Where are we going?

I feel this too

Putting together a group of like minded people is the challenge. There are many of us, but we are disparate in geography...


ruminator said:
I am ignorant steel,
hard but malleable
compulsively drawn
time and again, back
old soul's relentless

That AV Jennifer...

That AV of yours has me all hot and bothered!

quietpoet said:
Putting together a group of like minded people is the challenge. There are many of us, but we are disparate in geography...


...but that's the same element that is so intriguing. How can people be so similar in select universal ideals, seperated by geographical distances and drawn together by otherwise abstract interests?
Even BLUE is bothered!

It makes you just entirely too desirable! :)
I suppose the question you raise

is the most important one. We are trying to put together a loose organization, and there are several existing, but the environmental pressures are so difficult to get past. This is a good start though! If there is a universal ideal, killing probably isn't part of it, and sharing probably plays a bigger part!


ruminator said:
...but that's the same element that is so intriguing. How can people be so similar in select universal ideals, seperated by geographical distances and drawn together by otherwise abstract interests?

quietpoet said:
It makes you just entirely too desirable! :)
I have a bit of bisexual energy now and again ...and a cute butt..is a good thing... :D
quietpoet said:
is the most important one. We are trying to put together a loose organization, and there are several existing, but the environmental pressures are so difficult to get past. This is a good start though! If there is a universal ideal, killing probably isn't part of it, and sharing probably plays a bigger part!


Can Jennifer's new av be considered a universal desire?

She's inspired more than a few strokes of brilliance from me with that.


ruminator said:
Can Jennifer's new av be considered a universal desire?

She's inspired more than a few strokes of brilliance from me with that.



lol...is that so?

I didn't realise my new AV would have such an effect on ya all... :devil: lol

I think it is a Michelangelo... I don't think even my imagination could come up with something that nice!


ruminator said:
Can Jennifer's new av be considered a universal desire?

She's inspired more than a few strokes of brilliance from me with that.


quietpoet said:
I think it is a Michelangelo... I don't think even my imagination could come up with something that nice!


well i'm glad yous all like it, lol... ;) :devil:
into a new age

A New Age

I feel deep pain coming,
low clouds rumbling across dusty roads,
last minute introspection,
recognizing that we just wanted to believe,
wanted so much to believe, and belong.

Nobody really cares,
except to make us more like them.
Our politicians use us,
and wickedly use our religions
to justify the beginning, of the end.

Creating a new world,
one that we won’t recognize as ours
with secret societies
intent on keeping fear at the forefront,
dark fear, the common denominator.

A new day begins,
the king has arrived, given life by us
but he is not who or what we think,
his disciples are not like those of Jesus,
Judas beats in each of their hearts.

Orwell only missed the year,
Bradbury penned the possibility,
these days loom on our horizon
with a backdrop of terror,
terror to keep us all in line, their line.

The clouds are coming,
black and acidic, portending the bitter end
to the very freedoms we now espouse.
Forgive us dear sweet Lord of everything,
for we know not what we allow them to do.

John,I found this older poem of yours and thought you should allow it into the view...of where we are going...I really loved that verse penned the possibility....lol/blue
bluerains said:
A New Age

I feel deep pain coming,
low clouds rumbling across dusty roads,
last minute introspection,
recognizing that we just wanted to believe,
wanted so much to believe, and belong.

Nobody really cares,
except to make us more like them.
Our politicians use us,
and wickedly use our religions
to justify the beginning, of the end.

Creating a new world,
one that we won’t recognize as ours
with secret societies
intent on keeping fear at the forefront,
dark fear, the common denominator.

A new day begins,
the king has arrived, given life by us
but he is not who or what we think,
his disciples are not like those of Jesus,
Judas beats in each of their hearts.

Orwell only missed the year,
Bradbury penned the possibility,
these days loom on our horizon
with a backdrop of terror,
terror to keep us all in line, their line.

The clouds are coming,
black and acidic, portending the bitter end
to the very freedoms we now espouse.
Forgive us dear sweet Lord of everything,
for we know not what we allow them to do.

John,I found this older poem of yours and thought you should allow it into the view...of where we are going...I really loved that verse penned the possibility....lol/blue

I agree blue ~ well done for posting it!... :rose:

It's a lovely poem John... :rose:
A long time ago, in a galaxy... NOT

Thanks Blue, for bringing this back. I think it needs a little work since I wrote it a couple of years ago. maybe I shall!


bluerains said:
A New Age

I feel deep pain coming,
low clouds rumbling across dusty roads,
last minute introspection,
recognizing that we just wanted to believe,
wanted so much to believe, and belong.

Nobody really cares,
except to make us more like them.
Our politicians use us,
and wickedly use our religions
to justify the beginning, of the end.

Creating a new world,
one that we won’t recognize as ours
with secret societies
intent on keeping fear at the forefront,
dark fear, the common denominator.

A new day begins,
the king has arrived, given life by us
but he is not who or what we think,
his disciples are not like those of Jesus,
Judas beats in each of their hearts.

Orwell only missed the year,
Bradbury penned the possibility,
these days loom on our horizon
with a backdrop of terror,
terror to keep us all in line, their line.

The clouds are coming,
black and acidic, portending the bitter end
to the very freedoms we now espouse.
Forgive us dear sweet Lord of everything,
for we know not what we allow them to do.

John,I found this older poem of yours and thought you should allow it into the view...of where we are going...I really loved that verse penned the possibility....lol/blue
Wall Of Dreams

Here's another metaphoric, cliche, combo poem!

Wall Of Dreams

Slippery visions of opulence
caress a tired Wal-Mart worker
as he reaches into stretched pocket
to grasp his too-thin wallet.

Creased pictures of grandchildren
give way to a few folded bills,
soon to be turned into incurable
dreams of college and satisfied loans.

Slanted promises curse bitter airwaves
and drag in life weary souls,
hoping and praying for just a little luck,
somebody will get it, why not me?

“Bring me your tired and weary”
arrives in modern packaging...
as if taxes weren’t enough
of a burden on too low wages.

Slippery government touts the promise,
suckers in all of those without,
and builds the highest wall of luck...
leaving the masses hungry for more.
Revival... but time seems appropriate!

Sometimes I come out of my fog and write a bit!!!


Guilty by Association

Anger seethes at a lack of compassion,
a country hangs in the balance.
Witnessing brazen goals of politicos
powerful personal vendettas
against puppet regimes
exposes your soft underbelly.
Life ebbs and flows beneath your pen,
dirtily accumulating deception’s baggage;
we are forced to breathe your tainted air.
Instead of taking immediate control
you fake piousity and publicly cover your ass,
blatantly voicing lies and hyperbole.
Blame anarchy creation on poor minorities,
for they didn’t tithe you in November,
but never forget, for they won’t.
And neither will those of us who
walk a path beyond material lies
who see a vision of prosperity,
not bound in the flowing blood of dollars
or machismo’s almighty oil...
Will we have a chance to create anew,
a world of respect and honor
where differing paths can join
and celebrate their uniqueness?
Or will we just be silenced,
like ‘The Big Easy”,
sentenced to live out shared dreams as fantasy?
Look in your black-silvered glass,
check your righteousness at the gate,
blame stares back in disingenuous disguise…
Nice write QP

quietpoet said:
Sometimes I come out of my fog and write a bit!!!


Guilty by Association

Anger seethes at a lack of compassion,
a country hangs in the balance.
Witnessing brazen goals of politicos
powerful personal vendettas
against puppet regimes
exposes your soft underbelly.
Life ebbs and flows beneath your pen,
dirtily accumulating deception’s baggage;
we are forced to breathe your tainted air.
Instead of taking immediate control
you fake piousity and publicly cover your ass,
blatantly voicing lies and hyperbole.
Blame anarchy creation on poor minorities,
for they didn’t tithe you in November,
but never forget, for they won’t.
And neither will those of us who
walk a path beyond material lies
who see a vision of prosperity,
not bound in the flowing blood of dollars
or machismo’s almighty oil...
Will we have a chance to create anew,
a world of respect and honor
where differing paths can join
and celebrate their uniqueness?
Or will we just be silenced,
like ‘The Big Easy”,
sentenced to live out shared dreams as fantasy?
Look in your black-silvered glass,
check your righteousness at the gate,
blame stares back in disingenuous disguise…