What's your personality type?

I've always, always, always come up ISFJ. It's a highly accurate description.
Until this site, I've been the only ISFJ I know of anywhere. XD
I've always, always, always come up ISFJ. It's a highly accurate description.
Until this site, I've been the only ISFJ I know of anywhere. XD

Reading the description of ISFJ's it does not surprise me that there's a lot of subs who're ISFJ's.

I'm an ESFJ - similar, but extroverted.

Bunny often complains about how I always need to know the details about everything. (Even if the details aren't important, to her that is.) And if she says something that isn't logical, I'll point it out and say that isn't possible because of blah blah blah.

Bunny often complains about how I always need to know the details about everything. (Even if the details aren't important, to her that is.) And if she says something that isn't logical, I'll point it out and say that isn't possible because of blah blah blah.


I'm surrounded by you damn thinking and judging people. It's a wonder I've managed to stay marginally sane as long as I have.
You Are An INTP
Your biggest pet peeve is people who slow you down with trivial chit chat.

THIS THIS OH GOD THIS. From age 6 I would answer my parents two words into the sentences.


Fuck me. I STILL can't stand a sentence like ' I think you should get a jacket because the temperature outside is quite chilly and it would be most unpleasant to have a cold.' , no matter WHO the fuck it's coming from.

Just thinking about it makes me ansty. Theres nothing bugs me more than talking WORDS WORDS WORDS when its totally for show.
Bunny often complains about how I always need to know the details about everything. (Even if the details aren't important, to her that is.) And if she says something that isn't logical, I'll point it out and say that isn't possible because of blah blah blah.


I do the same.

You know what I hate most in the world?

"I've got something interesting to tell/show you next time"

I'm surrounded by you damn thinking and judging people. It's a wonder I've managed to stay marginally sane as long as I have.

Sane? :confused:


THIS THIS OH GOD THIS. From age 6 I would answer my parents two words into the sentences.


Fuck me. I STILL can't stand a sentence like ' I think you should get a jacket because the temperature outside is quite chilly and it would be most unpleasant to have a cold.' , no matter WHO the fuck it's coming from.

Just thinking about it makes me ansty. Theres nothing bugs me more than talking WORDS WORDS WORDS when its totally for show.

Oh, I know. K does this and I'm like 'GET TO THE POINT!' and he's like 'I am!' and stays on his darn rabbit trail. Of course that has something to do with him being ADHD.



Although I used to fuck with my sister by telling her I had a secret when I didn't, and then refusing to tell her that secret. Normally this was to get even with her for whatever rotten annoying thing she'd done to me.
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I just never see myself as an ESFJ. I see myself more as an ISFJ, but extroverted. ESFJ's are controlling - I'm not. They use guilt, I'd rather be shot. They 'don't give things freely, there's strings attached'. If you are doing something with the expectation that you get something in return you are doing it for the wrong reason. :confused:

I don't understand why ESFJ's are so different from ISFJ's just cause they're extroverted. :confused:

This is why I don't do these personality tests. There is always things about them that don't make sense.
That also means though, that I cannot plan a surprise for the life of me.

Sent a friend a surprise gift during the week. HAD to tell them it was in the post, only barely managed to hold back what it was.

I'm even worse when it comes to Mr. It only takes one 'what are you planning?' and *everything* comes tumbling out.

The only way to beat him is with pure surprise.
I just never see myself as an ESFJ. I see myself more as an ISFJ, but extroverted. ESFJ's are controlling - I'm not. They use guilt, I'd rather be shot. They 'don't give things freely, there's strings attached'. If you are doing something with the expectation that you get something in return you are doing it for the wrong reason. :confused:

I think it depends on what you want in return. If I give something, even if it's just myself, I do indeed want something back. I want them.

I'm not selfless.

But then, I don't expect cash prizes either. I just want an equal appreciation and investment back, even if it's in a different form.
That also means though, that I cannot plan a surprise for the life of me.

Sent a friend a surprise gift during the week. HAD to tell them it was in the post, only barely managed to hold back what it was.

I'm even worse when it comes to Mr. It only takes one 'what are you planning?' and *everything* comes tumbling out.

The only way to beat him is with pure surprise.

I suck at giving gifts. I'm so excited I normally end up giving them early. lol
I think it depends on what you want in return. If I give something, even if it's just myself, I do indeed want something back. I want them.

I'm not selfless.

But then, I don't expect cash prizes either. I just want an equal appreciation and investment back, even if it's in a different form.

With some people I expect love in return, but for others I just want to be of help. I call them my birds to remind myself that when they're better they will leave (or fly away), so my feelings don't get hurt.
"I've got something interesting to tell/show you next time"


OMFG...YES. It drives me batshit! Grrrr..if you aren't going to tell me then why did you bring it up?
Been there, done that. :D :rolleyes:

Or I just tell. I get too excited to hold it in.

Yup. I'm gonna buy my sister some containers to organize her closet for her birthday. She already knows, even though I planned on just letting myself into her house, organizing her closet, and leaving a bow on the closet door.

It would have been an awesome surprise. DARN my mouth. *sigh*
With some people I expect love in return, but for others I just want to be of help. I call them my birds to remind myself that when they're better they will leave (or fly away), so my feelings don't get hurt.

Mmmm, upon further reflection, it depends on the investment of myself.

Like, I'll do a random good deed, such as give someone my bus ticket if it's still good and I don't need it anymore so they can save a couple of bucks, but if it requires much more personal investment, I want something back.
I just took a completely different test, different website, different questions. Same answer.


Alright. Well, clearly I need to schedule more time to be creative, and let my hair down.

You think I'm joking.

I am so very serious.
Mmmm, upon further reflection, it depends on the investment of myself.

Like, I'll do a random good deed, such as give someone my bus ticket if it's still good and I don't need it anymore so they can save a couple of bucks, but if it requires much more personal investment, I want something back.

For me, it depends on that person's role and if they've made promises to me. I expect more from K than I do the kids, and more from the kids than I do my family, and more from my family than I do my birds, and more from my birds than a stranger on the street.

Even then, if it's not freely offered I don't want it. Pride has always been my biggest downfall, and my most often occurring sin.
You Are An ENTP
The Visionary

You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.
You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything.
Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off.
You're very clever, but you are not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments.

In love, you see everything as a grand adventure. You enjoy taking risks for love.
And if things don't work out, you're usually not too much worse for the wear!

You would make a great entrepreneur, marketing executive, or actor.

At work, you need a lot of freedom to pursue your own path and vision.
How you see yourself: Analytical, creative, and peaceful

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Detached, wishy-washy, and superficial

Well... I do like to show off,

but I am so not wishy-washy :rolleyes:
You Are A WZAZ
The WiseAss

You are a natural loner - with confidence and strength and a sense of humor that inspires others.
Driven to hieghts of the sublime, you are always looking for ways to gain power, knowledge, elicit laughs, and generally make people feel a little bit better about their day if you can.
Sometimes you aren't the most considerate person, especially to those who are a bit slow or who, through their own pigheadiness, refuse to do what's best for them and instead post inane and abusive comments.

You are not easily intimidated - and you have a commanding, awe-inspiring presence. It has nothing to do with your over-inflated ego or the fact that you haven't showered in a week.

In love, you hold high standards... for yourself, for your relationship, and for your significant other. They better be into bondage and anal play, too, or somebody is in for a big surprise.
While it's easy for you to impress others, it's hard for you to find someone who impresses you. Unless she is wearing leather and can't get enough of satisfying you orally, in which case all bets are off.

At work, you are organized and good at delegating. You understand how to achieve goals.
You would make a great CEO, entrepreneur, or consultant. Most of the people you that you work with think you are a snob that reads porn all day and oggles the office slut.

How you see yourself: Rational, calm, and objective. Perfect in every way. And hung like a horse. A real babe magnet. Oh, and modest to a fault.

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Inflexible, controlling, and overbearing. But otherwise hung like a horse, a babe magnet, and modest to a fault. Perfect in every way.

Geez, the accuracy of this thing is incredible!