Where are we going?

an early work by Frost

Robert Frost...
The Road Not Taken

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

expresses loads of the doors not taken...


Bittersweet our hope
and intentions
Thoughts offered in love
to be understood
Patterns in the highest
light emerge
at the crossroads of
each yellow path chosen
Sadly one finds a beauty
seldom seen but
still bittersweet
For once a direction
is chosen
Lost is another o))
*blue* :rose:
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You picked a classic Blue!

bluerains said:
Robert Frost...
The Road Not Taken

expresses loads of the doors not taken...


Bittersweet our hope
and intentions
Thoughts offered in love
to be understood
Patterns in the hightest
light emerge
at the crossroads of
each yellow path chosen
Sadly one finds a beauty
seldom seen but
still bittersweet
For once a direction
is chosen
Lost is another *blue* :rose:

Your poem is beautiful. Isn't life bittersweet? If you didn't have the bitter, you couldn't know the sweet. I think one of the hardest things to deal with is having to say "Thank You" for bad things that come our way, but they are part of the choice we made in coming here in this space and time. These are our learnings...


quietpoet said:
Your poem is beautiful. Isn't life bittersweet? If you didn't have the bitter, you couldn't know the sweet. I think one of the hardest things to deal with is having to say "Thank You" for bad things that come our way, but they are part of the choice we made in coming here in this space and time. These are our learnings...


and regrets...nothing... :kiss:
4 U

she is
an archaic being
crossing in supreme winks
of withered intervals
bound to centuries
of mortal death
without an hour glass
timing salty seas
and stormy weather

she poses in seasonal garment
with crystal braided hair
mastering each disguise

musings are her mystery
without virtue
and moral fingers
to pen vanishing stardust

blue eyes refrain
while sleeping among emerald
eyes of dragons
fear has no color
and she is afraid
in eyes without a voice
and a heart without
a name...

channel is virtual ...edit me sweetpea... :rose:
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bluerains said:
she is
an archaic being
crossing in supreme winks
of withered intervals
bound to centuries
of mortal death
without an hour glass
timing salty seas
and stormy weather

she poses in seasonal garment
with crystal braided hair
mastering each disguise

musing mystery
without virtue
while moral fingers
pen vanishing stardust

blue eyes refrain
while sleeping among emerald
eyes of dragons
fear has no color
and she is afraid
in eyes without a voice
and a heart without
a name...

channel is virtual ...edit me sweetpea... :rose:
musing mystery
without virtue
while moral fingers
pen vanishing stardust
This confuses

me... how to put in the HTML and still type my information. That section, Blue, is the only part I would change. This is a supremely deep write.

um ok

quietpoet said:
me... how to put in the HTML and still type my information. That section, Blue, is the only part I would change. This is a supremely deep write.


less unit words..ok...am seeking..tis ok..dear one...lots of love...blue :kiss:

This one may be too simple...


We are but fragments,
and yet we are whole,
our lives may seem incomplete,
but all we are, we already have.

Paths are not missing,
we walk them daily,
while fearfully shaking off
other people's issues.

The river seems broad and wide,
flowing full of experience,
tears and smiles cross-connect,
fabric stitched together by time.

You are life, I am life,
we share each other
with and without touching,
just by breathing the same air.

As yesterday is ours,
so is today, tomorrow.
A full page of insight and then only appreciation from me.

thank you both.
thanks rumi

ruminator said:
A full page of insight and then only appreciation from me.

thank you both.

am glad You understand the feminine energy as it sees the dragons of war stealing the voices of the innocent and taking lives and family names to serve their angry gods...peace/blue
Hmmm... Thank you all for participating! Sometimes the great experiment is truly exciting! Of course, sometimes it isn't also.... Oh well. I will add another in the next day or so!

We have a choice

and choices lead us to knowing...real from unreal..and trust , honor, and all that is in the highest order of light..knows where we are going....this is 4 U...
Star Wolf...calls home...

I want to be
inhaled , exhaled
to facsimile

I want to inhale, exhale
to your lust

I want to feel sultry skin
around me
in devilish delight

I want to own
and to
be owned
only to
your illusionary
Call 911... Get me a REALLY cold beer

Give me something to douse the flame of this last poem!!! Blue, that was one hot fantasy... Is that the path for the future? We may need another magical ice age to cool the heat in these illusionary loins! Is it raining yet???


bluerains said:
and choices lead us to knowing...real from unreal..and trust , honor, and all that is in the highest order of light..knows where we are going....this is 4 U...
Star Wolf...calls home...

I want to be
inhaled , exhaled
to facsimile

I want to inhale, exhale
to your lust

I want to feel sultry skin
around me
in devilish delight

I want to own
and to
be owned
only to
your illusionary
your initial question is 'where are we going'. SO :D ... Where are we going as poets? New form? Backward? No form? Revised? WHERE is poetry going? :)
Where is poetry going?

I look at mine, and sometimes think it is going nowhere... But at other times I think that the genre is just hitting the tip of the iceberg, where we have a lot to say that is meaningful to perpetuating this existence. It seems that throughout history, whenever times are difficult for the multitudes, poetry has a way of speaking for the otherwise unspoken. Thanks CharlieH!!!

quietpoet said:
I look at mine, and sometimes think it is going nowhere... But at other times I think that the genre is just hitting the tip of the iceberg, where we have a lot to say that is meaningful to perpetuating this existence. It seems that throughout history, whenever times are difficult for the multitudes, poetry has a way of speaking for the otherwise unspoken. Thanks CharlieH!!!


fishin again I C!!!

Know from whence you came. If you know whence you came, there are absolutely no limitations to where you can go
Baldwin, James Arthur
THis was for another thread, but...

I was requested to post it here! It is about where we are going, yet it isn't really poetry!

Our country is caught in the black and white of political-speak. There can be no freedom without a balance of both Socialism and Capitalism. Where capitalism fails is in the profit and growth equation. This requires a ready supply of raw materials in order to create more and more. We live on a planet with a finite supply of these, and yet growth is expected and given the status of God to the business man (I am generalizing). Unless we are able to control population to a sustainable level and STOP economic growth before we get to the point of no return, capitalism will ultimately kill most of the species on this planet, including us.

With the billions of people currently inhabiting this planet, unless socialism is more of a factor, the die-off will continue to increase at visible levels. Do you really think the big corporations care about more than returns for their stockholders? Unless it is going to result in a lawsuit (less revenue, duh)... they could care less.

We have bought the illusion, lock, stock and barrel. Instead of learning how to live together, we have put the emphasis on aquisition and stuff. That is the measurement of our humanity. We have created a disposable society that will dispose of itself. The circle runs on. The heartbreak of this is that an infinite number of innocent people and species will be the first victims.

Thanks for letting me vent!

makes me think of an old message from Raphiem..

*** Star Trek - Insurrection ***

it came out many years ago .... it's not my persnal favourite ..... but
off all the movies i have seen .... on memory scan .... The Blue assures me
that this movie is the closest to the truth of events that have and are
being played out here on Earth.

quick overview

you have peaceful society living forever young on a beautiful planet
without the means of any technology ... however they are secretly being
watched by an alien force who is also helped and in co-horts with the
earth federation (yep the corrupt earth govt/federation). this planet
has some quality that keeps the people living on her genetically forever
young .... and this alien force in cahoots with the corrupt elements of
this earth federation are planning to steal the planet/land from under
the noses of these people (whenthey are alseep) by inserting them in
some sort of holographic look-a-like domain, making them think they are
still on their planet. ...

... all hell breaks loose when DATA runs into some sort of holographic
wall and attacks the outpost where the federation and the alien force
are planning their takeover ... but later Data is captured and made out
to be wrong and liar and that his circuitry had gone haywire and some
memory wiped .... but good 'ol captain Picard smells something fishy
going on .... when the alien force is al foundout, they resort to
releasing some sort of WMD from high up in space to destroy this planet
and everything on it ... as their motto is ... if they can not have it,
then no one will!!!

i won't spoil it, but the movie is very reflective of the mid-east
crisis and rivalry ... as in the movie it turns out that these forever
young people are infact related genetically to the alien hostile force
who wants to steal their land ...

on one side you have a simple peoples, living with no technology, no
support from any others, minding their own business who woke up one
morning to find the very land they lived on was taken from them .... no
discussion, no negotiation, just pure rape!!

on the otherside, you have a people who believe it is their god given
right to own whatever they feel like, who have all the technology, own
the media cmplexes and amassed a huge amount of military weapons all
paid for by the federation (thru taxes) ...

anyway ... enough ranting on ....
bluerains said:
*** Star Trek - Insurrection ***

it came out many years ago .... it's not my persnal favourite ..... but
off all the movies i have seen .... on memory scan .... The Blue assures me
that this movie is the closest to the truth of events that have and are
being played out here on Earth.

quick overview

you have peaceful society living forever young on a beautiful planet
without the means of any technology ... however they are secretly being
watched by an alien force who is also helped and in co-horts with the
earth federation (yep the corrupt earth govt/federation). this planet
has some quality that keeps the people living on her genetically forever
young .... and this alien force in cahoots with the corrupt elements of
this earth federation are planning to steal the planet/land from under
the noses of these people (whenthey are alseep) by inserting them in
some sort of holographic look-a-like domain, making them think they are
still on their planet. ...

... all hell breaks loose when DATA runs into some sort of holographic
wall and attacks the outpost where the federation and the alien force
are planning their takeover ... but later Data is captured and made out
to be wrong and liar and that his circuitry had gone haywire and some
memory wiped .... but good 'ol captain Picard smells something fishy
going on .... when the alien force is al foundout, they resort to
releasing some sort of WMD from high up in space to destroy this planet
and everything on it ... as their motto is ... if they can not have it,
then no one will!!!

i won't spoil it, but the movie is very reflective of the mid-east
crisis and rivalry ... as in the movie it turns out that these forever
young people are infact related genetically to the alien hostile force
who wants to steal their land ...

on one side you have a simple peoples, living with no technology, no
support from any others, minding their own business who woke up one
morning to find the very land they lived on was taken from them .... no
discussion, no negotiation, just pure rape!!

on the otherside, you have a people who believe it is their god given
right to own whatever they feel like, who have all the technology, own
the media cmplexes and amassed a huge amount of military weapons all
paid for by the federation (thru taxes) ...

anyway ... enough ranting on ....

The threat is manufactured
while unemployment lines increase
Packaged slick, creatively
marketed to the trembling consumers.

Sacrificing lifetime savings
to buy the illusion of security.
Pawn your future, cashing in
all common sense to give away.

Paranoia doesn't hide in the dark
sanctuary of faith and worship.
Intimidation creeps, bleeding
into your soul right off page one.

Exploding headlines hypnotize
by our willingness to suggestion.
Track the tragedy's official version
through daily withdrawls and revisions

Suspected peretrators in alledged
conspiracies by rumor link hypotheses.
Possibly presumed, yet unconfirmed
anonymous sources whisper threats.

The dots connect, quite logically
returning to the shreiking source.
Pay them well to find our fears
repackaged, bought and sold again.

it is an illusion, blue.
ruminator said:
The threat is manufactured
while unemployment lines increase
Packaged slick, creatively
marketed to the trembling consumers.

Sacrificing lifetime savings
to buy the illusion of security.
Pawn your future, cashing in
all common sense to give away.

Paranoia doesn't hide in the dark
sanctuary of faith and worship.
Intimidation creeps, bleeding
into your soul right off page one.

Exploding headlines hypnotize
by our willingness to suggestion.
Track the tragedy's official version
through daily withdrawls and revisions

Suspected peretrators in alledged
conspiracies by rumor link hypotheses.
Possibly presumed, yet unconfirmed
anonymous sources whisper threats.

The dots connect, quite logically
returning to the shreiking source.
Pay them well to find our fears
repackaged, bought and sold again.

it is an illusion, blue.

Oh I like it! lol, hey Rumi, how ya doin? :rose:
how well I know rumi...

your faces form all your needs, however the future is returning and all
the bridges were built for burning .... could anything be wrong? Are you
the frozen ones? .... one day you'll just erase the tape, wave goodbye,
and fade away .... clean the ashes from your face at the bottom of your
deep blue oceans ... you find your sunset and then turn away .... how
can there by anything wrong?

you walk around inside each other ... you don't care who led you here
.... there are too many pictures on your screen and all of them are
screaming at you .... somehow you drifted off to sleep and now
communicate like distant stars .... splintered souls ... someone waits
behind the closed door ... oh Hiroshima where are you now ? A million
memories in the trees and sands ... meet beneath the autumn lake where
only echoes can penetrate ... you walk through the past as your future
is fused like shattered glass ....

Give them this day, till their kingdom comes!! in your time ... all
that's good will fall from grace and saints would turn their face ...
different words are said in different ways and have different meanings
.... will you reap from their legacy ? will your learn from what they
had seen? .... will you know what was high on high? ... will you follow
them and not defy ? are you the faithless in faith???

a flash in the corner of your dream .... caught for a second by the
darkness as ashes of memories still glow and the words still remain ...
sipped from the wine of youth as oaths made in silence will return ....
you are just living lines from books we've read with atmospheres of days
gone by and faked smiles ....

those who sneer will fade and die while those who ignore will surely
fall and those who know will always have their backs against the wall
..... whilst grey men who speak of victory shall keep the light from
your stolen lives .... they pretend to hear the unheard music as they
step in time and play the part with velvet voices smooth and cold and
soon their power games will maybe be no more or will be all you have in
your dream of reality ....

you are moving through time being human by design with life unfulfilled
but divine, never ending but how could you be so blind? are you alive
and are you who you want to be? are you just passing strangers as you
look at the blue world that had two moons ... but feeling lost like lost

can you feel the trees so far away? .... can you feel the breeze of
another day? stepping sideways into your own time ..... listening to the
movement that the night makes, hear the sound when the leafs break, does
your floor change into an ocean ?

we spoke a million words, but they didn't mean a thing to you like
endless tuneless harmonies ... move on as you step in time .... time to
go ... you're waiting ... waiting ... waiting as you head for home ...
unsure if you walk alone ... you came to dance, to live your passions
.... but instead you live the lives of others ..... but as the cross
roads quickly appear ahead on your horizon ... the final choice is yours
to make .....

with your choice you can break the chain of command for all time
or you can surrender your souls to their system once and for all, for
your ultimate demise ..

the time is now and the now is yours ... beyond the cross roads we are
gone as universal laws we must abide by or pay the price ..... but for
you it is yours for the seizing ...

there are all types of cards left to choose from .... how ever there is
only one ace ... it is the ace of hearts .... this is the synchronistic
signature we have left for you and your earth ... but it must be you oh
human who chooses this card amongs the rest .....

it may appear we talk in code, but for many ears can hear unheard words
in between ... we have left much verbage for you to revisit and reread
and within them you will find gems you had not heard before each time
you reread them ...

this post we leave you much code all yours for the taking if you should
choose to listen within your hearts ....

whether we can communicate again or not will depend on the cross road
and the choice you make ahead ....

return to your selves
it's there for all generations
love is not the question and nor the answer
for love always is and always will be
return to the blue sheltered light and silence ..
always return to your hearts

where are we going...THE BLUE... :rose:
Jennifer C said:
Oh I like it! lol, hey Rumi, how ya doin? :rose:

Thanks for seeing it.

I'm not bad, and you?

I get madfrazzled at the government for manipulating the public the way it does but this helps.


aw blue,....now I have to think, again.
ruminator said:
Thanks for seeing it.

I'm not bad, and you?

I get madfrazzled at the government for manipulating the public the way it does but this helps.


aw blue,....now I have to think, again.

Lol, i'm very well thank you, madfrazzled? That is a great word! lol
Jennifer C said:
Lol, i'm very well thank you, madfrazzled? That is a great word! lol

ha!...it was the best way I could describe it.

That Jessica Rabbit is a sultry creature, isn't she?