Where are we going?

Until I get my destinations and sense of direction refined just let me know if I wander too far from the original concept.

I think I lost the box.

I'm still negotiating with Ange's previous post about no improper destination.

...great fun here, thanks.
4 U dear John...

Last one for the weekend as of duty calls to feast upon the holiday...be blessed all...be safe...

see’s the way
and known is the blueprint
outside this domain
finding this knowing

I am navigator
I am watcher
I focus on the plan
created within me
and nod to God
I Am :rose:
bluerains said:
Last one for the weekend as of duty calls to feast upon the holiday...be blessed all...be safe...

see’s the way
and known is the blueprint
outside this domain
finding this knowing

I am navigator
I am watcher
I focus on the plan
created within me
and nod to God
I Am :rose:

Thank you and be safe as well.

As we move forward...

I think the closest we ever get to perfection (God!?...) is in sharing an orgasm... Food for thought anyway... I wrote this little one in about 45 seconds... not really (I can't type that fast with 5 fingers), but it touches on the link between what is and what could ever be... Wasn't that Led Zeppelin from a LONG time ago? Actually, the lyric is a little different but the sound is the same... My thoughts meander, intwine with passion's crossed paths...

Thou Art God

Random charges explode
within concentrated synapses,
breaking patterns of environment,
discarding medieval concepts
for global solution…
Thou art God.

Obvious to the Aesthetic,
painful to the cleric,
dangerous to the governor
yet enlightening to the searcher,
this morphic resonance…
Thou art God.

Bringing together as one,
the green and the blue,
young and old, those between,
black, white, brown and yellow,
boy and girl…
Thou art God.
Last edited:
qp great work...as always...

I found this article from Jade the dragon...imho ...was very thoughtful pen and has much truth and time put forth thought I'd pass it on..as it may be where we should be going....

"Creating a Symbiotic Culture" - by Jade Dragon

A quick look into my thesaurus, plumbing the meaning of the word
"culture", I located the following: civilization, enlightenment,
refinement, advancement of knowledge, and edification. A diverse
culture, such as we have, is composed of individuals who may or may
not be interested in pursuing these goals of culture, as listed above.
In the course of history many civilizations have come and gone. The
largest and longest lasting tended to be inclusive of diversity
(example: Rome). Cultures based on exclusivity tend to be small and
short-lived (example: Taliban). I prefer to help conceive and
co-create a "large scale long term culture" based on the "inclusion of
individuals from many walks of life" in order to achieve a more
refined state of enlightenment, advancement of knowledge, and
edification. Strength and stability in culture, as in all living
ecosystems, is founded in diversity.

In light of recent public debate on the subject of whether or not
religion should be discussed, in open forum, as a part of on-going
conversations about the creation of future civilizations, I hold that
it cannot be ignored nor should it be. Religion should be included,
not excluded. It is clearly one of the major cultural perspectives to
be reckoned with, as are the forces of politics, economics, law,
technology, etc. A civilization which attempts to restrict discussion
on the relevance of a topic as large as religion is fundamentally
flawed and certainly will travel a short path to destruction. I say
this as person who has a personal distaste for the hierarchy of
organized religion; and as a person who recognizes that hierarchy is
itself the problem, not religion, politics, philosophy, or any other
parts of culture that we may name.

In my examples above (Rome-Taliban), it should be noted that both fell
to ruin. Both were hierarchies. Both suffered from "top down" control.
Rome took longer to fall, in part, because it took longer for the
Romans to become intolerant of diversity than the Taliban. The final
collapse of Rome came during a period coinciding with the political
rise of Christian monotheism, an exclusive concept practiced by a
hierarchy bent on purging their culture of non-believers. Much has
been written elsewhere on the subject of whether or not science is
also subject to the subversion by hierarchy. It has been my
observation that the scientific establishment can be perverted by
hierarchy just as easily as religion or anything else. Let's think
about hierarchy.

The prime physical and metaphysical model of hierarchy is the pyramid,
being a man-made version of a mountain. The mountain gods of old
(Baals) ruled from on high, as "illuminated ones". At the bottom of
the pyramid were/are the slaves and, between the ground and the
summit, are various levels in the "chain of command". The mountain
gods and their true believing followers have historically reeked havoc
on the "no-believers", usually by force of arms. The history of
democratic civilization is the story many attempts to forge a culture
where those who are lower on the pyramid force the top dog (god
backwards) to share power with lower advisors, ministers, and
representatives without disassembling the pyramid entirely, for fear
that civilization will disappear entirely if we do so. The game goes
on and on.

I am not advocating the dismemberment of religious, political, or
economic hierarchy. That will happen on its own. I am suggesting that
the hierarchical model for civilization, the creation of more and
better pyramids, will not correct the root causes leading to eventual
collapse. While, it may take a long time, mountains do actually erode
and crumble. If we are going to erect a pyramid at all, I suggest that
we take a long hard look at the issue of power-sharing and equality.
How might we design a civilization which includes as many people and
perspectives as possible?

I would start with a model which give the vote to almost everyone,
regardless of gender, race, age, and so forth. If one was capable of
voting, one should be able to vote in each issue which is brought up
in the council circle. This may be called "direct democracy". I can
hear the pope-kings-presidents screaming from the mountain all sorts
of apparently illuminated reasons why people should not be able to
vote on everything, even though they are capable of casting their
vote. They have always protested loudly and persistently against the
possibility of losing power to the slave masses and/or their
cooperative communities..

Up to this point in linear history (tales as told by the victor), no
peaceful non-violent "live and let live" cooperative culture has risen
to the level of a major world dominating and resource exploiting
civilization, for two primary reasons:

1) cooperative cultures live in "sacred symbiosis" with nature and
have no interest in killing their host environment
(planet) by dominating and exploiting it beyond repair

2) cooperative cultures tend to be composed of decentralized, locally
based, council governed extended family circles
which, when attacked by a well-armed and violent military under
hierarchical control, find it difficult to defend
themselves and are often wiped out, and thus are not often written
about in history books

Non-violent (loving) cooperative cultures place emphasis on personal
freedom and personal initiative within a community context. Violent
predator/parasite civilizations place emphasis on the rules, laws, and
dictates of a centralized government and the few who run it.
Competitive profit-driven civilizations hatefully attack and conquer
cooperatives. Many civilizations have grown fat on the spoils of war.
Little people and the natural environment are crushed by giant
governments and their superior machines. Mom and pop businesses fall
dead on the battlefield of global corporate control via capitalist
Wal-Mart style commerce. Fewer and fewer companies own more and more.
Common people control less and less of their lives.

Community-based cooperative projects within competitive civilizations
are still commonly thought of as a form of communism. Circles, covens,
and communes are accused of "cult activities" by antagonistic
religious hierarchies and their government counterparts. It has always
been a dangerous world for those who do not wish to play the
externally imposed "dominance and submission" game. King on the
Mountain may be amusing for those who climb near or to the top of the
pyramid of power. It is not nearly as much fun for the conquered
worker/slaves who build and maintain the pyramid from below.

Some traditions call this run-away "dog eat dog" style of civilization
"the Great Beast 666"; 666 being the sum of the numbers in the Square
of the Sun (coding table for ancient text) equating with UNTAMED/RAW
SOLAR ENERGY or the male-dominated fire-worshipping conquering
principle without any female influence (1080 is the primary lunar
number). This system of text encoding pre-dates Christianity and
should not be confused with any particular religion. Ruling religious
and sometimes secular ruling hierarchies have sat on this revealing
knowledge/Gnosis for many many centuries, so long that most of the
"sacred keepers" have forgotten what is really dormant in the library
text piles. There are even 33 degree Masons who don't know or care to
know where their most sacred rituals originally came from, so lost are
they in commercial exploits and power plays. From my personal
passive-resistance country-peasant perspective I would say that the
Great Beast style of government is getting out of hand as it continues
to gobble up the countryside, spitting out non-sustainable housing
projects and minimum wage-slave corporate franchise mall strips,
polluting the air and water, spewing ozone depleting chemicals,
increasing the incoming solar 666 current, trapping it with greenhouse
gasses, and melting ice caps. Might we need some balance here?

Historically speaking, cooperative cultures tend to be matriarchal and
follow lunar/tidal (1080) cycle calendars. Male dominated
civilizations (666) follow the solar cycle. From a natural time
perspective, as shared by peasant folk and planetary stewards around
the globe, both the Sun and the Moon are necessary components in a
living biosphere, as long as they stay in balance. 1080 + 666 = 1746:
the ancient number of fusion of the solar and lunar currents (male and
female, competitive and cooperative, active and passive, violent and
non-violent) equating with a "Grain of the Mustard Seed". If we only
had the faith of a living tree we too could bridge Heaven and Earth

questions remain: How do we today, as a prelude to the future,
achieve fusion between these polar opposites? Can violent competition
co-exist with peaceful cooperation? Can men and women get along with
each other? I don't know. We'll have to see. It depends quite a bit
on whether or not we want to fight or to be at peace. But first, let's
take a brief look at a prime source of violence.

Every living being, by its nature as a living being, strives to
survive. In a food-abundant environment with few competing species and
hungry predators, peaceful villages abound. So, the pride-tribe
increases in size until its territory overlaps with that of the next
nation. Ouch! Whose deer or cattle did you kill? That's my mushroom
patch! My base-brain snake head "flight or fight" response is kicking
in over this issue. Bang!

In reality the natural herd crosses over property lines. Hierarchies
are big on establishing and selling property lines to the highest
bidder. If you are low on the pyramid you carry a lot of excess weight
keeping the king alive wearing the crown. You are lucky to have an
apartment in the city and a car to get you to work. You get to eat
what you can afford, growing fat as you can on the packaged produce
and carcasses produced on corporate mega-farms, making the corporate
owners fat on your consumption.

Living this way can be quite stressful. The stress begins when the
population reaches a size where there is "too little for too many".
That's when we clash and compete for dwindling resources. Wars erupt
and fear is felt throughout the land. Offensive and defensive
positions are taken, held, and lost again. Profits are made. The rich
grow richer as the poor peasant anarchists and inner-city neo-tribal
gang members get pissed off. These days, even the children of the
suburban hoards are getting mad at the King on the Mountain and are
monkey wrenching the machinery like Luddites. Everyone is afraid in a
world of dwindling resources. If we want to end the violence between
competing factions, we need to harness the best of both worlds. So,
how do we make sure everyone has enough of everything they need (not
necessarily what they want)?

To answer that, we might be wise to look at something as strange (yet
familiar) as LIFE SUPPORT tools and technology. Start with a pointed
stick for killing game and planting seeds. Progress to GPS guided
robot tractors burning fossil fuels. Start with a spring and a hole
dug between tree roots. Progress to pipelines in the ground, sucking
water from wells and artificial lakes, into which we discharge of
processed and unprocessed waste products. On one hand we have a
primitive existence in tune with nature and on the other hand we have
a sophisticated lifestyle at odds with nature. Is it possible to have
a sophisticated lifestyle that is in tune with nature? Most certainly.
That's the only way we'll survive on Earth or on Mars; by finding a
balance between the human, technological, and natural worlds. The way
things are going with the weather, it might quickly become a necessity
on Earth. "To be forewarned is to be forearmed."

Our life support tools and technology have improved over the years in
efficiency and productivity. Can you imagine living in a cold
environment without proper clothing, heat, and shelter? How about in a
desert without water? If a simple low-cost life support technology
(which nurtures nature for its own and for humanity's direct benefit)
could be mass-produced and widely distributed, providing on-the-spot
minimal maintenance non-polluting "backyard" or "on-the-roof" food
production, waste treatment and resource recovery/recycling, plus
clean water and fresh air, wouldn't that relieve some of the pressure?
With a non-polluting closed cycle passive radium/thorium based
electrolyser (water splitter) and hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell power
supply unit or other non-polluting energy source(s), we could
completely disconnect from the grid and reduce our personal work hours
(hardly any bills to pay), gain leisure time, and stop producing much
of the pollution which is currently killing the biosphere because we
are recycling our waste products. In a civilization composed of people
inhabiting miniature biospheres the pyramid wouldn't crumble away
because someone has to make and sell the equipment. On the other hand,
once the biosphere was paid for, one could choose to work or not work
within or with the hierarchy, according to their whim. Under these
conditions, the pyramid would shrink in power. The need for violence
would abate. Cooperative community would have a chance to grow and
flourish. Take the immediate pressure off and we might evolve into a
symbiotic species!

This new world we are headed for will be quite different than any
before. Cultures are also shaped by their environment. Survival in
hostile environments requires technology. The Iron Age did not start
in equatorial regions. It blossomed in the cold where people built
fires and learned how to make them hot enough to make magic with
metal. This world's life-supporting ecosystems are collapsing (due to
the deliberate and accidental destruction of diversity-stability) and
Mars is far more hostile. The biologically based life support systems
we need on Mars may prove just as useful, in days ahead, on Earth. Can
you imagine living inside a small scale ecosystem, relying on it for
your food, water, air, and waste treatment and resource recovery? I'm
talking about DECENTRALIZED high tech automated farming with a
personal hands-on touch. Even with automation, it will take at least 2
hours (estimated) per day/person to plant, prune, pollinate, pick, and
preserve the food. Talk about getting in touch with nature! Unlike the
current civilization where it is easily possible to never set a foot
on a farm or in a slaughterhouse, the new world culture will be living
inside the farm. That's going to have a major impact on how people
view civilization and their need for it!

Self-sufficiency (no utility or food bills) not only makes the person
inhabiting a miniature biosphere or CELSS (Controlled Ecological Life
Support System) have to work less hours outside of their habitat, but
also removes much of the funding of the power elite, thus reducing
them in financial stature to a level closer to the masses. Does
technology affect culture? You bet. In a big way. Does the ecotechnics
of CELSS make direct democracy possible? It certainly will make the
inhabitants harder to control. The pyramid may just crumble to dust as
the people pay attention to other details.

The sort of advanced civilization and cooperative culture I want to
live in is voluntary. I wish to be free. I don't mind taking on
personal responsibility. If others choose to be slaves to masters who
put them to work building profit-making premeds schemes, they are free
to do so, as long as the do not force me or any other free being (fox,
rabbit, squirrel, etc.) to participate.

I understand that there is a need to "keep the peace" between
sovereign individuals, individuals and hierarchy, and between
hierarchies and other hierarchies. Keeping the peace is, in my
opinion, the first and foremost reason to have a government between

Now, if a bunch of land-grabbing, planet-exploiting competitive
cut-throats (the normal model), can create a government which grants
the right to grab land from its previous inhabitants, exploiting it
and them in order to construct a particular brand of culture, trouble
will come of it. The trouble naturally comes when cult territories
collide. In such cases, sparks can fly from the burning house to catch
the barnyard on fire, incinerating poor and mostly innocent people.
After the fires die out there is then no more food supply. The Earth
is scorched. War is not nice to plants, people, and other living
things. Cult clashes can be deadly. There are large well-funded
militaries, sport teams, and lawyers who specialize in fighting over
territorial claims and the spoils of territorial conquest, as enforced
by the rule of law, composed or moderated by the winning team.

Once again I assert that we, the common people (hicks, pagans,
heathens, heretics, mutants, and all such animals who find themselves
uncomfortable in the great cities of civilization) can possibly and
potentially name and create a viable civilization and culture based on
voluntary cooperation and direct democracy (self-governance: anarchism
- look it up in the dictionary before having a pre-programmed
response). So, how do self-regulating self-sufficient individuals
trade good and services? There are plenty of items we can't possibly
manufacture alone. We are going to have to trade with each other,
which requires that folks have some sort of money/credit system as a
means of common exchange. Making (literally) money and exchanging it
for goods and services is the next most important reason for having a
government, Whomever rules the money supply rules the civilization.
Which lead me to another series of questions: Who mints the money? How
do I exchange good or services for this money? And, where do I do so?

The trouble with the monolith of corporate capitalism (the buyers and
purchasers of the current and dominant governmental system - the Beast
666) is that, as the companies grow larger and larger, the
opportunities for common folk to exchange goods for money dwindle to
almost nothing. It is true, service jobs are sometimes available.
Slave are allowed to serve the masters in exchange for coin or credit.
Once upon a time I could have sold my duck feathers to a pillow
merchant. Now, the meta-national planet-wide conglomerates say I don't
produce enough for mass distribution, so they are not interested in my
wares. I'm not all that interested anyway in selling myself or
prostituting my eternal soul. The harlot is not one of my personal
archetypes. Plenty of humans have chosen that course, often under
duress and the pressures of living under extra-voluntary rule and

Things might be different if there was a government bank which would
give a business loan to every willing and able animal in the barnyard.
At least, with a loan, we could capitalize a business and play on the
competitive gameboard. But loans are for people who already have
money. Get my point? When hierarchies grow to stupendous size, the
poverty class is the first to be shut out, followed by the middle
class. Pretty soon there is not enough accessible capital to keep an
economy growing As a result, diversity of people, product and services
is reduced, ecosystems destabilize, remaining resources are
squandered, and civilization eventually collapses when the pyramid
building slaves can no longer support themselves and the government
can't squeeze anymore blood from the turnips. This is so unfair and
out of order that it sets my lip trembling in frustration, anger, and
disgust. I can smell the rat sent to crush any rebellion on the animal

Don't start another revolution when evolution is called for. In this
day and age the "powers that be" might brand you as a "terrorist" and
end up eating you for dinner. Violence against another is not going to
win a permanent victory. Gandhi (India) taught that lesson. The
British hierarchy thought that he was nuts. They were wrong. The path
of violence is often (but not always) a trap set for the unwary. Don't
step there. The surrounding fields may be filled with professional and
self-appointed amateur agents whose have taken up the task of shouting
down any suggestion that it is possible for anyone to show the human
keepers how they might better emulate living ecosystems. Freedom
should be the starting point, not the end result of government.

just think: If the cooperative circle/sphere equates with Mother Earth
and the competitive square/pyramid is the manifestation of Father Sky,
then the Holy Child of the two is, thus, a new and unique _expression
of their union. How might we describe this Child, this "grain of
mustard seed", in terms of government? Consider the concept of
co-ownership, co-stewardship, and the possibility that Every Child is
a Star, a unique and original being, born fully equipped with an Inner
Voice of Conscience, capable of leading itself and coming to consensus
with other Children in the Great Council of Life, to form a larger
world-spanning organism.

Let us complete the Sacred Circle by taking personal responsibility
for our means of life support and assume our proper place on the
planet by gathering together, creating cooperatively "owned"
sanctuaries, closing the ecology loop on a personal and community
level. Such a dream is worth far more than following the archaic
hierarchies as they head straight towards an apocalyptic confrontation
between each other. Harness the power between the poles and make it
work for you, the planet, and the biosphere which gives us life. Learn
to live in symbiosis. It is the correct thing to do.

Associated AEON groups: If you are seeking to communicate online with
REAL PEOPLE, please feel free to communicate through one or more of
our groups. Don't hesitate to tell people what you have to offer or

http://www.magickmonkey.com :rose:
Interesting article above... Thank you Bluerains for posting it!

IMHO, the only way religions become powerful is through the believer, the "common" people who make up the vast bulk of the group. There is always personal power in believing, and morphic resonance among those believing in a similar path.

The problem is that those people are rarely privy to the "corporate" machinations of the group itself. AND, in order for them to make an intelligent decision on leadership of the group (assuming voting is a possibility) they must have at least 4 things:
1. They must be intelligent, either schoolbook or truly understanding the power of deductive reasoning.
2. They must have leaders to vote for who are willing to be forthright with the electorate
3. There must not be the easy opportunity for corruption within the legislative body.
4. Absolute separation of church and state

Probably the easiest way for the third to happen is term limitations (1 term period), a $100 limit on ALL campaign donations, without loopholes, and severe limits on personal funds in a campaign, thereby leveling the playing field.

Politics and Religion are inherently the same. We worship the flag as we do the God. Every human wants to be right and to be a part of something which gives them a sense of value and power. The reason our founding fathers didn't want a "liberal" education for the masses is just that. The greater the education of the group, the easier it will be for them to see the fallacies and failures of the leadership of the group and anarchy will inevitably follow...

As I see it, for the human race to survive, we have to strengthen the weakest links, not just make the strongest links stronger. The very right we have to post whatever we like and comment on this site, makes this even more important for all of us. If the conservative right in this country had its way, the only proselytization we would see is that of their agenda.
Under the spreading chestnut tree
I sold you and you sold me
There lie they, and here lie we
Under the spreading chestnut tree
-G. Orwell
Thanks 1201!!!

for saving me from the insipid pull of digression! For Sale!!! Someday we may be given the opportunity to believe...
quietpoet said:
I think the closest we ever get to perfection (God!?...) is in sharing an orgasm... Food for thought anyway... I wrote this little one in about 45 seconds... not really (I can't type that fast with 5 fingers), but it touches on the link between what is and what could ever be... Wasn't that Led Zeppelin from a LONG time ago? Actually, the lyric is a little different but the sound is the same... My thoughts meander, intwine with passion's crossed paths...

Thou Art God

Random charges explode
within concentrated synapses,
breaking patterns of environment,
discarding medieval concepts
for global solution…
Thou art God.

Obvious to the Aesthetic,
painful to the cleric,
dangerous to the governor
yet enlightening to the searcher,
this morphic resonance…
Thou art God.

Bringing together as one,
the green and the blue,
young and old, those between,
black, white, brown and yellow,
boy and girl…
Thou art God.

beautiful.. you have touched upon the ancient knowledge of the Sacred Marriage.. when two become one... God lives..
I write alot on this subject lol... happy to see another pilgrim along the trails...
Thanks DuLac!

And there will come a time when two become three, or maybe even four or five, and when they truly can drop the pretense and bonds of environment to become one together... then we will have something special! Sometimes I am out there... but isn't it all ok?
For the sake of conversation, it may already be too late. Of course this has happened too many times before but that doesn't negate it's effect now.

Those who pursue religion at the expense of their spirituality are leading others down the wrong paths.

The end justifies the means because that's what it says in the owner's manual for religion. Innocent lives lost are simple collateral damage in a righteous march to the end times.

I'm close to many who live and breathe Biblical inerrancy. I have brought many simple truths to their attention in nonthreatening ways. I don't try to convince them of what I think might be important for they profess to know the absolute truth.

The difference between us is that I accept all they believe as a real possibility. My acceptance of the possibility of another minutely different plan is enough to exclude me from their acceptance.

How can anyone else have a correct answer when they believe they own the only correct answer?
I'm with you Rumi

on this conversation. Until we have equal (more or less) education and the honor and acceptance of free will for all people, there will be fallout. Obfuscation of the truth (that total choice and harmony can exist) is the mantra of those who only feel strong in the need for power/control.

ruminator said:
Those who pursue religion at the expense of their spirituality are leading others down the wrong paths.

The end justifies the means because that's what it says in the owner's manual for religion. Innocent lives lost are simple collateral damage in a righteous march to the end times.

I'm close to many who live and breathe Biblical inerrancy. I have brought many simple truths to their attention in nonthreatening ways. I don't try to convince them of what I think might be important for they profess to know the absolute truth.

The difference between us is that I accept all they believe as a real possibility. My acceptance of the possibility of another minutely different plan is enough to exclude me from their acceptance.

How can anyone else have a correct answer when they believe they own the only correct answer?

This path can only lead to one conclusion...

quietpoet said:
on this conversation. Until we have equal (more or less) education and the honor and acceptance of free will for all people, there will be fallout. Obfuscation of the truth (that total choice and harmony can exist) is the mantra of those who only feel strong in the need for power/control.

This path can only lead to one conclusion...


The sad loss is found in the counterintuitive beliefs by those pursuing any religious fundamentalism that only 'their' doctrine is the absolute truth.

Any absolute truth would be required to consider all possibilities.
a great german teacher

ruminator said:
The sad loss is found in the counterintuitive beliefs by those pursuing any religious fundamentalism that only 'their' doctrine is the absolute truth.

Any absolute truth would be required to consider all possibilities.

of mine once told me "no religion is wrong and no religion is right....its just not right for you..." YOU are YOUR own path...
bluerains said:
of mine once told me "no religion is wrong and no religion is right....its just not right for you..." YOU are YOUR own path...

What if my path appears to be a circle?

ruminator said:
What if my path appears to be a circle?

true enough...

Jennifer C said:
Have faith in yourself and the decisions that you make :rose:

we live our life adjusting constantly
a path without a heart is always smooth
but a path with a heart is always breaking
shift...from 2nd to 3rd... :)
bluerains said:
we live our life adjusting constantly
a path without a heart is always smooth
but a path with a heart is always breaking
shift...from 2nd to 3rd... :)

Very insightful blue, I like it :rose:
bluerains said:
a picture speaks volumes..
"fruit tree yielding fruit whose seed is inside itself.":rose:
happy that you understand blue as always we seem to be able to communicate without words... which happens to be one of my theories of the ancient ways lol..
Du Lac said:
happy that you understand blue as always we seem to be able to communicate without words... which happens to be one of my theories of the ancient ways lol..
love has no borders...it just spirals into the highest auric visions...lol :rose: