trolling so blatantly when it's quite clear the posts are always going to be removed by mods. i usually PM lady g when i see 'em and i'm sure i'm not alone in that respect.

hey, poll idea!

silverwhisper said:
i really wonder why someone would be so dead-set on trolling so blatantly when it's quite clear the posts are always going to be removed by mods. i usually PM lady g when i see 'em and i'm sure i'm not alone in that respect.

hey, poll idea!


Ignore is our friend.
Right now, trying to relax from a rather crazy day...Unwind, is the name of the game.

That, and keep the kids from each other's throats. :eek:
Took my oldest kiddies to their school's summer reading program this morning.

I need to take the towels out of the dryer, but I'm being lazy.
Just said bye-bye to my two-year-old niece, who was quite the busy bee the whole time she was with me. I'm pooped.
Im going to visit the hand surgeon this morning had a incident at work a couple weeks ago, tip of finger got smashed in between the vault and counter, ouchhh.

good day all
sexualbeing said:
Im going to visit the hand surgeon this morning had a incident at work a couple weeks ago, tip of finger got smashed in between the vault and counter, ouchhh.

good day all

Owie! That makes me cringe.

Hope it feels better soon.
It did hurt it took the whole pulp of finger off but luckly i saved it and they sewed it back on and doctors say its gonna live and it should be good as new in a couple of weeks. Beleive it or not I wasnt feeling the pain I was just worrying about getting it put back on. Guess I was in shock
sexualbeing said:
It did hurt it took the whole pulp of finger off but luckly i saved it and they sewed it back on and doctors say its gonna live and it should be good as new in a couple of weeks. Beleive it or not I wasnt feeling the pain I was just worrying about getting it put back on. Guess I was in shock

Oh SB. Yuck. But I'm glad all will be well. I'm impressed that you had the presence of mind to save what had come off. Not sure I could have done that.

Welcome to Lit, BTW. :rose: :)
bobsgirl said:
Oh SB. Yuck. But I'm glad all will be well. I'm impressed that you had the presence of mind to save what had come off. Not sure I could have done that.

Welcome to Lit, BTW. :rose: :)

Yeah i even had to pull that part off the counter and put it on ice, but like I said i was only concerned about getting that sucker put back on